*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Done. :)

I'm officially tri 2 today according to baby's size. 14 weeks today xxx

I've never been pregnant before but to those who have I'm really getting depressed about my body changing. I know I ts going to happen and I accept it. But I'm 10.5 weeks!!!!

My belly looks like a big pot belly I can't hold it in I feel like I've lost muscle control and my gut is just chilling. Is this a symotom of pregnancy? Normally when I put weight on it starts on my lower back..
I'm just so uncomfortable and have no clothes and maternity jeans are no good because the denim is so low waist my big fat beer belly just flops over Urgh it's disgusting.. I'm normally a 3-4x a week gym but I feel sick and start gipping as soon as I start any form of exercise.

Is this normal or does it genuinely sound like I've eaten all the pies? ������
Its normal your muscles relax to give your belly room to grow, and it doesn't suck in. Some women show less than others but I think that's down to genetic traits not anything they do. Have you looked for over the bump pants? Leggings? You can also get bump bands that go over to support you and I found with the band it shaped me more so I looked pregnant bot just fat. I actually need to find that. Xx
My body has changed so quickly.
I'm usually quite slim and have had a few body image issues in the past, but being pregnant and seeing my body change every day is fascinating for me.
I take every opportunity I get to show off my bump, which apprently is quite big for 11 weeks.

Maybe because your hormones might be all over the place too, that's not helping. I'm sure it'll ease down soon.
You should go on a comfy-clothes shopping spree!
I've never got on with under the bump jeans or leggings, over the bump are most comfortable. The best jeans I found were Red Herring at Debenhams - £26.
Sorry if you think im being over dramatic but i have been getting period like cramping at work today towards the end of my shift, is this normal?
Sorry first pregnancy and abit of a worrier! Ive got another midwife appt next week, i still dont believe im pregnant and i dont think i will until ive had my scan!


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Get over the bump clothes.

I was the same with my first pregnancy - i had lost 4st prior to catching and finally had my flat stomach and felt good about myself. Now im starting pregnancy at 2st heavier than my pre pregnancy (last time) weight and already feel disgusted at myself. My stretch marks are from my pubic bone up to my boobs but you know what - i grew a human! (And they are silver now) i am getting married next october so have the motovation to try and spring back into shape after this one.
But i know its hard - but in the nicest way possible - your having a baby, what did you expect?
Try not to feel sad about it and just try to enjoy pregnancy (as much as you can)
Your body is doing all the right things but over the bump clothes are defo more comfy xxxxxx
I bought my first pair of over the bump jeans last week
I have never known a pair of jeans so be so comfy! If I knew they were this comfy I'd have started wearing them years ago! Haha
Sorry if you think im being over dramatic but i have been getting period like cramping at work today towards the end of my shift, is this normal?
Sorry first pregnancy and abit of a worrier! Ive got another midwife appt next week, i still dont believe im pregnant and i dont think i will until ive had my scan!

It's completely normal hun, bloody scary at times (I have run to the loo a couple of times thinking the worst) but completely normal.

Try not to worry, but also make sure you contact your midwife/Gp if you need additional reassurance

It's not the baby though, it's my upper abdomen. I didn't expect it at all, excuse my ignorance. I expected to grow in all angles yes but I'm soooo uncomfortable it's awful I'll try attach a picture
I didn't realise this could happen at 10 weeks and In the opposite end of the abomden lol.


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It looks like a tidy little bump to me :)
Mine is quite big, but I haven't figured out how to upload pics on this from my phone yet
But how is that possible when it's the size of a sushi roll and all the way down toward my public bone ���� so confused lol
From 6 weeks to 11 weeks I felt really really bloated, think it's down to hormones, now I just look flabby definitely no bump. You might find it settles down in the next couple of weeks. I also get really constipated during pregnant (sorry for the over share) so that can contribute to it.
I was getting really bloated about two weeks ago, the bump would come and go. But now it's there when I wake up and stays big all day, so I guess it's not bloat
I was told that your uterus is bigger than your baby at the moment, so maybe that's why, plus your body is getting ready for it to grow I guess

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