NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Fingers crossed its not AF and it's just a beanie getting snug tillie :)
Oh Milly reading your post gives me a slight glimmer of hope.
12dpo today, AF cramps all day, she came early last month and so afraid the same thing is happening again x

The scary thing was that for the first few weeks of pregnancy it felt like AF was coming....was on permanent knicker watch. Good luck Tillie.

Morning ladies
How are we all doing?
Dani I think all your symptoms sound so promising
Keeping my fingers crossed for your Bfp tomorrow
Tillywoo just commented on your thread ...congratulations thsts definitely a Bfp!!@
I'm CD 12 negative opk and 3rd flashing smiley today
Finally DTD for the first time this cycle last night going to DTD every other day now xxxx
Oh and im on day 2 of a 7 day detox to help concive and lose weight as ive put on a stone since starting to TTC last year ...WishingHoping (emma) emailed me it it's so hard! !! I'm starving but I could lose up to 7 lb in a week :)
Day 1 I ate only fruit (no bananas ) no tea coffee or milk
Day 2 today im just eating vegetables no tea coffee or milk
I'm drinking loads of water and green tea
Is that our first bfp from this thread?
Ahhh Tilly woo congrats!! :D
Woo for flashing smiley Emma. Oooh can you send me the detox pleeeease?? Xxx
Yes I will email you it millie, what's your email add?
Em lost 8lb on it and I think she did it just before she got her Bfp xxx
Yes i think it is, hope its the first of many Bfps!!! xxxx
Ahh thats amazing. I need to lose weight lol. Hoping once its off i can keep it off as giving up choc and fatty foods for may anyway haha
Will pm you my email address as its my full name ha xxx
I will check my pms but I'm on my phone n a school so it may be an hour
It's really hard but Em said after the first 3 days it gets easier xxx
Okay thank you :)
It does sound hard haha good it gets easier though :)
By summer I want to be thin again lol!! Xx
I've just sent it millie :)
I think it's a good kick start to weight loss but you can't do it for more than a week!! xxx
So excited for the first bfp ....Congrats Tillie. Yay. Xx
Sounds fab Emma!! :D just wrote it all down lol. starting today as haven't eaten yet. So lots of fruit for me haha!
Sounds easier after day 3 :). Looking forward to my veg and courgette lasange tomorrow haha. OH will eat the dinners with me after tomorrow so just tonight to get through when he scoffs something from the freezer thats unhealthy and I'm eating fruit haha!
I try and stick to 1200 calories a day so will just keep doing that after it. Replaced the meat with quorn though lol! :)
Hats of to you doing your detoxes, i find them so hard!!

So after spotting 6/7DPO, BFN 11DPO, BFN 13DPO...I am now 16DPO and still no AF or any sign of it at all!

I feel like I am out anyway now so if it is going to come then just want it to hurry up so we can get trying again!

Going to hit the gym tonight as sometimes that brings it on! x
I hope it's just a shy bean but hope she comes quick if not so you aren't in limbo anymore! Xx
hmmmmm....I am secretly praying that is what it is whilst at the same time desperately trying not to get my hopes up!

I was so upset when I did my second test. I think I was sure this was it after the spotting earlier in my cycle (something i have never had before) but I guess every cycle is different!

Also see our GP Monday and our test results were back. My bloods were all fine but OH had low sperm morphology so has been sent for a second testing and we have been referred on NHS. So now waiting for that appointment and looking into private options for testing.

I am in a constant battle with myself over "this is going to be okay and will happen soon" to "this is going to take years!" MUST STAY OPTIMISTIC!!

I can be a little dramtic at times so definitly dont help myself! ;) ha ha xx
Can I join you all please, I am CD 8 today, ready to get on with it. I saw 2 magpies today, usually only ever see one so I am taking it as a good sign :) xx

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