*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Good luck Rachel!
Swollen hands and feet?!!!! Already! I'm so not prepared for this! Thought that came in the third trimester �� I feel so ignorant and dumb.
Ahh just got my scan letter!' Next Friday at 0730, finish work at 0700 and it's just down the corridor! So excited! Then I fly to England in the afternoon with hopefully good news!! Eek!
2 days til I hit 12 weeks and not until 2 weeks tomorrow for our scan! Had two sneaky ones already but this is the first official 12w one xx
Had my appt at EPU today. Babe is finw, still measuring on point. 13+5.
I have white blood cells in my pee so if its an infection thatl be a reason for the pain. Otherwise she said could be early onset of SPD.
Just got to wait for results
2.1 is fine, I think they say anything below 3.5 is classed as low risk x
Yeah the lady said to me we're looking for it to be under 3.5

I'm still waiting for my letter with the combined results on actually forgot about that coming. My scan was a week ago yesterday. Has anyone had theirs?

I'm back at work tomorrow after being off for a day with high blood pressure. I feel depressed about going, which I don't usually. Can't wait for 6 months off.

Finally have a scan date, only because I asked at the hospital. So I have my scan a week today, which puts me at 14 weeks going by lmp, but I reckon I'll be a couple of days more. I reckon it'll be too late to do the screening which happened last time too. Not that I'm concerned by that, as the results would not change how I feel about this baby.

The midwife heard the hearbeat today, the little thing kicked the doppler. So when I got home I looked in the same place and found it. It doesn't sound as fast as I thought but the mw said it was strong never mentioned speed. Anyway the baby kicked my doppler and I felt it!! It like pushed my hand. So cute!! I'm going to try again soon. Xx
redbear are you feeling kicks or just hearing them?? Exciting!!

About you got a scan date Emmajaine it's not fair that you've had to wait so long.

Currently watching OBEM and the lady who lost her little one at 20 weeks has broke my heart and set off my anxiety! xxx

redbear are you feeling kicks or just hearing them?? Exciting!!

About you got a scan date Emmajaine it's not fair that you've had to wait so long.

Currently watching OBEM and the lady who lost her little one at 20 weeks has broke my heart and set off my anxiety! xxx

Felt it, well felt the doppler being kicked I've not felt movement usually but must be the doppler pushed against my skin made it easier to feel. Ice always felt movement late on with mine so it's lovely.

I'm just watching the obem it's very sad xx
Evening everyone. Scan went really well even tho baby was being cheeky and the guy struggled to get the measurements. Im bang on my dates so due 11th November!!! Was so pleased to see it wriggling around on the screen!!
Evening everyone. Scan went really well even tho baby was being cheeky and the guy struggled to get the measurements. Im bang on my dates so due 11th November!!! Was so pleased to see it wriggling around on the screen!!

Aww lovely news! Xx
Hey girls
I've managed to get a Dating scan booked for Monday 8th May , my hubby's birthday I'll be 13+1 I really think there's something wrong as I'm not feeling pregnant at all

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Clover i dont feel pregnant at all either! Try not to worry and good luck with thw scan! Xxx
Other than feeling sick I don't feel pregnant. I don't feel like there's anything in there. It's an odd feeling.

Great news your scan went well!

Good luck with yours Clover! :) xxx

Has anyone seen the Pampers preemie advert? Oh wow that's got me in tears!
So just dtd (for the sexond time since concieving) and now im bleeding. Think because its bewn so long its more likely tearage than anything sinister????

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