November 2018 Testing Thread

you crack me up, you really do! lol. I wasn't expecting it at all and it's super early again but I'm not sure exactly when af is due. Lucky i'm not back in work until Monday so i can stay under a blanket incubating until then, lol.

I will test again tomorrow I think, I have a frer. Too scared to get a digi just yet :oooo:

OH is excited but freaked just like me. Neither of us want to get our hopes up too much after last time, but those lines are way better than what I got in October

hahaha why?
I just love it when one of us ladies gets a bfp :) it makes me happy!
Cannot wait to see your FRER tomorrow morning!!
I can imagine how nervous you must be because of your last cycle but stay positive :dust: xx
you crack me up, you really do! lol. I wasn't expecting it at all and it's super early again but I'm not sure exactly when af is due. Lucky i'm not back in work until Monday so i can stay under a blanket incubating until then, lol.

I will test again tomorrow I think, I have a frer. Too scared to get a digi just yet :oooo:

OH is excited but freaked just like me. Neither of us want to get our hopes up too much after last time, but those lines are way better than what I got in October

hahaha why?
I just love it when one of us ladies gets a bfp :) it makes me happy!
Cannot wait to see your FRER tomorrow morning!!
I can imagine how nervous you must be because of your last cycle but stay positive :dust: xx

staying positive and actually we are off to cuddle cats at the local sanctuary this afternoon. My two mogs will wonder where we've been but I think it's going to be fun and take our minds off.

I may amazon a digi for the weekend
Just got a line on a cheapie. Ffs, this is killing my brain. Thought I'd poas to get it out of my system then really did not expect anything to show up. They arebt reliable though are they, maybe I'm not in the bfp club. Line is pink but I'm still not convinced.

This looks EXACTLY like mine did :dance:

I cant say a bad thing about the IC's - i tested at 11dpo when i got my positive and kept testing on them and the line gradually got darker until i did a digi.

Congratulations <3
Just wanted to massive congrats to the ladies who have got their BFPs. And good luck to those left to test, looks like November is going to be a lucky month!

Also, Radley, those lines are brilliant for cheapies. At 14dpo my lines weren't any near that dark! Xxx

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Thank you ladies. It really does help to hear your experiences with the cheapies. I'm so surpised that the one I nicked from A&E came up as well. I've got two digi coming tomorrow but I will hold off before using them for a few days, maybe at the weekend. Just don't want to get my hopes up too much after the positive at 12dpo before but these do look so much darker and the cheapie didn't show anything last time.

We go on holiday to visit friends on 21st so no keeping quiet as they will be expecting me to be drinking. Wouldn't really want to tell anyone that early but it's unavoidable I guess.

When did it sink in for you?
Hey congrats on the BFPs!!! awesome news.

I have a dilemma again this cycle. It seems that every cycle there is a reason to postpone til next cycle. So there is lilely to be redundancies in my work. We will find out next Tuesday which jobs will be going. I'm pretty certain that my job will be safe but I can't be sure. I ovulate on Sunday or MOnday so I don't know whether to postpone this cycle just in case. It wouldn't be great financially for us for me to be pregnant and out of work as I'm relying on the good maternity pay I get in my job. I really dont' want to have to delay again. I've delayed by 3 months following chemical in early august due to an important wedding abroad I need to attend. The month has finally arrived that I thought I could try and it would be ok to fly and no the announcemne tof redundancies 1 day after I ovulate. argh!!
Hey congrats on the BFPs!!! awesome news.

I have a dilemma again this cycle. It seems that every cycle there is a reason to postpone til next cycle. So there is lilely to be redundancies in my work. We will find out next Tuesday which jobs will be going. I'm pretty certain that my job will be safe but I can't be sure. I ovulate on Sunday or MOnday so I don't know whether to postpone this cycle just in case. It wouldn't be great financially for us for me to be pregnant and out of work as I'm relying on the good maternity pay I get in my job. I really dont' want to have to delay again. I've delayed by 3 months following chemical in early august due to an important wedding abroad I need to attend. The month has finally arrived that I thought I could try and it would be ok to fly and no the announcemne tof redundancies 1 day after I ovulate. argh!!

