Nice stories...


these stories are lovely. even though my baby girl was so premature and i am already well aware of how lucky i am to have her, these stories have reaffirmed my belief that i have been truly blessed.

they are so precious arent they, i cant imagine what some of you mummies must have been through.xx :hug:
My fist pregnancy was unplanned but very much wanted and loved.
We lost our little penguin (James nickname for our baby) at 10 half weeks
right from the start it felt wrong it didnt feel real i must have took at least 8 tests and still i felt something wasnt quite right.
But i was so happy to be preggers i told everyone and blocked out the nagging dought.
Then at 10 weeks i noticed a small spot of blood on my knickers and found more when i wiped.
I was at work when this happened i began crying in hysterics but decided not to say anything at work.
So i just got on with the day. i had no further bleeding when i got home i cried in ernist i told my James i had beld but only a small amount.
He was as worried as me but was sure it would be fine.
Then nothing for the next few days i began to think everything was going to be fine,
Then that weekend i beld agian this time more then the first time and had some discomfort.
I was on my own as james was away on a training day at work.I was distraught and scared that i ws losing our baby.
So he run his step mum and dad they picked me up and i spent the day there till James came back.
Agian i had no further bleeding for the rest of the day
But the next day i bled and this time i knew id lost our little penguin
We went round to his mums and i rang NHS Direct who booked me to have a scan the next day. Throught that day i bled more and more we stayed at tis mums and watched a funny movie to try and take our minds of what could be happening.

The next day i was so very very scared i held on the James for dear life
The scan was not very clear so the sonographer had to do an internal.
it showed our penguin had died at 8 weeks old all that was left was the sac.
Ive never felt such pain before it hust so badly i wanted to curl up into a corner and sleep forever the pain was just so hard to bare.

We decided to have the d n c that same day
We went home and thats when James broke down he fell to the floor in grief it tore me up to see him hurting we held each other all day till i had to go back to hospital.
I cried untill the drugs kicked in and woke up still crying i felt so very empty.
My family our all up in Newcastle and i ached to have my Mummy there to hold me and make it all better. It cut my mum up that she couldnt be there.

I felt numb inside but didnt want to stay off work to long you see i work with kids and i needed to get back the longer i left it the worse it would have been.
We had not planned the pregnancy and we had only been together a year.
So we went back to protection though i ached to have children

When both my sisiters fell pregnant within 2 weeks of each other it tore me up but i was also happy for them and i love my niece and nephew like mad
Each year on the eve of our loss id get phantom pregnancy signs .
Then in september 2007 i fell pregnant this time planned we been trying for 5 months
I was to scared to take a test for 3 weeks
We concieved our Collier the same week i lost my first 3 years ago
We our so happy and excited to meet our Son
The first time i saw my son at my scan i cried so hard i was so happy
And the first kick was the most breath taking moment of my life.
Ive not stopped worying all the way through this pregnancy i guess i will not stop till im holding our precious baby boy in my arms

My little penguin will always be in my thoughts and in my heart i am a mummy to 2 babies. The first i hold in my heart the second i will hold in my arms

So to all those who have loved and lost dont give up hope keep trying and it will happen
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lol Sarah
I've just read all of this thread and i'm in tears. I'm sorry for everyone who has lost and I can't begin to imagine the pain you must have felt. But this thread shows that against all odds things can be ok and I hope evry one of you who is trying gets your LO without too much more heartache xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thankyou everyone for posting your wonderful...happy and sad stories, I have just sat and read every one fo them, in tears....and you have given me alot of hope...I cant thankyou enough for that!

I miscarried on 2nd December 2006, I was 6week's 2days pregnant. My baby was due on the 25th July 2007.

We started TTC again properly after my first period and month after month it hurt so much when AF arrived, especially in March when my best friend told me she was pregnant and it was an accident. I actually didn't dwell too much on what would of been my due date, I tried not to think about it. September came and my friend had a healthy little boy. I was still TTC with no luck :wall:

November came and I didn't expect to be pregnant as we weren't really trying that month because we were going on holiday. 2 day's before my holiday I got a BFP :cheer: Worked out that the baby was due around 25th July again!! Scan confirmed I'm due on 24th July and all is going well :D
I have a really happy story.

