Nice stories...

I had a mc last year in june. I thought everything was ok and at 11 weeks, just before my scan i began to have some brown discharge. Wasn't too concerned, Mentioned it to my doctor who said i should go for a scan. I did. I will never forget the look on the sonographers face. My little dot had gone at 6 weeks. My DH and i discussed our options and three days later I had a d&c. After alot of crying I picked myself up. Three months later my DH booked a break in Brighton. We had a great time and felt ready to start again. Three weeks later I had a funny taste in my mouth. I got so excited when i got home and found out i was pg. My DH and i cried for days. PG went well and my little son is next to me playing :D
Please dont lose heart. :D :hug:
And keep trying. :hug:

well i've had two miscarriges last year, the 1st one i found out at my 12 weeks scan. I had to go and have a d and c....... and after that miscarrige took a long time to get over, and a month later i fell pregnant again.

the 1st one was planned but the 2nd one was not, i miscarried a day after finding out. i had a urine infection and had too stay in hospital for three days.

after having my miscarriges it hit me hard that i didn't want a baby just yet and i would enjoy myself, i thought as long as i can get pregnant.

then i steptember i fell pregnant with renee, she was not planned but i'm soo thankful i have her :D :D :D

i was scared of having another one but i knew something was different. i41 weeks later she is her and she is strong heatlhy.
most days i would pray things would okay and i prayed about my brith and everything i have from her is just right and so much more 8)
Oh lovely stories ladies and your bubs look like dollyS!!

Neeko that must have been awful to lose them so close.

Well hopefully for me it will be fourth tme lucky..

First i just want to say that this forum is fantastic. When i went through my misscarriage i found so much support and information on here that i dont know what i would have done without it!
Well, i fell pregnant in October last year, and when i went for a scan at 7 weeks they said it was a missed miscarriage, so i had to have a DandC. It was a very upsetting time and all i could think about was concieving again soon! I had one period 3 weeks after the DandC. When my period was late in January i did several pregnancy test and they always showed negative, even though i had been 45 days since last period. I figured my body was just a bit confused and AF would arrive eventually. Finally i decided to do another HPT and sure enough it was positive! Not sure why it took so long to show positive but it didnt matter i was over the moon!
In my first scan the doc told me i was going to miscarry again as he couldnt locate the heartbeat and i had been bleeding a bit.... but i went to a different doctor a few days later and there was his little heart beating away... i couldnt believe it! I was terrified during the beginning of the pregnancy, constanly worried about bleeding or any kind of pain, but i eventually relaxed and enjoyed my nine months! Im now sitting here with my little boy who is now 3 weeks old asleep next to me.
So stay strong girls, it will happen for you, just try to relax and not think about it too much! Im so sorry for everyone who has experienced a loss, and send lots of hugs :hug: :hug: and hope that things get better for all of you soon. x
I spent 2 years ttc and finally went for preliminary tests - at the same time i was diagnosed with precancerous cervical changes and had to go for a biopsy - went for the results of both and as felt a bit odd did a hpt first and was pregnant!! - miscarried at 7 weeks - too scared to have a d&c as a friend had been told she was miscarrying taken to theatre for a d&c - notes were lost - doc decided to rescan to check as unable to read scan report and found a twin growing fine !! also hate hospitals (I used to be a doctor ) miscarried naturally at home while watching 'Titanic' - few weeks later pregnanct again - this one lasted to 11 weeks but was a few weeks of ups and downs - bleeding and pain so rushed in with suspected ectopic - relieved to be told 'just' miscarrying - then hcg still rising so maybe ok then bleeding worse so no definitely miscarrying but ok to do at home again - then haemorraging so rushed in for d&c but all settled so allowed home again.
decided to give up for a while - dog died so bought a puppy and booked a romantic holiday to Italy - day before travelling felt odd did hpt preg - spent holiday throwing up!! ds born Nov that year. With the next stopped breastfeeding and decided to start trying presumed would take a while as before - didnt get a period as already preganant - same with third! this time round taken a lot longer - 2 1/2 years of trying - 3 small children really do make a great contraceptive!!
My story began with a perfectly happy and healthy pregnancy and at my last midwife appointment at 40 weeks, I was told everything was fine. I was due to be induced at 41 weeks but 6 days past term, I started to worry that I hadn't felt baby move that day. We went to hospital and were given the devastating news that our baby was asleep and wouldn't wake up again. I delivered him the following afternoon after 15 hours labour and he was perfect except that there had been a true knot in the cord.