If it were me, I wouldn't postpone as we'd always find a reason to do so and we arebt in control of when we get pregnant so I'd want as many chances as possible. But that's just me. Chat to your oh about it?
Just went to the loo and had some white discharge in my knickers (TMI sorry) Then as I went to flush I noticed whitish/pinkish discharge on the toilet paper with thin streaks of red blood in it. I wouldn't have noticed had I not seen on the paper as I didn't feel when I wiped. I know you can get implantation bleeding Hut ko idea what this looks like or is. Please don't let this be happening again :(
Sorry just catching up... how have you been since Radleycat? Fx this is your stickybean! Please keep us updated

AF is on its way for me. Mild stomach cramps and brown tinged CM. My cycle was 30 days last time after my 2nd MC and it will have been 28 days this time so at least I know my cycles have gone back to being regular after my MCs... onwards to the next cycle for me. Good luck to those who are still waiting to test :clover: :dust:
Sorry just catching up... how have you been since Radleycat? Fx this is your stickybean! Please keep us updated

AF is on its way for me. Mild stomach cramps and brown tinged CM. My cycle was 30 days last time after my 2nd MC and it will have been 28 days this time so at least I know my cycles have gone back to being regular after my MCs... onwards to the next cycle for me. Good luck to those who are still waiting to test :clover: :dust:

Sorry that AF is on its way xx

Had a small amount of pink cm about an hour ago. Nothing since but I'm terrified every time I go to the loo. I did another couple of tests and still positive. I have cramping / pulling in the lower abdo. Not sure it's af style cramps, feels a bit different. Just hope nothing else happens and this one sticks hard
Sorry just catching up... how have you been since Radleycat? Fx this is your stickybean! Please keep us updated

AF is on its way for me. Mild stomach cramps and brown tinged CM. My cycle was 30 days last time after my 2nd MC and it will have been 28 days this time so at least I know my cycles have gone back to being regular after my MCs... onwards to the next cycle for me. Good luck to those who are still waiting to test :clover: :dust:

Sorry that AF is on its way xx

Had a small amount of pink cm about an hour ago. Nothing since but I'm terrified every time I go to the loo. I did another couple of tests and still positive. I have cramping / pulling in the lower abdo. Not sure it's af style cramps, feels a bit different. Just hope nothing else happens and this one sticks hard

Yes I’ve got everything crossed for you Radleycat and hoping your bean is super sticky this time for you xxx
Radley keep us up to date. Hopefully it's a sticky bean.

I'm waiting to test next week but I'm not feeling hopeful. Don't "feel" pregnant
Radley - fingers crossed this is your sticky bean :dust:

Sjf - sorry that af is on the way hun, like you said atleast you know your cycles have gone back to normal which is a really good thing <3 big hugs :hug:

Ladies...... I got my first flashing smiley this morning. I was so excited I almost screamed looool! But I need help, does this mean I start with the :bd:? I am thinking stick to every other day (not that I have) until my solid smiley comes and then do the 3 days in a row malarkey?
I think I might start with my coneive plus tonight too all the way through to ov!
I also did a Ic OPK this morning too it was completely negative, how strange is that!!!! Xx
Exciting Char, maybe try another IC later today so you can see if that&#8217;s showing near positive. If it is, I would just BD every day until ov has happened if you can. I don&#8217;t know about the CB sticks. Would defo use conceive plus all the time now until ov x
Radley, keeping everything crossed for you! X
Congrats Radley!!! So happy you've caught again!:bfp:

So sorry AF got you SJF....

I'm out too ladies... AF is here. Off to December now! Hopeful for a Christmas bfp!!x
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Exciting Char, maybe try another IC later today so you can see if that’s showing near positive. If it is, I would just BD every day until ov has happened if you can. I don’t know about the CB sticks. Would defo use conceive plus all the time now until ov x

Yep that conceive plus is FINALLY coming out to play tonight!! :dance:

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