NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Got some of the yes baby lube but didn't wanna use it till next cycle lol. Did see it said you were meant to wet it though so I guess could just use water this cycle or will that kill the sperm? Don't wanna use the yes baby yet wanna save it for clomid cycle as was 20 pounds for one months worth haha xxx
You are meant to lubricate it with some sort of fertility lube but I wouldn't bother, don't wet it either as it could affect the sperm, I will Google alternatives fertility lube! xxx
Haha typical! Don't want to get any balance activ conceive as it gave me bv last time!
Maybe I should hold off the mooncup until I use the yes baby next cycle? Xx
Hahha oh gosh!
Just read her whole post and gonna do everything she suggested with having the sperm in the mooncup and then inserting it for 12 hours haha.
Egg white thing is weird..would maybe consider it with the egg white stuff she said she buys but defo wouldnt do it by seperating eggs lol ick! Xx
No I think if you coukd buy pasturised egg white it would be worth trying but not by separating the eggs!!
I would still use it but with water xxx
Do you think the water could affect spermies?
If I see any pasturised egg whites I'l get them but wont go looking specially haha!xx
Do you think it's possible to get symptoms at like 5/6dpo? To be fair i have no idea what day post Ov I am I'm just guessing.

I feel so run down and even queezy. My nipples are really sore and I just want to sleep :-(
Yes I think it is poss, I have before with my m/c pregs! Sore boobs and tiredness and sickness really early xxx
I'll keep an eye on it - think it could possibly be a bug but something in the back if my mind is saying 'your pregnant'
Evening ladies well I'm joining in with the opks took one earlier just for fun and looks like I could be surging again I really am having a weird cycle lol my boobs are growing and are heavy and sore so I'm thinking I've ovd can u ov twice in one cycle bloody typical hubby's back at work lol xx
I think it's possible that you had a surge and for some reason the egg wasn't released then your surging again I would take this as your proper surge, least your in with a chance this month now!! xxx
Well I've had Ov pains overnight and we DTD last night :) (first time since wed) I've done an Opk and my Clearblue digi this morning and it's so positive and I got my Solid Smiley :):):)
Yippee angel looks that you got timing just perfect!! Hope your tww goes fast!! Xx
Still feel like crap - went to bed at 8:30pm and woke at 6:30am and still feel knackered. I keep thinking of it was a bug I would be being sick or something by now but I just feel tired and nauseous. Hopefully I will pick up soon - feel bad on my lo all we seem to do it laze around watching TV last day or two :-( xx
Oh Holi
I think your pregnant! !! I was so tired and felt like I was getting a bug from 5dpo when I got my Bfp with my LO xxx
Yeah that's my thinking too to be honest! Will try not get my hopes up!! I'll probably end up testing a lot earlier than I planned!! X

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