Just over a year ago I met a lovely girl at a slimming club who had not long had a stillbirth at full term. We hit it off and I sat with her most weeks. She was desperate to start trying with her fiance for another but she had to wait because she needed an operation for another condition. My working hours changed and I couldn't go any more but we kept in touch. She was such a lovely person she didn't deserve to go through what she was.

Well, she text me today to say that she'd just had a 9lb healthy baby girl! Way hay! I'm so utterly made up for her!
Just thought I'd add my story.

My first pregnancy was straight forward and uneventful. Lucy was born at 40+13 following induction and emergency section but other than that we both were happy and healthy and had no problems.

When Lucy was 2 we started to talk about having another baby but I'd recently changed jobs and wasn't sure about the timing but in the end we decided to just get on with it and see what happened. I had one period between starting to try for Lucy and conceiving and this time to our surprise I didn't even have one period after we decided to try.

So we were a little surprised at conceiving so quickly but all in all we were happy. Everything seemed to be going well and I was happy because I was feeling quite sick and having a lot of strong symptoms. I had my booking appointment and got my scan date through. As the scan got closer I started to feel disconnected from the baby and I remember saying to OH that somehow I didn't feel the same about the baby that I had done about Lucy. I brushed the feeling off thinking all pregnancies are different and looked forward to the scan. The scan day came and I remember saying to OH that I was hoping that after the scan I'd feel more of a connection to baby.

We went into the scan room and talked to the midwife etc then got on the bed. Straight away I knew something wasn't right, I knew from my 12 week scan with Lucy what kind of size the baby should be but what was on the screen was no where near the right size. The midwife tried for a few mins and asked me again how far did I think I was, I said 12 weeks. She asked if I was sure of my dates. I was. She told me that what she could see on the screen wasn't what it should be for 12 weeks and went to get a sonographer. The sonographer looked too and asked if she could do an internal scan. I said yes and she looked and confirmed that it looked as it the baby had died.

I got dressed and sat with the midwife. She explained that they thought I'd had a missed miscarriage and that I would have to come back to discuss my options. She didn't talk much about what they were other than to outline the basics as they like you to go away and have time for the news to sink in.

We went back after two days and had more scans with a consultant who confirmed what the midwife and sonographer had told us. Our baby had died at about 7 weeks.

Our options were to leave things alone and wait for my body to handle things on its own, or I could go into hospital for "medical management" of the miscarriage. I decided that I didn't want to be waiting for my body to do its thing when the baby had already been dead for 5 weeks, who knew how much longer it would take. So they booked me in for the next day to go into hospital.

I went into hospital in the morning and the sister who looked after me was lovely. She explained that they would give me some tablets that could be taken orally or vaginally but vaginally would work better. I said vaginally. So they gave me them and told me to stay in bed for an hour. If I needed the loo to use a bedpan and after that make sure that a nurse always checked what I was passing after going to the loo.

Nothing was happening after a while so I had some more tablets. I started to feel cramping etc and started to bleed. It wasn't heavy though and they wanted me to stay a bit more. I asked if I could go home as all I'd really been concerned about was waiting for the bleeding to start, once it had stared I felt I could cope at home so they got a lovely consultant to examine me to make sure things were going as planned and she said I could go home.

I had to go back in two weeks to make sure my uterus had returned to normal which it had and they said I could start trying again when I wanted but thye recommend waiting till after your first period.

I was desperate to replace my lost pregnancy with another so as soon as I had my period we started trying and every month I would desperately wait for my period and test if I was a day late. After 4 months I started to feel like I'd never be pregnant again but I'm glad it didn't happen so quick, I needed time to accept my loss.

5 months after our miscarriage my period was late. I had every symptom going but I refused to believe it as I'd had my hopes dashed before and also my cycles were anything from 28 to 35 days so I waited, and waited and drove my OH and close friend mad. In the end I bought a test on day 34. It was positive!

I couldn't believe it. I was so happy but then I was scared. What if it happened again? Well I won't say its been easy keeping the worry at bay but I am happy to say I am now 18 weeks pregnant and feeling my little one move regularly and stongly.

