******November Mummies 2018******

Thanks girls. I just want to know when my appointment will be so I can start to look forward to it! My booking appointment is on the 5th so I’ll ask then
Wonderful news mel!!!! Xx so what happens next? Do you get another scan? Xx

No that's it, they are happy that all is well. The bleeding stopped (literally at implantation and nothing since). Sac is growing, embryo is there with a heartbeat. I get a standard 12wks scan as everyone else does.

phew! So relieved... x

Ah wonderful! Do you feel more relaxed now?xx
Wonderful news mel!!!! Xx so what happens next? Do you get another scan? Xx

No that's it, they are happy that all is well. The bleeding stopped (literally at implantation and nothing since). Sac is growing, embryo is there with a heartbeat. I get a standard 12wks scan as everyone else does.

phew! So relieved... x

Ah wonderful! Do you feel more relaxed now?xx

yeah definitely x
My symptoms are really fluctuating at the moment - felt really sick yesterday and woke today feeling fine. What’s everyone else’s experiences? I keep wanting to do pregnancy tests to check I’m still pregnant when I have no symptoms!
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My symptoms are really fluctuating at the moment - felt really sick yesterday and woke today feeling fine. What’s everyone else’s experiences? I keep wanting to do pregnancy tests to check I’m still pregnant when I have no symptoms!

my symptoms come n go... one minute heavy boobs, then a bit icky, then nothing at all for 2 days... but that's totally normal. If you think some ladies have NO symptoms throughout. Other than tiredness I had nothing with my son.
Mine come and go aswell. I suffered a few days lat week and yesterday with sickness. Today I’m not as bad. You just don’t know what to expect to come at you next lol
I’ve been feeling really sick.. threw up yesterday morning but literally felt nauseous all day. Woke up this morning feeling not too bad and thought I’d got away with it, but now feel sick again :(
Also feel really exhausted..
I didn’t have many symptoms with my son so every pregnancy is different. I hope I get a break from feeling sick all day long x
On the whole I feel ok. Just exhausted and bloated
I think I’m 6 weeks and apart from sore boobs I haven’t had any symptoms. If it wasn’t for the missed period I wouldn’t even believe that I’m pregnant, I don’t feel any different.
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Hello to all the new ladies. :wave:

Glad the scan went well Melanie and you can hopefully relax a little now.

6 weeks tomorrow going by LMP. Still not feeling much other than a bit more tired. The only other thing is I seem to get a bit sicky then really moody with it but as long as I get fed (literally anything!!) all is right in the world again haha!! Also booked an early scan for a few weeks time when I'll be almost 8 weeks as we both need a bit of reassurance really. My vague symptoms aren't really helping it feel real. I do feel generally more relaxed than I thought I would be at this stage though.

Hope everyone else is ok.
Hi everyone, I’ve been away for a few days without signal, but I’ve been up and down lately because I’ve suffered with 3 mc so I’m trying not to get too excited, I’m not sure if that’s the right or wrong thing to do, I will be 5 weeks tomorrow and I’m waiting for a letter to come through for an early scan, doctor said in week 6, I’m also having days when I feel sick, sore boobs etc, then today I wake and nothing. Xx
Anyone else sleeping a lot? I just slept for 12 hours...

God yes... Usually I'm a nightowl (bed at midnight) but for the last two weeks - I'm lucky if I see 9.30/10pm... lol... and I spend an hour fighting my eyes on the sofa BEFORE that.
Yes I’m tired all the time aswell. Slept for 12 hours aswell lol. Have my first dr appointment today. Feel a bit nervous for some reason?? What do they normally do?
Yes I’m tired all the time aswell. Slept for 12 hours aswell lol. Have my first dr appointment today. Feel a bit nervous for some reason?? What do they normally do?

My GP doesn't meet me, they don't confirm it. you call and tell them you're pregnant, then make a midwife appointment for 8-10 weeks. They are all different though.
Hi all,
I’m all new to this, just got my bfp at the weekend so still in shock a little. Trying not to get too excited just yet as just at 5 weeks.
I called the doctors and booked in to see the midwife in a couple of weeks. I’m so nervous about miscarriage. Does anyone else feel like this? A lot of my friends have been through it and it’s just so heartbreaking.

My doctors don’t confirm pregnancy with a blood test either. Did anyone else have this?

Thanks all xx
Yes I’m tired all the time aswell. Slept for 12 hours aswell lol. Have my first dr appointment today. Feel a bit nervous for some reason?? What do they normally do?

I've no idea but good luck! x
Oh I didn’t realise lol I just rang gp a few weeks ago to make an appointment lol hopefully they will point me in the right direction x

Thanks sunflower hope your keeping well x
Hi all,
I’m all new to this, just got my bfp at the weekend so still in shock a little. Trying not to get too excited just yet as just at 5 weeks.
I called the doctors and booked in to see the midwife in a couple of weeks. I’m so nervous about miscarriage. Does anyone else feel like this? A lot of my friends have been through it and it’s just so heartbreaking.

My doctors don’t confirm pregnancy with a blood test either. Did anyone else have this?

Thanks all xx

Congrats on your bfp!
I’m 6+3 and even though I had an early scan last week and saw a heartbeat, I’m still so nervous! Having had 2 previous miscarriages. It’s so hard to relax, so completely understand.

My doctor didn’t initially confirm pregnancy, however I did have a blood test to check hcg level due to previous miscarriage.
Hope everything goes well for you :) x

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