NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Oh good there you are Emma! I'm worried its too high now haha!!
On the leaflet it says they are designed to be worn as low as possible but I have it as high as possible lol hope thats okay. Xx
Millie Don't worry I'm here!!
It will be fine, I thought mine was too high up last night but I got it out no problem this morning, does it feel uncomfortable?
what did you mean by the stem was out?, my softcup doesn't have a stem lol xxx
Woo hoo!!

Really hope this leads to a bfp for you!!

I'm sure you'll get it out again hun, no problems.


Oh mine has a little stem/stalk thing I guess to pull on haha it mentions trimming it and I thought I was gonna have to but then when I got up it went really high up hahaha!
Will read the instructions again of how to remove in a bit lol. Was very funny trying to get that thing in. Could never use it for AF!! Xx
Next time I use I'l leave it in longer but def wanna make sure I can get it out first ha! May leave it another hour or so! X
Well that was easy enough to take out :) . Well it definitely holds the spermies haha was pretty grim once removed ha! Only left it in for an hour lol probably should of left it in longer as now all the spermies are gone but that should be long enough for them to get to where they need to be right? Obviously better to keep in for longer but now I know for next time that it's easy to remove etc! :)
Will keep it in for 8 hours or so next time and then they have to get to the right place surely lol!! :). Feeling very prepared for my Clomid cycle now!! :) xxx
Oh have you taken it out ok hun?
You can leave it in overnight if you want to but at least you've tried and tested it now!!
I really hope we all get our BFP'S this month :) xxx
Yeah was fine to take out, felt a bit weird but didn't get stuck like I worried it would haha!!
My plan of action is to dtd later or tomorrow morning and to leave the mooncup in for around 8 hours. After that I can't dtd as its my smear on wed. Smears at 3pm Wednesday its okay to dtd 7am Tuesday right?
And then thats me done for ov I think! :) . May dtd once more Wednesday night and use mooncup and then I've decided I'm just gonna use those bv pessaries I already have. Rather than get antibiotics. You use them for 7 days. I'm pretty sure I am oving now so will be okay to use them (they aren't friendly for sperm lol).
Will be nice to get a break tbh haha we don't usually have a break as ov is always everywhere so keep dtd throughout the cycle so actually looking forward to it haha xx
Well we dtd last night for fun as hubby has been away for a few days, woke up this morning to more bleeding now so I'm sure this is af :(
A whole cycle of posivity and now that the horrible witch has caught me I feel depressed about it all, I've been in tears this morning, feel like I need a break from it all now, the heartbreak of having fallen pregnant so quickly and then having it snatched away so soon! I would have been almost 6 months now! :(

So break for me this cycle, I know roughly when I ov so there will be no opk's, we will dtd when the mood takes us, I'll be checking back on this thread to hopefully see lots of bfp's, good luck ladies.x
Ahh I'm so sorry about af :( . sorry about your loss too :( it's so hard thinking about what stage you would be at etc. It will happen :)

We didnt dtd last night or this morn so fingers crossed last nights spermies did the trick lol! Can't dtd till tomorrow night now cause of the smear but gonna do it once tomorrow night and then use the pessaries
So sorry Drc, sometimes a little break does the world of good xx
My god I feel terrible haha. Headache, sore boobs, keep nearly throwing up the lot lol!! I even did a frer even though I know it was AF last week and I know ive just ovd and it was bfn obviously ha so these symptoms are just from ovulation!!! Crazy! I googled it and some people do get sick around ov and lots of symptoms etc.
I think the consultant is defo right when he says I don't ov every month because some months I feel ill after ov and some I don't. But I've never had opks so dark and I have never felt so bad after ov lol. I don't think I'm ill I just feel hormonal haha! Hopefully that means I had a good ov then!! :). God knows what I'd be like on Clomid. Having to have a sit down before leaving the house as felt so sick haha. And my boobs are so ouch. So feel good about this month but defo keeping the promise i made to myself to not test till day af is due lol! Xxx
When I was out I had to sit on the pavement as nearly passed out! Wth lol I don't think its the detox as not even hungry today and been eating like quorn and rice so pretty much back to normal. And my right boob is agony haha! Have I had some mad super ovulation or something!! Xx
Fingers crossed for a superegg Millie! It's definitely putting you through it so hopefully it's an extra special one (or two!!) :-) xx
Millie, maybe it is a super egg, hope you feel better soon though as can't be nice xx
My opks still very positive today but had some creamy CM which I usually get once ov has happened so not sure if I have ovulated yet or not. Will bd tonight anyway and hope there were some waiting from the other day xx
Millie hope your ok hunny!!
Sorry I've been in a meeting this morning so only just got chance to check on here
Perhaps it's because you've had a really strong Ovulation plus the effects of the detox?

Drc so sorry AF arrived, it's so heartbreaking each month especially since your loss, fingers crossed for your relaxed cycle hun

1dpo today and im impatient already
I'm hoping and praying this is it, I've detoxed, DTD at the right time used Opks and CBDigi Preseed and Softcups .plus Clomid....I can't do anymore!!! xxx

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