Sorry for the essay but the main thing is - it will happen for you, but just maybe not when you think it will!
My first pregnancy was a little complicated towards the end and I had to be induced due to scarily high (230/170) blood pressure and although my son was fine I had a heavy PPH (Post partum Haemmorage) and needed 4 units of blood transfused I lost so much. I couldn't sit up for 36 hours as I would pass out but I was helped to breastfeed and I recovered well enough so scary but all worth it.
A few days before his first birthday I went to the doctors as I was over 2 weeks late with my period and I was lucky enough that my doctor did free preg tests so why pay for one? We took one and the doctor said it was negative and made an appt to see her in a couple more weeks to see what was happening if AF still hadn't arrived.
2 weeks later I was on the train on the way to London for my 2nd day of training at a brand new job when I felt a kind of push as if I was passing something. I had to sit there for 25 minutes until we got into Waterloo and then find my way to the toilets nd find money to get into them. I sat on the loo to find I was bleeding really heavily, I was terrified and rang our surgery nurse who told me to ring an ambulance.
Waiting in the toilets at Waterloo Station with everyone staring at me whilst I cried was the most terrifying experience of my life and I have not and will never go to that train station again. When I got the the hospital they did a test and confirmed I was pregnant and with the amount of blood I had lost I was definately miscarrying they did a scan and found an empty sac that was about 10 weeks. My husband was away and so a wonderful friend came up bought me clean clothes and sat with me. The worst part was they put me in the ante natal dept with all the still pregnant ladies I was desperate to just get out of there.
My friend got me home I have no idea how she got me on that train to this day and I had to go to my local hospital for a d&c the next week as I was still bleeding really heavily and with my history of haemorraging they weren't risking leaving me.
Exactly a year later I found out I was prgnant again I had been to scared to even think about taking a test they let me have an early scan and everything was perfect. I eventually had my 2nd son 2 weeks late. I hated being overdue but I am grateful as he was due on the same day as my lost baby and I don't think I could have coped with that.
When my second son was 9 months old I had my second miscarriage. This one wasn't as traumatic although it was just as heartbreaking again my first test had been negative so I took that as some kind of sign. I didn't need a d&c this time thankfully
A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant I was so confused was it a false miscarriage? Was it twins and I had lost only one? It turned out to be a seperate pregnancy and my little girl was born with no problems.
Now I am expecting no.4 and again my first test was negative so that has me worried but I am starting to relax now I am over the 12 week barrier. I will never forget my lost babies and I remember there loss dates but not their due dates as that wouldn't have been their birthday to me but I am thankful for my 3 angels I have on this earth with me.

For the ladies who have lost have faith and stay strong I hope you all have a happy pregnancy with a healthy baby :hug:
Oh wow!

I finally get to post in here and I have to tell you ladies PLEASE don't give up hope!!

As a carefree adult living with my OH I had this weird feeling back in July 07.

As always thought I would do a preggy test, it was prob nothing, at this time i didn't even know when I was due on but the test was positive... Omigod! I was pregnant, I told everyone! told OH and he was really happy... I then proceeded to not only to tell family but all my friends... Very short lived as on the way to a calendar photoshoot in aid of cancer research.

Upon arriving at the hotel with a friend I popped to the loo and I was bleeding... My heart skipped a beat but in the back of my head I knew what had happened. I was lucky as I had the support of friends who said they had bleed during pregnancy, but come next week it was confirmed, I was roughly 6wks pregnant but was miscarrying...

Its funny how things work out, although i felt awful OH and I decided to try again, and without a break I got pregnant straight away. I was so pleased but also very weary, kept popping to the toilet to check for a bleed every visit was a sigh of relief... teh came the morning sickness, i started to feel awful but hung in there I knew this had to be a good sign, especially seen I had no symptoms with my last pregnancy...

On Sept the 14th we went to have our first scan, an exciting time for any parent which was short lived when we were told although there was a sac growing there was no baby. The sac was dated at 9wks. My whole world was shattered. if I'm completely honest i didn't even feel like living, what was the point, OH and I tried to wait but I told him I couldn't bare it every time I got my period it was like a memory of the losses...