The postmortem showed that I also had anticardiolipid syndrome (for all you ladies who keep having recurrent miscarriages ask your doctors to check for this) It casues the blood to be a bit thicker and clots form in the placenta causing the foetus to die, usually in early pregnancy.

Nine months later I became pregnant again, I was given aspirin and clexane (heparin) injections throughout my second pregnancy and was blesssed with a beautiful healthy son born by c section at 38 weeeks.
After Christopher was born, I never thought I'd be brave enopugh to do it again. When Tim was born I was so relieved but suffered very badly with post natal depression (delayed grief I think) and never planned any more children. That was nine years ago.

I am 36 and have recently found out I am pregnant again!!! Terrified ...yes, too old...yes...happy....absolutely.
Keep the faith girls, it will happen and when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time it will be worth all the heatache and pain.

God bless and good luck to you all. :hug: :hug:
Lovely to read these happy stories, they have really given me hope that I may, one day, have another healthy baby.
DaisyRose said:
Lovely to read these happy stories, they have really given me hope that I may, one day, have another healthy baby.

ello newbie :wave:

you will! i never thought i'll be a mum and after having two miscarriages so close together you really do think, it will never happen.

but it will :D

Thanks, I'm really trying now to be more positive because that really helps.
Hi everyone, I had a beautiful son who was stillborn at 27 weeks in 1997 called Luke, I had been in to hospital for checks 2 days before I found out he had died due to lack of movements but was told everything was fine after a quick session on the monitors, 2 days later at midwife check no heartbeat and protein in water and he had already been taken from me!!! I still dont understand why nothing was picked up earlier but what will be will be!!! I then started trying straight away and got pregnant straight away but miscarried at approx 8 weeks, again got straight back on with what became demands for sperm and not love making with me getting distraught if hubby ever said he wasnt up to the job!!!

Anyway once again i got caught straight away and after what can only be described as an awful 38 weeks, not because of problems just my mind telling me something would go wrong!!! I was induced at 38 weeks due to protein in water again and had a beautiful 8lb2oz girl named Katie!!!

I just want everyone to keep faith that it will happen and turn out okay and I know myself its sometimes very hard to image it ever will when your going through the hurt and pain but things do come right in the end!!!

Good luck and love to you all on this wonderful forum. Sarahxx.
wow im crying at everyones stories. its amazing what we all have to go through isnt it to get beautiful children.

I found out i was pregnant on 25th April 2007 i was so scared as it wasnt planned at all but once it had set in i was so happy and so was my oh. Around the 20th may i started to have really light bleeding. I starting crying instantly and my oh said dont worry it will be ok but i couldnt get it off my mind so went to a&e. they booked me in for a scan in 3 days time. I went to the scan and they confirmed the baby had stopped growing at 5 weeks but i was supposed to be almost 10 weeks. she said come back next week to confirm. but that afternoon i had the most horrendous stomach pain. ive never felt anything like it. It lasted 3 hours then faded away. then i woke up at 6.30 the next morning with it again and demanded to go to the hospital for a d&c as i couldnt deal with the pain anymore. and when we got there i got out the car and burst into tears because my jeans and the car seat and everything was soaked in blood. that was it it was over. that was the worst day of my life. i had a hard time accepting it all and tended to push some people away. my mum sent me an e-mail the day after it happened and i just burst into tears. and i still do now when i read it.....

"My Darling Jaimee and Christian

Its hard to find the right words to tell you how sorry we are for the loss of your baby Pip but that in no way means we do not feel your loss feelfor you after all it was our grandchild. We want you to know that we are here if you need to talk, want a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to "moan" about how unfair it is.

This probably doesn't make sense and i'm not sure how to put it into words how we feel or how best to be there for you, but we want you to know that even though we may not talk to you about Pip or the miscarraige and all the plans and hopes you had for the future of your baby we do think and between your Dad and I talk about it we just don't want to cause you more pain and upset by talking to you about it . So if you want to talkor cry or what ever we are here for both of you.

I have put a couple of websites in favourites re Miscarriage for you to look at if you wish, they might help you to understand that how you feel is normal and that the grieving process takes time.


