Do you believe .........Post your stories and opinions

We have a ghost at our house!! It is the guy that lived here before us, apparantley he doesn't realise he's dead (very Ghost Whisperer!!) Firstly my dog started growling at the same time every evening in direction of the door and would then patrol around the house confused. We then got very freaked out while having a romantic dinner one night one of Leorah's toys started singing "jumping around in my little red wagon" even though it was on the shelf, after a few days of this happening my DH took the toy apart. Recently though Leorah has been leaning out of my arms and giggling and then getting miserable just like she does when someone is talking to her and over does it so that started to freak me out a bit. My Dh's mum saw her clairvoyant who told her it's still Eric (he was here when we moved in but was asked to leave!) and now it's important that someone proffessional come round and asks him to go as Leorah can see him!! She also said that he plays with Leorah's toys (we hadn't even mentioned this to Dh's mum as we forgot about it after taking it apart!)

It's so wierd I am not scared at although I don't want Leorah seeing him! He's obviously harmless and my DH tells him what our plans are for the house when he goes in the attic which is where he is supposed to be. I have never felt anything myself except one morning the bedroom had a really strong draught come through and our room is attached to the conservatory so there is no draughty window or anything. I do sometimes get selfconcious about pumping my breasts which my DH thinks is hilarious and says I should feel good about giving an old man something to smile about :lol:

I've always been a believer, my dog also came and said goodbye to me whilst I napped on the settee which was lovely as she died while I was away and I felt terrible, it gave me some peace :)
I kinda believe in them, guess i'm open minded.

My little cousin was 2 when my mam passed away last year, at the end of the year his mam was getting ready in her room and James said 'mummy don't step back' she asked why and he said 'cos you'l stand on aunty mandy' :shock:

Also a few years ago my dad died, one night I woke up from a sleep and seen this man stood at my doorway crying. It scared me so much I thought someone had broken in. He walked away and I literally climbed down side of my bed and called my then husband who was on night shift begging him to come home from work, he had to drive back to check whole house and make sure no one had broken in! :shock:

even with those experiences though i still try to look for normal explanation for things, I believe but am still quite sceptical! :think:
I believe in spirits and have had various experiences with them - I have my Grandad in Lennon's room
Not "ghosts" as in the usual type i.e the ones that appear and bang things around but I believe very strongly in guides.

I used to do a lot of meditation and visualisation and on one halloween I was doing this (It involved candles and mirrors) and I saw an image of a man I didnt know. I described him to my mate. Sometimes I'd ask my guide who is called David to give me a sign I'd recognise to know he's there. This one time after a particularly crap day I asked and the lights dimmed in my car. I was due to go out this night and when I went to go back out the alternator had gone hence the lights dimming. I ended up sulking at home and went on the net and met my OH that night :wink:
When I met up with him he was the man I'd seen on halloween, I then find out that he actually left his wife on that very night (He now thinks I'm a witch :rotfl: )

One visualisation I saw my ex's mum in a garden of roses and him and his dad together crying (I was friends with the ex at the time). There was a little boy there who called me mummy when I approached him. I asked him if he was my son and he giggled and said of course I am silly!
I've recently had my son and found out that my ex's mum died the day after he was born :shock:
I have a guide too, shes my Nanny Nana :D I called her that when I was little as she gave me a banana every time I went to visit. Shes not actually related, think she was my nans best friend or cousin or something, and she died when i was very little, but I remember her well.

I saw a clairvoyant a few years back and she told me my spirit guide was Nanny Nana and she was holding a banana! Not something that can be guessed!

Whenever I feel down I talk to her, and I feel her presence, and I definitely believe she has guided me on my spiritual journey.
I am a witch :wink:
I'm not sure whether I have a guide, but I have a very strong feeling that everything I do will be the right thing (in the end). The religious part of me tells me it's my faith in God, the scientific side of me tells me it's just blind optimism, but really, I ain't got a bl***y clue. I'm not even sure what religion I am anymore - I believe in God, but what God? I've spent 15 years questioning it all, and I'm sure in another 15 years, I'll still be none the wiser :wall: :think:

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