Newborn routine


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Just wondered when you all started to get a routine with your LOs... Did you try to have some sort of routine from day one, or did it take a number of weeks to get there. I keep thinking I should have much more structure and routine than I do have. Emily will be four weeks on Saturday and we still are all over the place... :-(. We are demand feeding, and she feeds when she is hungry which is not that regular really. The amount she takes at each feed differs. Sometimes she will sleep straight after her feed, other tines we will have some activity time... It all varies such a lot. I feel all over the place. Should I be in more of a routine by now...? Thanks for any advice!
Logan is 3weeks old yesterday and we are the exact same as you. There's no routine really although he seems to want to be awake when I want to sleep! From what I've read it can be a couple months before they get into a routine with feeding etc. hope it's sooner, I'm bfeeding and still not comfy doing it in public so if he had a rough feeding time I could plan around it. Just as well I love him though :-D
We r only 2 weeks in but have no routine. It's so difficult to establish with bf on demand.
im d same 2 n half weeks in and ffeeding times and amounts are all over the place, the only constant seems to be that she wants to get up for the day at 5 am :-( dont even know where to start with routine either

sorry thats no help lol
Are you bottle or breastfeeding? Im bottle feeding and have done since day one, for the first few weeks we were all over the place and it was driving me potty!! Cos she was a smaller baby I was told by the midwife to wake her every 4 hours for a feed to help put weight on, I did this a few times but eventually she found her own little routine and now feeds roughly every 4 hours and at night will go from about 12.30-6.30. You LO will find their own routine eventually unless you want to try and get them in some sort of routine.
Are you bottle or breastfeeding? Im bottle feeding and have done since day one, for the first few weeks we were all over the place and it was driving me potty!! Cos she was a smaller baby I was told by the midwife to wake her every 4 hours for a feed to help put weight on, I did this a few times but eventually she found her own little routine and now feeds roughly every 4 hours and at night will go from about 12.30-6.30. You LO will find their own routine eventually unless you want to try and get them in some sort of routine.

I am combine feeding - have been since the start as LO was in SCBU at first, so couldn't really get BF off to a good start, and have been topping up with formula ever since.
12.30 - 6.30 sounds fab... What I'd give for a full 6 hours sleep! :) xx
Thanks for all your experiences ladies, glad to know it's not just me and my LO! It's so hard planning anything though isn't it? Going out is a nightmare as I just don't know when LO will demand her feed! I feel like I should be doing something more to get her into a routine, but I guess that will just happen in time.
Are you all managing to get out and about cos I am feeling a bt trapped. Have been out a few times, but not as much as I would like.
At 10 weeks we only now have a rough bf routine but it changes everyday depending on. When he wakes up. Tbh I think too much emphasis is put on routines! Just enjoy your newborn because I miss mine!!

Thanks, Pinky... :). You've all made me feel much better - I was thinking it was just me who was all over the place!
I tend to feed Henry when he demands it then go out as soon as he has finished. The pushchair sends him to sleep so I know he'll be out for 3 hours at least! We have been out everyday since he was 5 days old cos I cannot be indoors all day. I would go mad xx
I get what your saying pinky to much emphasis is put on routine but I for one really struggled without it. I couldnt stand the not knowing roughly when you can go out or plan the day or when your LO would wake for a feed (obviously much easier when your LO is FF) I think it is important to get out every day even if for a walk cos you would go stir crazy. As X_Larybelle said get yourself ready for when you LO wakes for a feed so you can go straight out when finished but supposed hard if you want to pre plan something with friends etc I dont know what the answer is to that really, suppose its a bit more easier for me that i can just get a bottle out and LO can be fed where ever I am really when BF it takes that bit more planning!
I get what your saying pinky to much emphasis is put on routine but I for one really struggled without it. I couldnt stand the not knowing roughly when you can go out or plan the day or when your LO would wake for a feed (obviously much easier when your LO is FF) I think it is important to get out every day even if for a walk cos you would go stir crazy. As X_Larybelle said get yourself ready for when you LO wakes for a feed so you can go straight out when finished but supposed hard if you want to pre plan something with friends etc I dont know what the answer is to that really, suppose its a bit more easier for me that i can just get a bottle out and LO can be fed where ever I am really when BF it takes that bit more planning!

