In July 2005 I found out i was pregnant, which was a complete surprise as i took the pill religously.
At first in all honesty i wasnt sure if it was the right time but nethertheless me and my partner were happy.
I had a small bleed around 8 weeks, i went for a scan and there was this tiny little person heart beating away nice and strong, i was told i was 8weeks and 3 days pregnant. I was over the moon, seeing it on the scan really bought it home and i had never felt a love so powerfull.
We grew so excited and actually started buying things against peoples warnings etc, to me there was no way my baby was going anywhere, i mean at the time i thought thats what happens to other people not to me so i didnt give it a second thought.
I was booked in for my 12 weeks scan and 6 days before i finished work went home kicked off my shoes and watched some telly before deciding to get changed.
I got changed and noticed some blood. I hadnt had any pain but this was different to the last time id bled and i just shouted oh no and ran to the loo and kept wiping (sorry tmi) there was blood but it was fleshy (sorry again) i was in hysterics i dont know what i would have done without my oartner at the time, we went straight to hospital who didnt even check me over and told me that id probably already passed the foetus.
They booked me in for a scan on the monday because it was saturday with no sonographers about id have to wait.
I refused to believe it and went on to another hospuital where they told me the same. I had to wait.
On the sunday i started bleeding heavily, i knew then what was happening for definate i felt numb i just felt so powerless and angry and upset it was a mixture of emotions i couldnt deal with.
On the monday i went into hospital and was scanned, they revealed our baby had dies at 8 weeks and 5 days. I was devestated but what broke my heart even more was seeing how crushed my partner was, through everything he still believed everything was ok and refused to believe it was happening.
i was booked in for a d and c the next day. I went to bed that night with awful stomach pains, my partner held me all night and eventually i fell asleep.
I woke up around 1am feeling really wet and the pain wasnt coming and going now it was constant. I looked at my partner who was sleeping and i knew i was about to pass my baby. I couldnt bare to wake my Oh he was hurting so badly so i went and woke my mum who we were staying with whilst it was all going on.
he sat with me the whole time talking to me, and i was really holding on, refusing to pass the baby but after a while i realised i had to let go.
i passed my baby and knew instantly i had, i felt empty.
I couldnt bare to look as i had once before seen a foetus when id had a termination along time beore and it broke me up then i couldnt look again. The hardest thing iv ever had to do was flush the toilet.
The following day i went to the hospital and told them about me passing the baby. They decided to scan me first before my d and c, the baby was gone but i had a 30cm clot so still needed the op.
I felt so empty for a while afterwards i changed jobs as my boss was really unsupportive and expected me back at work the day after my d and c.
Things pretty much plodded along but i knew i wanted a baby so much.
3 months later i did a pregnancy test and it was positive.
I was so happy, but so scared. The pregnancy was really hard, there were always things going wrong, i fell down some stairs at one point and i had a 3rd water bag which burst at 28weeks but left the other two in tact. i kept going in and out of slow labour and there was many times my baby didnt kick for days. All in all it was a stressfull time.
Then on the 15th september 2006 i went into hospital to be induced. I was 2 weeks overdue. I didnt tell my partner at the time but i never actually believed id end up taking my baby home, i was always terrifed it would go wrong, and he felt the same and never admitted it to me untill a few months later.
After 21 hours of labour, at 3.04pm on saturday the 16th of september i had my son. Alfie. And he was perfect, he made my heart burst and he still does.
He is 13 months old now. me and his dad arent together anymore, nut he was the product of love. Everyday my little boy traches me something new and helps me become a better person. I would give literally anything for him, i adore him so much and i couldnt ever imagine a life without him.
hes my saviour, he bought me back from a very sad dark place and i will never be able to express the amount of pride love and joy he gives me. (sorry quite choked up now)
Losing my little baby bean destroyed me, but if that hadnt o happened alfie wouldnt be here now.
Its a devestating time for everyone losing a baby and my heart goes out to each family thats experienced this but there is always hope. never stop believing and never give up.
i live by a moto, "its not what happens to you in your life that makes you who you are, its how you deal with these tragedies"
sending my love to all you ladies that have lost