Newborn routine

Hi hun I wouldn't worry about a routine too much at the moment just go with what baby wants for now. Angel was bf for the first week on demand and then I switched to FF and she for the first few days she was a bit all over the place (just getting used to the formula change I think) then she settled into a 3-4 hour routine herself. Obviously this can go all over the place when she has growth spurts or is teething, poorly etc but 90% she feeds 4 hourly so I go with that. I have a bedtime routine for her (I started this properly at about 12 weeks old) which is just bath, bottle and bed which was put in place so she could tell when it was bedtime if u know what I mean?

As for naps etc I don't have a routine at all, she just naps as and when really lol. I think routines are a good idea when they're not rigid and strict; when they're ignoring babys needs just to impose a schedule I don't agree with. But I think bedtime routines are a good idea and I like knowing she feeds 4 hourly because I know roughly when to get a bottle prepared. Also, if I was to have a babysitter in the future I can say "she's roughly due a feed around x time". I think it's good in that case because you'll know your babys hunger cues but someone else may misunderstand so if they know roughly when a feed is due it puts both minds at rest :)

Just go with what your baby wants for now its normal for you to be all over the place at the moment :) xx
We just went with what sophie wanted. It was all over the place at first and she was feeding every 2 1/2 hours, sometimes less!!

Shes now in bed for 8, wakes for a bottle at half 3/4, sleeps till half 6 and has another bottle, we go to the farm at 7 and she doesn't really sleep and then once we are back at around 9 she sits in her bouncer and watches me do chores and the has a bottle at around 10 and goes for about an hour and a half sleep. If we go out for the afternoon in the car then she will generally sleep for a couple of hours whilst in the car or if I go out anywhere else then she will also sleep for a good few hours.
Please don't worry yourselves with routines yet ladies! Your babies are growing and changing daily at the moment so it's very difficult to do the same thing at the same times everyday. Just go with the flow and eventually some kind of routine will become apparant. We got Jack into a 'sort of' routine after xmas when he was 6months but it's only now at 9 months that he does the same thing at the same time everyday.

Obviously some babies slot themselves into a routine earlier but just do what I did and enjoy your LO's while they're tiny because believe me they'll be 9 months in the blink of an eye! x

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