I felt like i needed to greive. it was my baby afterall and i didnt think anyone else saw it like that. i think they expected me to just get over it but i couldnt. So 8 weeks past and still no period so i went to the doctors and they did a HPT and it was positive. i went for an early scan and everyhting was fine. when i heard the heartbeat when i was 12 weeks i burst into tears. this one might actually happen. im almost half way now and feel him moving all the time.
The baby i lost who we nicknamed pip would have been due on christmas day. i want to do something on that day for her but not sure what?
In July 2005 I found out i was pregnant, which was a complete surprise as i took the pill religously.
At first in all honesty i wasnt sure if it was the right time but nethertheless me and my partner were happy.
I had a small bleed around 8 weeks, i went for a scan and there was this tiny little person heart beating away nice and strong, i was told i was 8weeks and 3 days pregnant. I was over the moon, seeing it on the scan really bought it home and i had never felt a love so powerfull.
We grew so excited and actually started buying things against peoples warnings etc, to me there was no way my baby was going anywhere, i mean at the time i thought thats what happens to other people not to me so i didnt give it a second thought.
I was booked in for my 12 weeks scan and 6 days before i finished work went home kicked off my shoes and watched some telly before deciding to get changed.
I got changed and noticed some blood. I hadnt had any pain but this was different to the last time id bled and i just shouted oh no and ran to the loo and kept wiping (sorry tmi) there was blood but it was fleshy (sorry again) i was in hysterics i dont know what i would have done without my oartner at the time, we went straight to hospital who didnt even check me over and told me that id probably already passed the foetus.
They booked me in for a scan on the monday because it was saturday with no sonographers about id have to wait.
I refused to believe it and went on to another hospuital where they told me the same. I had to wait.
On the sunday i started bleeding heavily, i knew then what was happening for definate i felt numb i just felt so powerless and angry and upset it was a mixture of emotions i couldnt deal with.
On the monday i went into hospital and was scanned, they revealed our baby had dies at 8 weeks and 5 days. I was devestated but what broke my heart even more was seeing how crushed my partner was, through everything he still believed everything was ok and refused to believe it was happening.
i was booked in for a d and c the next day. I went to bed that night with awful stomach pains, my partner held me all night and eventually i fell asleep.
I woke up around 1am feeling really wet and the pain wasnt coming and going now it was constant. I looked at my partner who was sleeping and i knew i was about to pass my baby. I couldnt bare to wake my Oh he was hurting so badly so i went and woke my mum who we were staying with whilst it was all going on.
he sat with me the whole time talking to me, and i was really holding on, refusing to pass the baby but after a while i realised i had to let go.
i passed my baby and knew instantly i had, i felt empty.
I couldnt bare to look as i had once before seen a foetus when id had a termination along time beore and it broke me up then i couldnt look again. The hardest thing iv ever had to do was flush the toilet.
The following day i went to the hospital and told them about me passing the baby. They decided to scan me first before my d and c, the baby was gone but i had a 30cm clot so still needed the op.
I felt so empty for a while afterwards i changed jobs as my boss was really unsupportive and expected me back at work the day after my d and c.
Things pretty much plodded along but i knew i wanted a baby so much.
3 months later i did a pregnancy test and it was positive.
I was so happy, but so scared. The pregnancy was really hard, there were always things going wrong, i fell down some stairs at one point and i had a 3rd water bag which burst at 28weeks but left the other two in tact. i kept going in and out of slow labour and there was many times my baby didnt kick for days. All in all it was a stressfull time.
Then on the 15th september 2006 i went into hospital to be induced. I was 2 weeks overdue. I didnt tell my partner at the time but i never actually believed id end up taking my baby home, i was always terrifed it would go wrong, and he felt the same and never admitted it to me untill a few months later.
After 21 hours of labour, at 3.04pm on saturday the 16th of september i had my son. Alfie. And he was perfect, he made my heart burst and he still does.
He is 13 months old now. me and his dad arent together anymore, nut he was the product of love. Everyday my little boy traches me something new and helps me become a better person. I would give literally anything for him, i adore him so much and i couldnt ever imagine a life without him.
hes my saviour, he bought me back from a very sad dark place and i will never be able to express the amount of pride love and joy he gives me. (sorry quite choked up now)
Losing my little baby bean destroyed me, but if that hadnt o happened alfie wouldnt be here now.
Its a devestating time for everyone losing a baby and my heart goes out to each family thats experienced this but there is always hope. never stop believing and never give up.
i live by a moto, "its not what happens to you in your life that makes you who you are, its how you deal with these tragedies"
sending my love to all you ladies that have lost :hug:
**My Efforts started back in 1988.....we tried for a baby and it didn't happen until 1990......then it was TWINS :dance: but I lost one at 4 months :cry: Thankfully i carried the other full term and he is now 17 years old.......
**Just over 2 years later he got a little brother in 1993......healthy with no PG problems.... :dance:
**after a further 7 years I got pregnant again but Heaven got my angel......

