November 2018 Testing Thread

Oh char hun sending you massive hugs I'd be having a word aswell he could at least have made sure you had time to dtd before buggering off to the pub.

Thanks hun <3
I still feel so pissed off today and I really don’t even want to talk to him :( x

I would have been sooooooooooooo pissed off as well - its only a small window we have and its all down to us to track and make sure we get the right days and for them to just dismiss it and say 'i am going to the pub' is quite selfish imo - the least he could have done was get himself going and have a quicky, thats all you need at the end of the day.

I remember one time the oh wasnt up for it and i was soooo annoyed but i knew me getting the hump openly to him was only going to make the situation worse so i ranted in my head and said to myself 'if he doesnt want to, he doesnt want to, i cant force him, but dam was i steaming inside :lol:

The more you ladies are agreeing with me the more i frustrated i am getting LOL! God he is in my bad books and i do not even want to look at him this evening let alone touch him hahaha! x

It's one of those shit situations where the person who has done nothing wrong (you) has to be the bigger person and let it go. Don't get me wrong, I hate it when I'm in the same position like that and I get really pissed off and annoyed about something. Eventually I let it go, depends what it is and that depends on how long it takes, lol.
A few years ago after my mum died, my sis in law was a complete and utter #=#*#*#=}*#^# to me sending me an awful awful text when she was pissed saying how selfish I was, blah blah blah. I was heartbroken. That resulted in me basically not seeing my family for several months as I couldn't stand to be near her at a time when I needed them most. Eventually I realised that she is just an arsehole, doesn't give a shit about me and I had to let it go. She was never going to say sorry as she didn't care. It's ok now as I let it go. Don't get me wrong, I don't really trust her but it isn't an issue between us.

Not saying you oh doesn't care. I'm sure he does. I just get in this case, he didn't realise the importance (that doesn't excuse it) so if he says sorry then if you can, let it go and move on :)
We are here for ranting xx
CD15, positive OPK this morning! Will use pre-seed for first time tonight. X

Yay:dance: I think I'm 1DPO. Purley going by ov pains so not 100% sure. Let the symptom spotting begin:lol:

Are you temping?

I think I might ov on Thursday, but it is possible it could be tomorrow, my temps should confirm either way! Last cycle I had positive OPKs from the afternoon of CD15 until lunchtime on CD16, I assumed ov was on CD17 based on this and temp drop, apps were saying CD18, I think I was more likely to be right.

I always say I'm not going to symptom spot then something new happens and I get carried away! lol x

No I'm not temping. As it's the first month ttc I thought I'd try the 'dtd and see what happens' approach. If nothing's happened by cycle 3 I'll start using opk's and temping. Are you in the tww yet?? my SS is in overdrive:roll: every little twinge or pinch I think something's happening. I think I'm 4dpo so I know it's too early for symptoms lol! The whole dtd part was interesting - my family were here so one night we woke up at 1am to dtd quietly and another day we woke up at 5am to do it:rofl: you gotta do what you gotta do eh?

Sorry to hear about your OH Char. Men just don't get it! When I told my oh my family were coming during my fertile window his first response was 'well, there's no way I'll be dtd with your family next door so let's start next month'. I was so annoyed and told him we WOULD find a way! Men have such a relaxed approach to it all. They don't understand our utter broodiness!

Big congratulations to Radley! Happy & Healthy 9 months<3
Sorry to the ones who got hit by AF:-(
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It's one of those shit situations where the person who has done nothing wrong (you) has to be the bigger person and let it go. Don't get me wrong, I hate it when I'm in the same position like that and I get really pissed off and annoyed about something. Eventually I let it go, depends what it is and that depends on how long it takes, lol.
A few years ago after my mum died, my sis in law was a complete and utter #=#*#*#=}*#^# to me sending me an awful awful text when she was pissed saying how selfish I was, blah blah blah. I was heartbroken. That resulted in me basically not seeing my family for several months as I couldn't stand to be near her at a time when I needed them most. Eventually I realised that she is just an arsehole, doesn't give a shit about me and I had to let it go. She was never going to say sorry as she didn't care. It's ok now as I let it go. Don't get me wrong, I don't really trust her but it isn't an issue between us.

Not saying you oh doesn't care. I'm sure he does. I just get in this case, he didn't realise the importance (that doesn't excuse it) so if he says sorry then if you can, let it go and move on :)
We are here for ranting xx

Wow your sis in law doesn't sound like a very nice person but good on you Radley for being the better and bigger person.
Thank you for listening to me rant on. I think i need to get this out of my system and the only way to do that is tell him exactly how he made me feel, bu until i am ready to do that i will ignore he's phone calls :rotfl: xx
Char I would be just as pissed off hun like we have had our moments and I've told my OH how much it upsets me and explained it to him the reason it upsets me is I've never wanted anything more in my life then to have a baby so time when we don't get BD in i know my chances have just plumited for catching that cycle and it hurts
Sorry to hear about your OH Char. Men just don't get it! When I told my oh my family were coming during my fertile window his first response was 'well, there's no way I'll be dtd with your family next door so let's start next month'. I was so annoyed and told him we WOULD find a way! Men have such a relaxed approach to it all. They don't understand our utter broodiness!

