Do you believe .........Post your stories and opinions

Minxy said:
And stuff like 'Most Haunted'. How can they make so many series out of NOTHING? It's so dull.

If I sat in the pitch dark, listening in silence to every little creaky noise, it wouldn't be long before I believed my house was haunted!
its mad isnt it, anyone can make something out of nothing how will we really know if it is real? if i ever saw one though id bob my self big time :oops:
i deffo beleive in Ghosts,
ive had many expieriences.
it happens all the time to me.
i never did beleive in them till it actually happened to me.

once i was sitting at my computer and like where my computer is in my room if you look out of the corner of your eye you can see my door.
and i sat there one day just like looking on the internet and listening to music and i saw what i thought was a person come through my door and i heard my bed creak like someone went to sit down on it. i thought it was my mum and started talking to her and when i looked noone was there and my mum was downstairs on the phone.

me and my mum always see people walking on our landing.
at night i see it alot. with the light on i see shadows of people walking down the stairs and my mums thought it was me before and like she shouted me to go back to bed but i was in bed, when she went down the kettle was boiling and the kitchen light was on. noone was there

another kettle insident. when my nan came over most times she would be like "put the kettle on"
and one day we was coming back from the beach and we was like haaha put the kettle on as we got into our drive,
when we came in the kettle was on a boiling, and my mum always swtiches it off atthe plug.. hha

weve been told that its my nan and grandad and im not scared at all cos my grandad is my gardian Angel. i beleive he saved my life once. becasue i had a car acciedent. when i was nine i got hit by a car who was speeding, but ive been told by many people (spirt people) that my grandad was there protecting me.

im going on
but last thing. its the weirdest and it does freak me out.
my cats.
will sit near he staris and watch things go pass and like look up the stairs as if someone is going up or coming down,
thats the thing that freaks me out
Mel&Hope said:
Minxy said:
Mind you, if I was a spirit, Derek Acorah and Yvette Fielding would be the last people I'd want to appear to :lol:

Hehe im with you there hun that show is poo i used to believe it was real till ppl told me other wise :shakehead:

No they would be the first I'd haunt.... can you imagine they would sh*t themselves if a real ghost appeared!! :rotfl:
SarahH said:
Mel&Hope said:
Minxy said:
Mind you, if I was a spirit, Derek Acorah and Yvette Fielding would be the last people I'd want to appear to :lol:

Hehe im with you there hun that show is poo i used to believe it was real till ppl told me other wise :shakehead:

No they would be the first I'd haunt.... can you imagine they would sh*t themselves if a real ghost appeared!! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Especialy yvette. She scares herself stupid!!!!
ve just watched those videos they are so wierd and look so real :shock:
I believe there is something, but it's to do with the way our brains interpret energy rather than 'ghosts'
tracyM said:
I believe there is something, but it's to do with the way our brains interpret energy rather than 'ghosts'

That makes a lot of sense actually......we havnt learned how to interpret the energies around us (though we're not far off I dont think) so maybe our brains interpret it as something viable and familiar ie a human form....interesting, I'll have to give this some more thought I think :think:
Mel&Hope said:
ve just watched those videos they are so wierd and look so real :shock:
I want to, but if i look are they jumpy out thing that will scare me?? :shock:
glitzyglamgirl said:
That makes a lot of sense actually......we havnt learned how to interpret the energies around us (though we're not far off I dont think) so maybe our brains interpret it as something viable and familiar ie a human form....interesting, I'll have to give this some more thought I think :think:

The insight and thoughts of a 9 year old with Aspergers have made me look at things very differently. Everything we see, hear, taste is what our brain makes of it. Is grass really green, or is green a different colour to different people. It's green because that's what we've been taught, that's what we've remembered, but we can't get inside somebodies head to find out if they see green in the same way. Do 'ghosts' somehow trigger memory centres in our brain that we interpret as 'seeing something'
tracyM said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
That makes a lot of sense actually......we havnt learned how to interpret the energies around us (though we're not far off I dont think) so maybe our brains interpret it as something viable and familiar ie a human form....interesting, I'll have to give this some more thought I think :think:

The insight and thoughts of a 9 year old with Aspergers have made me look at things very differently. Everything we see, hear, taste is what our brain makes of it. Is grass really green, or is green a different colour to different people. It's green because that's what we've been taught, that's what we've remembered, but we can't get inside somebodies head to find out if they see green in the same way. Do 'ghosts' somehow trigger memory centres in our brain that we interpret as 'seeing something'

Ive often wondered if we would know if we were born with colour blindness because of that very thing, my green might be your blue!

I think ghosts may well be energy that we interpret in the way you describe, im a spiritualist of sorts and am fascinated with the metaphysical so this is right up my street lol

Maybe the paranormal is some kind of force or remnant energy that we just cant understand right now, maybe one day we will and we will see and understand it exactly as it is!
Yes I do certainly believe, I am a spiritualist :) read a quote which said "We are all spirits having a human experience" and I truely believe that :D
Tasha20 said:
Yes I do certainly believe, I am a spiritualist :) read a quote which said "We are all spirits having a human experience" and I truely believe that :D

Thats a great quote I really like that :D It sums up my own beliefs brilliantly :D
i didnt until my dog died.I was in bed and there was no one else in the house. Then i got woke up because my lamp fell over (nothing knocked it over). I ran down stairs and my dog was dead in the kitchen.
Also had my cousins tiny daughter talking to her self then said that she was talking to her friend (there was no one there). But she started to get really nasty and calling people names which wasnt like her at all...was only in her house though. It's really weird. I want to believe in it but i dont know...
My younger sister used to talk to someone in the night, My mum had seen things in her room too.

A lady died there a year previously to my mum moving in and the next door neighbour knew the lady, joanne went next door and picked a photo up of a old lady and gave it to my mum and said "eileen!!"
She was the lady that had died in my mums house. This was who joanne spoke to.

She was only 2 and half at the time but doesnt remeber anymore, as you grow older society changes you and you forget, im am on the path to rediscovering that and I can tell you its something we all have if we look for it :)
yes i do, well i think i do. when i was younger i used to see a man and woman walking to my bed and looking down at me, this happened for a very long time and i was so petrified i just used to keep the quilt over me until the next morning so i dont know what happened to them every night, but they kept coming back, until i got a bit older and then i never saw them again. now i dont know whether, because i was a child, that it was in my head but they were certainly there!!!!!

also, things go missing, turn up, etc in our house, and i will not, EVER, go down our cellar, i dont know what it is but it scares me to death, also, i hate being in our house on my own, i cannot stand it, dunno why!?!

another thing that makes me believe in ghosts, is that my nanan died last January (2006), she had been fit and well, no one could have guessed she would have died. anyway, my dad lived with her and it was a friday night and he was going out down town with his mate, like usual, well when he came back, i think about 12am, he went in to see my nan and say night, like usual (she didnt sleep well at all ever so was always half awake!) she said night and he went to bed, next minute my dad was criyng his eyes out saying my nan was going to die in the morning, he rung his girlfriend of the time to speak to her coz he was that shaken and upset, he went to bed and woke up about 9am the next morning and didnt want to get out of bed as he was sooo convinced my nan was dead, he didnt get out of bed until about 9.30am - went into the bedroom of my nan and tried to wake her up, and you guessed it, she had died, but the funny thing is, she was still warm so my dad says she only must have died then! it was sooo upsettting, - me and my dad both think it was my grandad coming to tell him nan was going to be with him again.!!
:( :hug:

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