31st December everything changed, that night I thought lets do I test, I knew it would be negative as it was pretty early, I did it and saw a faint line :shock: the following day and week i took tests and although all positive and strong I tried not to get my hopes up. as the weeks went by symptoms got stronger, infact I can even remember week 8 so clearly as I felt so awful was in bed and couldn't eat a thing...

Weeks passed by and my bump grew, and grew and then I stopped worrying as I started to feel baby move... My bump was big and so was baby so they induced me on 8th September, there was me thinking he would be born the following day... After all this time the little guy was far too comfy in there and decided to keep me waiting...

And what a show he gave mummy, he only went and got stuck, so off to theatre for a c section... at 8:41am 11th Sept he was born, grrr they kept me waiting again, cleaning him, and then I finally saw Hayden, with lots of hair the most amazing experience of my life, this really was a dream come true...

Please don't give up hope ladies, it WILL happen for you it just takes time :hug:
Sharne im so happy you finally got your baby :hug: And this is a lovely way to show people not to give up. I had a missed miscarriage once too and my entire pregnancy was overshadowed by the fear of it happening again but now i have a beautiful son. Hugs to anyone who's lost and good luck for when it happens for you all :hug: xx
Steelgoddess said:
Thanks everyone for the lovely stories it makes me feel alot better and that there is some hope...


Wow & here you are today with your lil man :hug:
A fairytale ending for you :hug:

Never give up hope ladies and big conrats to all those who have gone on to concieve and have lo's.
A friend of mine had been trying for several years, and was eventually precribed Clomid as there was nothing physically wrong. She got pregnant on clomid within a couple of months, but sadly miscarried that baby at 12 weeks. She went through an awful time after that, but got pregnant again (naturally) a couple of months later. Last week she gave birth to a beautiful 8lb baby girl. Mother and baby are both doing well.

I hope that gives some hope to those others who have lost. :hug: :hug:
I wish I'd seen this thread sooner!

I had a miscarriage last year, within a month or two, we lost our baby, my Grandad had a (non-fatal, thankfully) heartattack and our beloved cat was run over :( - we can safely say 2007 was terrible for us.

New year's eve, 2007, we found out we were expecting again! We worried terribly, as you would, but I tried to remain positive. Something worked, and we have the most beautiful girl in the world.

It does happen, it really does! Take faith in other people's stories, and stay positive!
I think this is a really great thread to start to give hope to all of us who have had miscarriages so thank you so much for starting it.

I haven't had a happy story but my SIL has so it gives me hope. Firstly I'll tell you about my story and what I'm still going through now. I thought I was 12 weeks pregnant when I went for my scan on 23 December 2008 only to be told that the baby had stopped developing at 7+2. Was so shocked as I hadn't had any bleeding or cramping, I looked pregnant and I had done everything I could to have a healthy pregnancy, i.e. giving up smoking and drinking (although this was as soon as I got my BFP so I was still smoking and drinking for the first 2/3 weeks of pregnancy, and I know it's strange to say, but I kinda hope that is the reason for my miscarriage as it would give me a reason as to why it has happened as opposed to "these things just happen"). I'm booked for an ERPC on Monday (but I know my miscarriage is starting as I'm having brown spotting at the moment - hoping it holds off till Monday as I know a natural miscarriage can be quite painful) which I can't wait to get out of the way and start trying again, which we plan on doing straight away (we don't want to wait but if I miscarry again, we will then wait a few months next time before trying again).

Anyway, my SIL had a miscarriage at around at about 7 weeks as well. She had an ERPC and then started trying again and got pregnant pretty much straight way. My nephew is now 6 years old. My SIL was about 36/37 when this happened which also gives me hope as I'm 27 so I know I have my age on my side as well.

I really hope to get pregnant again soon and go on to have a healthy baby. With what I am going through at the moment, I try to deal with it by thinking I was lucky it happened now and not further down the line. This time, when we start trying again, I'm not going to drink or smoke throughout my TTC so I will know there is nothing else I could've done if i do miscarry again.
I think this is a really great thread.

I had an ectopic in February 2007 and lost my left tube. I thought i would never have a baby but fell pregnant in June 2007. I worried the whole way through my pregnancy and didnt really enjoy it for fear that something bad was going to happen. But now I have a happy and healthy 10 month old girl who is my world.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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