Not well...Need more help please.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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Today i have woken up with a poorly tummy and i have been sick but also Leif hasnt asked for any bottles or food. He had about 3 oz of a bottle this morning and i gave him half a jar of food before he was falling to sleep, so after he slept till about 4.30ish we gave him a tin of strawberry cheesecake pudding and he drank about 2 oz of his bottle, half an hour later he was projectile vomiting everywhere, more sick than i have ever seen him do. I have checked his temperature and it says 34.5 and mine says 37.1. What shall i do? What do i give him? I am completely clueless :(
I suspect your thermometer reading is not right, as suggested; but then getting a good reading on a baby can be difficult. In any case, I doubt there is a fever there, as the reading you have is lower than normal. Best call the doc about the vomiting, tho. Just a thought, had he had the strawberry thing before? Strawberries can cause massive allergic reactions. In Spain they dont recommend giving before LO is one year old. Hope baby is feeling better soon...

:hug: :hug:
Ok so i took him to the doctors where my oh had to tell him to take his temperature, when he eventually found the thermometer he took it and said it was 32.1 and that was ok :?
No 32.1 is not ok,
Measurement method
Normal temperature range

36.6°C to 38°C (97.9°F to 100.4°F)

35.8°C to 38°C (96.4°F to 100.4°F)

35.5°C to 37.5°C (95.9°F to 99.5°F)

34.7°C to 37.3°C (94.5°F to 99.1°F)

Quite frankly shocked your gp said it was :shock: He obviously hasnt got a high temperature but personally i would call nhs direct and ask for their advice, keep trying him with sips of water to keep him hydrated. I hope you both get better soon :hug:
I have taken him back to the doctors today because he still has diarrea and it doesnt seem to be getting any better. He said to get a sample of it but dont soil the outside of the tube and dont take it out of the nappy, how on earth is that possible?! Also he has given him Wysoy milk to try and said if its no better in a few days we will admit him, But doesnt changing milk brand make theyre tummies upset to? Really dont want to spend Christmas in Hospital :(
Flame said:
I have taken him back to the doctors today because he still has diarrea and it doesnt seem to be getting any better. He said to get a sample of it but dont soil the outside of the tube and dont take it out of the nappy, how on earth is that possible?! Also he has given him Wysoy milk to try and said if its no better in a few days we will admit him, But doesnt changing milk brand make theyre tummies upset to? Really dont want to spend Christmas in Hospital :(

I'm sure that it is ok to take poo from the nappy providing that you arn't scraping it off and getting bits of nappy in the sample (I took Jake's poo sample from his nappy when he was ill). If not you could lay Leif on his changing mat with his nappy off and wait for him to poo so you can take the sample from that. I hope he gets better soon xxx
Flame have you changed LO to Stage 2 formula recently, that could be an issue yes :hug:
I only mention this as I recently was unable to get hold of Isaac's usual stage 2 formula and he has had diorehea since being on the changed one. However, I have a cold and he's also teething, its so hard to know, I found this if it helps? Do whatever feels right to you, ring NHS Direct too, hope he's better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:

For both vomiting and diarrhoea in children:

*If you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your baby, continue to feed them as normal. If they are reluctant to be fed, feed them little and often.

*Reassure the child. Keep them comfortable and warm, with some fresh air circulating if possible.

*Keep them hydrated. Give them small amounts of water or unsweetened fruit juice to sip slowly. You can also add a rehydration formula to water, which is available from pharmacies. A rehydration formula will provide the correct balance the water, salt and sugar that your child loses through vomiting and diarrhoea.

*If your child wants to eat, offer them soup and foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta or potatoes. Do not starve your child. Don't worry if they refuse to eat - just make sure that they drink plenty of liquids.

* If you child has a fever or headache, give them liquid paracetamol or ibuprofen. Do not give your child anti-diarrhoea medicines - they are intended for adult use only.

*If either vomiting or diarrhoea continues and the child seems generally unwell (with fever, rash, abdominal pain or drowsiness) seek medical advice from your GP, or call NHS Direct on 0845 4647. Always get medical advice for small babies.

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