Holi, sounds promising
Perfect timing Angel, I love seeing a smiley face opk, I hope to get mine in the next couple of days, a few of us will be in the 2WW together it seems xx
I'm cd 19 today going to do another opk shortly and see what that shows up I think I'm just having a very weird cycle lol tbh I will be glad when this one is over and done with hahah
I think this might be positive! (Done 3 today and they have been getting darker) I'm cd14 today. Trying to fit in dtd as much as poss over the next couple of days. Thank god for bank holiday just got the tww to get through now xx
Think it is maybe the teensiest bit lighter but I reckon will be a def positive later today eeek!!
Loads of us seem to be oving at the same time haha xxx
Ahhh facebook is annoying at the minute!!
Newborn baby pics, bump pics, smug mummys with their young babies and then the royal baby everywhere!! Today every other post on my newsfeed is either royal baby or someone on my friends list with their baby or bump! May start removing people I knew through uni now. I don't really speak to them so much anymore and too many are having babies haha!! Xx
We are all busy dtd at the moment! I'm gross today ️haven't even showered as Ive told myself spermies will wash away!!! Haha!! Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks like that! :/ xxx
I don't shower straight after lol! I don't even go to the loo or anything for hours after just to be sure haha!
Fell asleep last night and they stayed in so fx theres lots in there haha!
I must admit that's the good thing about the Softcup it holds it all in there and you can shower and wash as normal
So are we all planning on DTD tonight? Fingers and toes crossed for loads of Bfp's on this thread xxxx
I'm so jealous too Emily
I bet she had no problems conciving
It just seems like everyone is either pregnant or have newborns
My job doesn't help with the broodiness lol xxxx
Lol yeah I worked out yesterday the amount of time between George and new baby and I'm like great she won't of been ttc as long as me haha.
I'm okay about her though just a little bit bitter.
What makes my green eyed monster terrible is people I went to uni with getting pregnant. Especially if they say things like "suprise" or how fast it was. Because they're people my age and in my situation etc with babies and I don't have one and that annoys me lol!!
And people must assume we don't want a baby till after our wedding next year. Haha if only they knew. But Will and Kate have such a perfect fam. A boy then less than two years later a girl comes along.
Looking forward to being able to be up and about as normal with the mooncup. Gonna trial it for a few hours after dtd later haha! Xx
I know what you mean Millie
When I was TTC for my LO I thought how come some people just get pregnant so easily! !
My best friend has 4 children (the youngest 6 weeks old) and hasn't TTC in her life!! They have all been lovely suprise, I wish it was as easy for us
My sis in law is pregnant and she has 5 boys
I love her to bits and really want to be pregnant with her
It just seems like it's never going to happen
Oh I must stop moaning lol
Going to DTD tonight I've told hubby and he is up for it
I definitely think I've Ovulated today my OV pains have totally gone it was really painful overnight and this morning it actually woke me up a few times and at around 10 am it felt better, it was like the pressure had been released
Would it be worth DTD tonight still? xxx
Is it your rice and meat day today Emma?
Its my banana and soup and veg day but slipped up at MIL's as she has made lunch of baguette and salad and felt really rude when it was already made haha! Although now I feel really gross and sluggish for it lol! At least the salad was okay to eat haha.
Having soup and bananas for tea tonight lol ick!
Looking forward to apples and then rice and quorn with veg tomorrow xx
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