November Bumps


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Just wondered who is having a November bump?

Im due on 7th feels like AAAGES away but no doubt this tri will fly past just like the other two!

hi ya not over here yet but will be on friday due nov 19th its my third and really cant see this one staying put very long!!
it will be nice for us to have a little one for xmas
Just wondered who is having a November bump?

Im due on 7th feels like AAAGES away but no doubt this tri will fly past just like the other two!


Hey! I am due on 8th November! :O) :dance:
Me! I'm not quite in third tri yet but I will be here very soon :)

I'm due on 15 November
Im not due in here yet, but am due 30th November and c-section booked for 25th :D
Hellooooo! I am due November 5th. I am quite happy for this trimester to take its time though - as I'm not sure I am at all prepared in any way for labour! Eek!!!
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Hi- I came over to tri 3 today- due 8th Nov!! x
Hiya..I have not joined here yet as I am still in trim 2..My baby is due on 22nd Nov..:)
Is anyone else starting to feel that ' I just want him/her her here now' feeling? I am ever so slightly starting to feel that some days. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely loving being pregnant!!! But feeling very fat, tired and hot. Can't wait for the winter to be snuggled up with my new family at christmas!! :dance::dance::dance:
im not getting that "hot" thing, have just come back from 2 weeks in egypt, and that was hot, but even at 42 degrees a day its been bearable, but i am quite a cold person normally,

i cant wait for the 23rd november, but hope the little one comes a little bit early!!

My little man is due on 3rd November! I dont feel hot or anything, but then again I dont really have a bump either! If it wasnt for baby moving constantly I dont think I would even remember im pregnant! lol xxxx
im not over yet...until next week! But I am due on the 18th 20th and 25th! hahahaha Midwife cannot make her mind up. xx
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Yay, theres lots of us due in November!!! I was beginning to think I was the only one on here!!

Ive been feeling VERY hot and tired too...although Im not quite sure im anywhere near ready for Charlie to arrive.!! Im such a wussie when it comes to pain!

I know one thing though, I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to my maternity leave! Work is becoming a bit too much for me now :(

Hope all you lovely ladies are ok :) xxxx
Me too TheHolster.. I could do without the stress of work now!! :roll:

We are having a 4d scan on Sat.. sooooo can't wait!!! :dance::dance:
I am very lucky as I'm on school hols at the mo. Think I'm going to struggle in September though. Going to try to make it through to half term... but I'm not so sure now! :roll:
Oooh natasha, you'll have to post some piccies up! Im soo tempted to get a 4d scan done, just not sure if I can justify the money I guess, our car has just broken and could cost up to 2k to get everything fixed :(

Cyprusare, make sure you rest up lots over the summer hols hun! you'll need the energy come september!

Kellylou, welcome to the thread hun :) xxx
Hey girls.... I am due 16th November!!! I cannot WAIT to finally have her here!!! xx
Welcome to the thread Dawn! I know how you feel, I cant wait to have my little man here, apart from anything, he's getting heavy and I wanna be able to put him down or give him to someone else to carry for a while hehe xxx

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