NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Nope I've done that before lol and boy did I regret it haha xx
Haha!! Yes ive done that before too
I don't get ewcm very often but just go off my opks I think Clomid can dry up CM,
I'm so blooming hungry
This detox is killing me!! But if it helps to concive I'm going to struggle through xxx
Oh and I found out yesterday thst my sister in law is pregnant
So im even more determined as we are very close and it would be lovely to be pregnant together snd have babies similar age
She has 5 boys so I think she's secretly wants a girl but she says she's not bothered
I know she's been ttc since December so im really happy for her xxxx
Yayyy glad to see you're back jodie :)
Ahhh Emma big fx you are preg soon :)
My friends 9 weeks preg atm and been trying a bit longer than us so really wanna be preg at same time as her lol! Xx
Well hubby has just had a right telling off ! He's been fishing and when he came home got in the bath so I went to wash his back ( well I have to be nice I need his swimmers lol ) well the bath was really hot I think he thinks I've lost the plot telling him off for havin a hot bath hahah xx
Funny you should say that Jodie. I was thinking of having a bath later and have to have mine really hot but wasn't sure whether it's a good idea in the 2ww !!
Naughty hubby lol xx
My OH dries his whole body with the hairdryer ha ha I go mad at how he must be frying the spermies!
Feel like having a nice bath later lol seeing as AF is here cd15 xxx
Get BD-ing Jodie and Angel!!

Claire dry cm is ok after OV and I'm often dry in the 2ww. You are just meant to have non fertile cm, even if you are pregnant due to the increase in progesterone.

DH wants a spa day, so I'll make sure he goes in the 2ww and not when I'm fertile to make sure he doesn't get his spermies killed (or when I'm PG as a thank you gift). :)

DS woke up last night soon after we DTD so I sent DH to check on him. He was reluctant (usually being my job), but I explained that the spermies will fall out if I stand up, and he went then lol. :) :)
I was just going to ask about twinges - in currently cd14 and today all I've felt is a dull ache, very much like period pains - ovulation pains do we think?? I can't say I notice it ring in one side more than the other tho?

Think in going to invest in some ovulation kit thing after this month! X
Blimey Millie that's a really short cycle have u ever had a cycle that short , do u think it could be irritation from the smear ??
My OH dries his whole body with the hairdryer ha ha I go mad at how he must be frying the spermies!
Feel like having a nice bath later lol seeing as AF is here cd15 xxx

My oh does this too!! Sometimes when I witness his after bath 'ritual' I look on in amazement - how did he ever manage to bag me?! Haha jokes x
Oh no Millie!!! Has AF arrived? You're only CD 15? So did the smear bring it on?
I really hope your ok, could you start the Clomid this cycle?
Big hugs xxxx
I've had quite a few cycles 17 days long but never 15 days lol. Woke up to it so couldn't have smear in the end..typical! Having it next week and starting Clomid in a months time when next af comes. He said I need smear before Clomid so wouldnt give it this month. Never mind least it is happening lol I go in for counselling and smear on the 6th and then I go in on 2nd day of next cycle for a scan and Clomid then I go in on cd10 for another scan. Then gonna do the HSG after 1 clomid cycle instead of 3 :)

Omg Holi haha glad I've found someone whos OH does the same hhaha never known anyone to do it before lol drives me mad. I said at new year one of his new year resolutions should be to stop hairdying so much!
Arghhh looks like I'm defo not in with a chance this cycle hubby has fallen asleep snoring his head off tried waking him up and it just ain't working ........ He is definitly in the bad books now !! Xx OH is exactly the same but he gets sooo ratty if woken up. When else have you dtd? Xx
Mines the same if I woke him up he would be soo moody it's not worth it haha we last dtds last Wednesday so not even in my fertile days boo not to worry at least I can relax this cycle maybe it's a sign haha get oh's meds out of his system as they can cause issues and he will have been on his vits 10 weeks by next ov date plus u never know if the timings right it could be a valentines baby :) xx
Sorry AF got you so early Millie.

Jodie, I would be so cross with DH if he did that.

FX for Valentines babies! xx
I am haha I'm plotting my revenge he will be so apologetic in the morning haha
I'm thinking I could possible dtds tomorrow and maybe have a tiny chance of catching the egg I will do another opk tomorrow and see what it's like bcos I don't know when my surge started as I only tested today so hmm but I think I may still count myself out and have a relaxing cycle this month xx
I wouldn't dare wake oh up - wouldn't be worth his mood!

Can you not dtd tonight?? I really wanted to dtd either Monday or yesterday but we didn't! Managed to squeeze a quickie in this morning so this month all we've done is CD9, CD12, CD13 and CD16 so in going to relax now their is no more I can do!

I need to book my smear - any recommendations as to when to book it for? I'm guessing it's not good to do it in your tww? Xx
Id wait Holi and if u dnt catch this morning book for around cd8-10 of ur next cycle after AF goes and before u ovulate x

We have only dtd CD6, 10, 12, 14 & 21 .. Think OV'd cd15/16 but may if been 17 :shock: ... So not feeling to hopeful which im fine with.. Would like to catch by july/aug.

Cd24 -8dpo today xx
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