NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Carbs... yum! Sob sob lol!!
I just can't bring myself to have the pepper and carrots lol. Will have the soup soon but blurgh!
I am starting to feel a bit better than yesterday although I am exhausted! Xx
Ok ladies
I'm CD13 today and we DTD on CD 11 not got a positive OPK yet so I'm thinking should I now wait till I get a positive or DTD every other day? xxxx
Dtd every other day! :) then youl always have spermies ready xx
yeah I was thinking the same, even if I miss Ovulation day I'll still have spermies waiting to pounce on the eggie :) xxx
Yeah defo :) I usually dtd from end of AF as im always worried il miss ov somehow ha xx
I would dtd every other day as could get a sudden surge with opks and don't want to be caught off guard with none of the little fellas waiting! xx
I April we Dtd everyother day up to ovulation, then every day that week...then nothing since i i took ill. One of those times worked! x
This month we dtd every other day from CD6 to CD10, then every day up to CD15. Pretty sure I ov'd CD13/14 but if it was after CD15 then I'm screwed cos haven't dtd since !!!

I'd def dtd every other day and every day when/if you can :) xx
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Ahh feel like I'm getting bv again or thrush. Seems to only happen when I have the short cycles, could it be down to hormones being messed up those cycles? If it doesn't go will probably use a couple of the bv balance activ pessaries I have at the weekend lol. If that doesn't help will try a thrush tablet lol. Just want it gone before ov if it is bv or thrush! Could either of those affect a smear or not?

Omg ladies. ... I'm pregnant. ... got my bfp this morning. .. really strong cross on a clear blue test. Am in shock. ... First month TTC for hubba no.2. Aaagghh. ..... scared and excited.

Can't figure out how to upload the pic. .. it's asking for a url but the pic is on my phone.


Amazing news!!!! X
I have no idea how many DPO I am, but I'm about CD17 and full of cold, achey all over and generally run down :-(
Milky 76 fabulous news congratulations xx

Well I am slightly peed off at hubby becos we haven't hit anywhere near ov this cycle and I have in credibly sore boobs that I'm now going to have to put up with till af and a sore lower back arghhh I feel so sad that I ovd and it was wasted dam stoopid hubby xx
Aww Jodie im really sorry you haven't been able to TTC this month, when did you last DTD? You may be still in with a chance as sperm can live for about 5 days
Big hugs xxxx
Aww sorry jodie :(.
I think my OH would fear for his life if he did that haha xxx
Milky 76 fabulous news congratulations xx

Well I am slightly peed off at hubby becos we haven't hit anywhere near ov this cycle and I have in credibly sore boobs that I'm now going to have to put up with till af and a sore lower back arghhh I feel so sad that I ovd and it was wasted dam stoopid hubby xx

That sucks ass big time :-(

On the positive side you won't have the am I/aren't I battle with yourself?

Get your oh told that their is no excuses next month!! When you say jump he says how high!

And you never know you might not be out! Our body's work in mysterious ways! X
Yay Milly76 congrats!

Sorry Jodie, that really sucks. Hope you're ok.

No defo not in with a chance last dtds about a week before ov haha
Oh is fearing for his life haha he's being ever so nice and helpful but he's getting the silent treatment he hates that haha xx
Haha silent treatment wouldn't work with my OH hed probs be happy i wasnt nagging him or anything and would just go do electronics or garden stuff haha.
Bless your OH being nice and helpful haha i'd make him wait on you hand and foot for rest of the cycle now haha! And guilt trip haha.
If OH falls asleep early around ov and we dont dtd that day i always guilttrip him saying you know this could be the month and if we dont dtd enough it may not happen.. thats 1 less month on this earth with your child. Etc etc. And usually make him feel bad. Haha im so mean lol! Xx
Thanks for all ur kind words ladies......I feel very lucky right now. Fx it's a sticky one.

Off to Greece on hols tomorrow but will be keeping my eye out for more bfps on this thread.
:-) xx
Ooooh I love Greece we went to kos when I was younger , have lovely time Milly xx

How's everyone else doing today x

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