*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

I'm 13 weeks today! I've booked a gender scan for 27th May and have my 20 week scan on 24th June.
Oh happy 13 weeks hun!!! I'm 12 weeks today :)
Oh it's lovely that you have the dates for your scans so exciting :D I'm just hoping I get my 12 week scan in time!!! I'm just glad I had a scan at 9 weeks and saw baby and hb


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Is anyone finding that they have no appetite and then suddenly finding that you want to eat the entire contents of the fridge, debate driving to get a maccies breakfast ans cant stop thinking of an all you can eat buffet?!
Lol. I swear food is always on my mind
Rachel I'm always hungry lately. I daydream about BBQs and Sunday lunchs :lol:

Off for a Sunday lunch today :) xx

Yep, either not hungry at all, or want to eat EVERYTHING in sight!!

Oooh Sunday lunch sounds amazing, could just do a carvery right now...

Clover - at my BI app last week the midwife said the screening needs to be before 14 weeks too, and the only date she could get for my scan was at 13+6 on 19th May! Wish I never bothered with screening. I only said I'd be happy to have anything non invasive because I thought they just did it at your '12 week' scan while they were there, not end up being booked in 2 weeks later :(

We had a private scan at 9+1 for the day after we got back off holiday which was a huge relief to see baby moving around! It put us at that much ease we decided to announce last Sunday at 10+1. I figured most people wait til 12w after their scan and that was our second one so balls to waiting, I wanted to share our wonderful news with the world! I couldn't cope waiting til 13+6 had I not had that scan at 9 weeks! Xx
April- yes the midwife said the scan which involves screening would have to be done before 14 weeks so like you I guess I'm going to have it last minute if at all, I just hope they can get me in within 2 weeks

Aww it's lovely that you've made the announcement, I have yet to tell my parents so I think I'm going to wait till after my scan, but everyone else knows (my parents live away)

I'm going to ring my midwife on Tuesday and ask her to book my scan even if I don't get to see her until next week I need to get that done

Hope you had a lovely holiday, we've just got back from Portugal and it was amazing :D


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Could I possibly be added to the front page please? Edd14th November Thanks :D

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Thanks Starchild :D hey cati my date may change as I've not had my official dating scan yet, is this your first pregnancy? I always go overdue so no doubt this one will be a late November Bubba :o

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Anyone else getting headaches? I had one from yesterday afternoon until around 1 today when it let up after I took my aspirin, now its back. :/ xxx

I've had one in this pregnancy, which is really good for me because I used to suffer from chronic migraines! Only just came off the medication for it before finding out baby is on its way!
Im due 25th november :) but ive got my first scan on the 16th of may so it could change!
I dont feel pg at all. The other say i was convinved i could feel movement. Now ive come to the realisation it was me trying to make myself believe it was becausw i dont feel pregnant :(
I dont feel pg at all. The other say i was convinved i could feel movement. Now ive come to the realisation it was me trying to make myself believe it was becausw i dont feel pregnant :(

Im still not convinced 😂😂😂 i think when i have my scan it will sink in! And im constantly worrying !

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