Char I would be just as pissed off hun like we have had our moments and I've told my OH how much it upsets me and explained it to him the reason it upsets me is I've never wanted anything more in my life then to have a baby so time when we don't get BD in i know my chances have just plumited for catching that cycle and it hurts

Thanks ladies, i knew i could count on you all to get me <3 xx
Officially 1DPO today after a nice temp rise this morning :dance: x


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Char I would be cheesed off too with him, but you have to look at bigger picture which is you need his swimmers as you are very close to ov now! By all means pull him on it and let him know how it made you feel, but don&#8217;t let it escalate so far it ruins your chance for this cycle! Most men are not like us and don&#8217;t think too much about things, they are more relaxed, we just need to make them understand that we don&#8217;t get the ump for the fun of it! :hug:

Missing BD last night will not impact your chance, start tonight x
I think you need to tell him how he upset you and why so at least he has a better understanding from now on but if you can do that without yelling at him (it's goung to be hard) then Maybe that would work. People need to know when they have over stepped the mark and I'm sure he will be sorry.
In the case of my sis in law, she's just an arsehole that has no interest in me or my life, never has. I used to pick up my niece a few days a week when I wasn't working full time to help them after mum died as they were struggling with child care. I loved having her. When I got my job (ambulance tech) and got a training start date, the first thing she said to me was 'um....what about childcare...?' No congratulations, not a single word. She was just thinking about herself and the fact I would be able to look after her anymore.

Anyway, I'm sure you oh will be sorry and you guys can get on it x
Oh, and every time I see my neoec (she's 9), she asked when I will have a baby in my tummy. I keep telling her one day and she will be the first to know. Can't wait to see her face when I tell her there is one in there, she's lusj
Did a digi last night, it said 1-2. And did another IC this morning. OH thinks I'm nuts
Char I would be cheesed off too with him, but you have to look at bigger picture which is you need his swimmers as you are very close to ov now! By all means pull him on it and let him know how it made you feel, but don’t let it escalate so far it ruins your chance for this cycle! Most men are not like us and don’t think too much about things, they are more relaxed, we just need to make them understand that we don’t get the ump for the fun of it! :hug:

Missing BD last night will not impact your chance, start tonight x

Thank you Em.
You are right, i do need hes swimmers and i am bloody annoyed by that!! Thank you for the advice <3 xx

I think you need to tell him how he upset you and why so at least he has a better understanding from now on but if you can do that without yelling at him (it's goung to be hard) then Maybe that would work. People need to know when they have over stepped the mark and I'm sure he will be sorry.
In the case of my sis in law, she's just an arsehole that has no interest in me or my life, never has. I used to pick up my niece a few days a week when I wasn't working full time to help them after mum died as they were struggling with child care. I loved having her. When I got my job (ambulance tech) and got a training start date, the first thing she said to me was 'um....what about childcare...?' No congratulations, not a single word. She was just thinking about herself and the fact I would be able to look after her anymore.

Anyway, I'm sure you oh will be sorry and you guys can get on it x

Yes your sis in law is an absolute asshole, how can some people be so nasty in life i just don't get it. And telling your niece about your little bean will be so beautiful Radley xx

Did a digi last night, it said 1-2. And did another IC this morning. OH thinks I'm nuts

Yayyyyyyyy to the digi :dance::dust: xx
Oh Char, I think like others have said it's a case of needing to make peace because you want to get on with it this cycle, men just don't always think about how upsetting things they do/say can be. It probably hasn't even occurred to him that he's upset you. I think, annoying as it is, you've got to just suck it up and move on so that you can get as much BDing in as poss in the next few days.
Hey everyone can I join in! I'm due my period on the 17th so currently waiting it out, feels like an absolute age!

I have been symptom spotting like mad, I actually feel insane. I've gotten Carpal Tunnel, havent had it in years, feeling totally fatigued, sore boobs, twinges in my stomach and I'm having lots of discharge (sorry TMI, I know). I've also been having crazy vivid dreams/nightmares the last couple of nights and feeling soooo hot in bed.

I don't know when to start testing, I'm totally impatient.

Currently got a wee 2 year old boy at the moment and the time finally feels right to add to our family!
Ladies if any of you have Netflix - you HAVE too watch a documentary called 'The Secret'
I am about 15 minutes in and it is already changing the way i am thinking.
It is actually amazing and would help every single one of us ladies in this thread <3

Enjoy and let me know what you think xx
What's it about Char? x

the way of thinking about life, basically if you believe you want something in life you will eventually get it but there is a way of achieving that. I am speechless watching this honestly. x

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