*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

I have not really felt pregnant this time round - mainly tiredeness. Not even sore boobs. So I guess every pregnancy is different.
On the NT , under 3.5 mm is considered low risk
Is it a lot of blood? I think it's worth getting checked out although I wouldn't worry too much as your recent scan showed everything was fine. Hope all is well! xxx

I've bled every time we've had sex, I've been bleeding on a d off since 8 weeks, so I understand the worry claire, you've had your scan and everything is good, unless it gets worse I would try not to worry...but definitely contact your midwife or Epu on Monday
Big hugs


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I was told by my midwife if I bleed after sex I should go see my GP
Have you seen anyone ?
Have just woken up after the most horrific dream. I was dreaming about the scan, and I could see that baby hadn't grown since the private scan we had, so I sent my oh and little one out of the scan room, but the sonographer wouldn't tell me what was wrong. He kept saying "you need to see the doctor" and then I had to wait agesto see the doctor.

And now I'm lying in bed sobbing, while my partner snores away oblivious. It was so realistic and now I am completely terrified that it is true and when I go on Thursday they will tell me I've had a mmc. And I will have to cope with hearing that and not be able to cry etc as my little girl will be with us, and I won't want to upset her.

Sorry rambley post. But needed to get it our somewhere.
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That sounds like an awful dream! But remember that it was just a dream, and dreams are just jumbled up worries. Talk to your OH about it, have a good hug and nice cup of tea :)

When is your scan?
Awww Emmajaine hope your ok
You've had your private scan and everything was good, try to stay positive
I know it's hard as I've felt the same recently
But I've just had my scan today and everything is good! :D


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Had my 12/13 week scan today , baby measuring 13+4! A few days ahead of what I thought
I had to lie on my side for this pic ad she/he was being a monkey

So relieved :D

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Aww, a beautiful photo Clover! So pleased for you! Any sign of your haematoma still or has it reabsorbed?
No sign of it at all so I think it's re absorbed
Thanks hun, I hope everything is good with you too :D xxx

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Awww yay!! I've been waiting for this update Gail!!

Very happy for you hun! Lovely piccy!


Aww great news Clover! Baba looks very chilled out!

Emmajaine that sounds like a very stressful dream! :( hope you're okay. Dreams can leave strange feelings and emotions behind I find.

Hope everyone is well! X

Thanks ladies, still feeling worried, but trying not to obsess over it! Thursday can't come soon enough.

That's a gorgeous pic Clover!

Hey, is anyone taking aspirin?? I've been told to take it as I had pre-eclampsia with my 1st and high blood pressure with my 3rd but wasn't advised to take anything in previous pregnancies. I've just read the info and now I'm worried about taking them.... :(
I've been prescribed 75mg aspirin daily. I had high blood pressure with my last pregnancy & was in & out of hospital being tested for pre eclampsia. So this time they've recommended aspirin. I've been a bit apprehensive taking it but midwife said it's very good at keeping blood pressure down. xx

Thank you, my youngest is 4 next month and can't believe the guidelines have changed since then. At least I'm grateful I can eat eggs!! Xx
Hey sorry to be a pain but my dating scan has put me foward almost a week so could you change me to 8th please!! Thank you ...

I've booked a private gender scan for 20th May! ! I will be 16 +1 it was only £39 and includes a 4D sneak preview :D

Feel like I can relax a bit now :o

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Ladies just been for a wee and when I wiped I had thick ewcm. Was clear, white and but yellow with some tiny bits of brown. Anyone experienced this or should I be concerned?! Xx
I've had this Rachel
I've had brown we cm and spotting on and off for about 4 weeks, I would contact your midwife and tell her hopefully nothing to worry about especially if it's brown


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