*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Its the bloat. Plus your uterus is growing and oushing other orgnas up out the way so your going ro puff out where they are being oushed to. Mines done the same. Its all normal xx
Has anybody bought anything yet or waiting?

I had a 'suggested post' pop up on my fb yesterday and it was a new Silvercross Wave travel system. It's a new style , never heard of it and I love it! It's just shy of £1000 though :shock: but gorgeous! Arghhh xx
Has anybody bought anything yet or waiting?

I had a 'suggested post' pop up on my fb yesterday and it was a new Silvercross Wave travel system. It's a new style , never heard of it and I love it! It's just shy of £1000 though :shock: but gorgeous! Arghhh xx

Have a couple of bits bit waiting until the sec scan for most stuff.
Oohhh it should be nice for a grand!! I have no clue what I'm going for I've looked at a couple of pram so far xx
We've been gifted a set each from my best friend and then my brother in law, and bought 3/4 things ourselves. Just some little sleep suits, got a bargain on a pack of 8 vests for £7.50 in Asda baby event when we were food shopping on Sunday, couldn't not really! And have a couple of things from before I was pregnant because they matched us so well. I know, I'm crazy haha. Xx
Such bad pain every few mins for about 10/20 secs. Low low down. Called mw who said due to my history i need to be checked in EPU. They are closed untill tomorrow so i was told to take paracetamol and if it got worse go to a&e 😢
My scan is tomorrow, starting to feel nervous. I *think* i can feel some movements but still worried.
It's completely normal hun, bloody scary at times (I have run to the loo a couple of times thinking the worst) but completely normal.

Try not to worry, but also make sure you contact your midwife/Gp if you need additional reassurance

Thankyou :) been ok today but yes it is scary but had no blood or anything, i just want to get my scan ! I hate this waiting ! 😂😂😂
Thanks everyone for reassurance. Anyone got any book recommendations?
I've not really bothered with books this time yet I think last time they didn't tell me anything I didn't know from here. But I've heard unmumsy mum is meant to be good don't know if its pregnancy for parenting. Xx
My scan is tomorrow, starting to feel nervous. I *think* i can feel some movements but still worried.

Hope your scan went well! :) xxx
Still 3 hours to go. Keeping myself busy with children. its my younger son's birthday party this Friday so thankfully enough to do!

Keep busy it will be here in no time. Mine actually came quickly because so had the school runs etc xx
All looking ok, NT measurement 1.2 mm. Now for the NIPT test
They didnt change my EDD so its still 14th November.
Scan dayyyyy. Eekkkkk getting nervous ans excited now. Got a morning of work to get through first!!! Scan at 15.25!!!!!
Good luck ladies! So jealous of all these scans!! STILL not had a scan letter come through. Am going up to the maternity unit today for an appointment, so going to ask then what's going on. I've got a suspicion that the letter may have gone to my old address and not been redirected.

Anyway.... Has anyone else started with swollen hands/feet yet? Can't believe it's started soo early!!


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