NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Yeah dtd tonight still anyway :)

Oh wow as if she has 4 children without ever ttc. I HATE ttc with a passion haha. I refuse to do it again I'm gonna ntnp from baby number 1s birth and if it happens soon it happens. I would ideally want number 2 when baby is around a year and a bit. But if i ntnp from birth I can go back to clinic for treatment sooner haha! And I wouldn't mind them being really close together at all il just be so happy i wouldnt have to ttc a 2nd time haha xxx
I've actually swapped my days today as my OH wanted roast chicken today do im having a chicken and veg day :)
don't worry about having the baguette
Sounds lovely!! xxx
Lol I hope I'm going to be lighter on Wednesday! I don't feel it haha!! Xx
I wanted a 3 year age gap but it's taking so long I wish we had started TTC earlier

Joe was a very demanding baby and was still waking in the night until he was 2 for a breastfeed up to 3 times a night so it put me off trying sooner xxx
Oh bless him. I may change my mind when I have a baby but I don't want it to take ages for number 2 and then look back and think man i wish i's started sooner. Also I want 4 haha! Xx
Thats mad haha yeah I'd say thats defo pos :D
My opk tonight is lighter with darkest being yesterdays so think my surge is over? Xx
Oooh definitely positive hunny!!! We're all going to be in the 2ww soon!!!
I'm hoping to seduce the hubster tonight just in case I haven't already Ovulated then 1dpo tomorrow :) xxx
Yay for all being in the tww together!! :)
I may stop the opks now unless I get ov signs later in cycle?
Really starting to think I do have bv argh. Not sure when to use the bv pessarys I have? Not around ov obvs. But then I don't want to use them afterwards in case I end up actually ovulating later and this was just a random surge hmmm. I know I can get antibiotics but they make me feel sooo crap I would rather avoid them lol! I'm cd6 now so maybe wait and put up with it till cd20 or so then I can be sure I'm not gonna ov. But by then AF might turn up and I can't use them. Why is being a woman so complicated hahaha. When should I use the damn things haha. Says to get rid of it to use them for 1 week!! Xx
Oh no Millie !!
Could you not the pesserys around Ovulation?
If it gets worse got to your doctors and get some antibiotics hun

Going to be in the 2ww tomorrow at last, this 2 weeks has really dragged!!
Nope says they make it hostile for sperm. Typical lol! I'm probs gonna have to get antibiotics aren't I! Will get them after Thursday though as don't want to be ill for my presentation. Not been taking my probiotic vits as much so that may be why. The bv pessaries say you can use 1 a day for 2 days after AF to prevent it. May do that next cycle as clomid pushes ov back anyway doesn't it?
Do smears show things like that so I know its defo that or not?
Lol same here, had a 3ww to ov because of AF coming early haha! Not sure when to class my ov as? If my darkest one was yesterday? Xx
Morning ladies
Well im CD 16 now and still having ov pains ...DTD last night and did my new routine of preseed and softcup..... got a bit of an embarrassing question I put the Softcup up but I think I pushed it a bit far, it couldn't get stuck could it? :eek: xxxx
Oh dear! I've never used one but I hope someone can help you!
I'm CD 25 now, 12 dpo, af due on Wednesday and I'm not feeling hopeful, I've felt tired but that's it really, sorry for tmi here but this morning when I went to the loo I had a bit of brown cm on the tissue so I'm convinced that's the witch telling me she's on her way :(
Oh hun I hope it's not the witch,
It could be implantation blood?
Let's hope so :)
Well I've done another Opk and it's negative

Would I be 1dpo today or tomorrow xxx
I'd take it as 1dpo tomorrow probably if you were having ov pains this morn?
I don't think it can get stuck. Well the mooncup said in the instructions about reaching and squeezing it which releases the suction and then can pull it out so guessing softcup is the same?
Woohooo spermies stayed in all night lol only just woken up now I'm so tired atm. Didnt sleep till 3.3am though. OH is for it he woke me up by moving so that the bed rocked and feel really headachy now!! Was like waking up on a boat haha xxx
Millie yay for DTD and the spermies staying up there :)
I'm hoping it's not stuck!! I'm going to take it out soon
Hopefully all the little guys will of swum up there by now haha the things we discuss in here lol!!! ;) xxx
I know yay :)
It shouldn't be. I read to give little pushes to try move it further down if it does get stuck. Gonna trial mine later lol probs for only an hour or so at first haha so I know I can get it out again ha xxx
Oh and how's your detox going Millie? I swapped my days so im having apples red meat and brown rice today
But did cheat and had a satsuma this morning
Still drinking loads of green tea, detox tea (which is nettle, dandilion root, aloe Vera & milk thistle ) and water of course!! xxx

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