** last year '2006' i was was delighted to get a BFP after all the effort of trying again.....doggy, bike kicks, cough meds, and every wives tale under the sun :lol: But once again on oct 9th 2006 (babyloss awareness day) the powers that be took him to heaven too...... :cry: Totalling 3 angels :cry:

*****GOOD News..... We stopped trying..... didn't take precautions, just stopped the symptom checking etc.... Booked all our holidays...and made plans for the future without thinking of 'maybe' getting pregnant*****

******FEB 2007******* we got our BFP******* :shock:

We are now only DAYS away from meeting this long awaited for loved baby...... Don't care if its a boy or girl.. just it gets here safe and sound....

So you see... it may take some of us time and heart ache...... but we always have hope....

I am a mum to 6 in my eyes..... 3 in heaven, 2 on earth and one still in my tummy...

Don't give up ladies.. it can happen.... Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug:
fynemum said:
I am a mum to 6 in my eyes..... 3 in heaven, 2 on earth and one still in my tummy...

Don't give up ladies.. it can happen.... Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug:

:hug: That's so beautiful Yvonne, you've got me in floods of tears here. Good luck with your approaching delivery

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just wanted to say that this thread allowed me to continueousy have some hope. I hope one day i'll be able to post in here too and many others who have had a loss


there has to be hope after's what keeps us going.

Ok, I had Dannii (member of the forum)when I was 20, she was my first, and a healthy pregnancy, and Dannii was a healthy baby...then at 22 I suffered a miscarriage early in the pregnancy, followed by D & C 2 weeks month later i was pregnant again, but found out at 19 weeks pregnant that my baby had spina bifida, and was incompatible with life, so i was induced, and Sam my darling baby daughter was born, after tests it was revealed she also had Turners Syndrome, 5 months later I fell pregnant again, and lost a twin at around 12 weeks, but went on to carry the other baby, and had a gorgeous small, but healthy son...I thought I had to give up then, the emotional strain was too much, i couldn't bear to lose another baby, plus after Sam I had to have an amnio each time...but 4 years after my son was born, I got broody again, and fell straight away, I miscarried at 5 weeks, but a scan later revealed it had been twins again, and the other baby had survived...I nearly lost him at 16 weeks when the amnio was performed with a blind scan, and the doc punctured the placenta...but everything turned out ok and I had a very healthy and big baby boy...I did then decide that I had beaten the odds, and called it a day...having lost 4 and with 3 healthy ones, everyone around me couldnt handle the trauma I was done...

Now I am to be a nana and all my broodiness is starting again, but on another level...

there is always hope, while there is hope, there is a chance...

I hope all you girls suffering will get your chance to beat the odds too xxxxxxx
Thanks ladies, this does give us hope.. I came on here this morning crying my eyes out cos of my loss last week and reading these stories have really helped me...
I just want to be pregnant again, i popped into twon this morning and i dont know what set me off but i just ended up walking around in a daze and just wanted to burst out crying so when i got back to work i locked myself away and did just that and then thought i'd have a little pick me up and read some nice stories on here so thanks again for all that took the time to write their stories.x.
My dad told me this story the other day,and I though of everyone here when he told me it,so:
My great granny had 3 children,one little girl died when she was 3 but the rest lived-from she was about 35 onwards she had nothing but miscarriages and stillbirths,until when she was 47 and she found herself pregnant with my great uncle whom she gave birth to when she was 48!!

I just thought that was a great story-there's hope for everyone :D
they really are- i've been in floods reading these.
i think i took it totally for granted when i had hayden
i know its an amazing thing to have a baby. these
stories can give hope to anyone who's suffered losses.
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences x

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