I agree to an extent but with newborn babies you need to just go with it. New mums make themselves and their babies unhappy when they pressurise them. ESP these baby gurus that say you MUST have baby in a routine by x age. It also upsets me in a way as babies aren't left to be babies anymore they must fit in with an adult life. I do (even now) exactly what larly does and go out straight after a feed. I'm surprised you think bfing takes more planning in that sense as all we need is a pashmina, a boob and a chair but ffs have to worry about having a bottle of milk and possibly warming facilities.

Certainly drives you mad not going out - last week I spent three days in a row stuck in the house - didn't see anyone all day until DH got home from work... Made me so depressed. This week I have made sure that I have done a small trip every day - just a quick walk to the local shop or park - feels much better to go out! Yesterday I went to a friends, but was harder cos I had to try and get myself and Emly there for a set time... We were very late though as Emily needed a feed just as we were about to leave and then decided to do a nice dirty nappy, which leaked and then needed a whole change of clothes! Nightmare!
I was supposed to be seeing the GP to have my iron levels checked this week, but I haven't bothered to make an appointment as I know I wouldn't be able to get there on time and I have no one to leave LO with! Hopefully things will start to settle a little in the next few weeks!
I was going to get my LO into a routine as soon as possible and bought a book to help me but havent actually started it yet as I say she fell into her own routine (which I might add dosent always go to plan as normally she would be having a feed at 3pm but is still sleeping :) bless her!) I dont push her into one cos I feel as yet she cant get through the night without a feed so let her determine when she wants to be fed. My reason for this is due to the fact I have to go back to work sooner than I would have liked (3 months, which Im almost 6 weeks into SOB!!) and she will be going to a childminders where I wanted to make sure she was up and dressed and fed before we go.

Shouldnt assume BF is more difficult than FF though! Sorry!
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I didn't and still don't really have a routine but I do try to keep to the EASY eat, activity, sleep, you. All parts very on length from day to day and times but it really helped anticipate F's needs and work out why she was crying much more quickly and it helped me get out the house as more or less I knew what was coming next. After winding I just let her have play time (10 mins) ish at 1st and it helped her sleeping etc instead of her falling asleep on boob etc. It came from reading the biweekly bunch website and was very helpful without trying to force you or baby into a mold or anythibg strict x
Thanks lettie - will check out website... Haven't heard about EASY...
I was thinking about this as well. G is about same age as your LO. We're still demand feeding, and it's usually about 2/3 hours, although she sometimes goes longer if we're out. I tend to do what larly does and go for a walk or out straight after a feed.

Im with pinky in that there's too much emphasis on routine, I think they'll get there on their own eventually, and if not, I think I'll leave it a few more weeks before I try to structure things. They change so much at this age. This Last week G has become so much more alert that it have been unfair to expect her to sleep the same amount as last week.
It is hard to get out when you have a new baby but I would suggest just short trips untill either buba is more settled or you are more confident feeding. At first we just had a walk round the block or a drive somewere. Now we go out and about most days. I hate the idea of inflicting a routine on harry but he does fall into one naturally which I just work around!! It does get easier when they go longer between feeds but as they get more alert they get more demanding so it is a matter of just building up your confidence!!
I agree with you Pinky, I find a strict routine too much for newborns. I did however find the Boswell routines very informative and helped me understand what my baby should perhaps be doing each day..........I had no clue, and it's nothing the antenatal class had covered!!

My LO does the EASY over 3 hours from waking til about 6pm when she's wide awake til around 10pm - she obvioulsy hasn't read the routines!!

As long as you an baby are happy then sobeit :lol:

I can't believe I'm going to say this but please do look at Mum & Baby groups in your area!! They've given me alot of confidence to take my LO out and not worry about feeding, crying and exploding nappies in public!!!
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