TTC after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
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Miscarried at 7.5 weeks and am still devastated because we have been planning for this baby for the whole year and wanted a summer baby! The due date was in August and that was perfect! :(

I have a daughter aged 13 and we want to have another baby very soon because of the gap. I want to ask people if theyve concieved and carried full term after a miscarriage! We want to try again ASAP but I'm still waiting for my first period. I'm so scared because I can't bear to go through this again mentally physically and emotionally it was draining and very disappointing! I want to hear successful stories, advice and suggestions pls... I need encouragement and reassurance that this time it will be all ok and I will be able to carry full term... thanks xxx
I mc my first pregnancy and am pregnant again now, i'm still early in pregnancy though so can not really give personal advice except to say i know alot of people have gone on to have many more babies after suffering a mc. xx

There is no reason at this stage to think that your next pregnancy won't be successful.

My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at around the same stage as you.
I won't lie, it has been mega stress for me since my BFP, every step of the way, but so far so good. Obviously I haven't got my baby here just yet but only a few more weeks and I will.

Try not to worry yourself too much, I don't think stress is good for when you are ttc.

I fell pregnant accidentally 3 months after my mc so if you are trying and don't have any problems with retained products etc you could be set to go straight away.

Wishing you the best hun x
Am so sorry for ur loss, I know what you mean, I wanted a summer baby too ! Mc at 9 weeks just 2 weeks ago, baby was due August, but Im looking forward to trying again, wishing you lots of luck for the future xxx :)
Wishing you all the best hun because several girls on here have gone to have successful pregnancies after mc, I know i use their stories as inspiration for me and there are at least two regular visitors to the long running thread in this part of the forum who were here because they mc'd but are now pregnant. xx
Wishing you all the best hun because several girls on here have gone to have successful pregnancies after mc, I know i use their stories as inspiration for me and there are at least two regular visitors to the long running thread in this part of the forum who were here because they mc'd but are now pregnant. xx

Yep and there are lots of us ladies who have had a miscarriage (or more than one) that are now TTC again :)

We're all terrified but also hopeful as well


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