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Routine - Breast feeding?


Active Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Hi everyone.

I hope someone can help me, im a first time mum and need some advice.

Alot of people talk about routine, e.g milk, bath, sleep.

However is there such a routine built when you are breast feeding.

With Aleena im giving her breast milk, on the basis of supply/demand therefore i have no set routine at the moment.

Aleena is 5 weeks.

Ideally i would like Aleena to have a routine, so that she can tell when its bedtime

any suggestions, pls post back

Hi Jazz
Since Oscar was born, I've kept a routine at bedtime.

I give him a full boobie, followed by bath, more boobie and then bed. Night time is the only time we have routine and Oscar doesn't object going into his bed. Try and start your routine at 6 or 7pm every night. It really works... good luck!! :wink:

Hope it helps.... pm me if you fancy a chat!
Emilia xx
Hi Jazz, welcome to the forum!
I am also exclusivley breastfeeding at the moment, and so far my "routine" has been pretty relaxed, and I've never had trouble getting him to sleep.

However, in the last week or 2 I've had trouble KEEPING him asleep (see our "no sleep club" thread!)

This week I'm trying the bath, feed, bed routine to get him to sleep at 8pm.
I'm still demand feeding all day, and in the evening I'll try him with boobie at every oportunity...eg, before bath, after bath, in the bedroom etc.

Let us know how you get on!
Hi, I breast and formula feed due to not having enough milk. I do feed on demand but it is usually around 3-4 hours anyway.

I am pretty laid back when it comes to routine during the day as I dont want to be restricting my life by being obsessed with routine (Gina Ford! :evil: ) anyway, on a night I feed Jack with the boob, bath and then top him up with his formula feed. start around 6ish but has been later. This works a treat and always has done really.

He has just started sleeping from around 7.30pm untill 4/5 am (apart from last night :cry: :D )

Let us know how it goes!!!
I did try a routine in the day, but have more or less reverted to demand feeding :roll: But at night we have a routine which basically ends with bath, big bottle of expressed milk and bed. Maybe followed with top up of boobie.

However last night I felt too wiped out to do a dream feed so after she had 7oz of expressed, I put her in her cot at 8.45pm and she slept til 6.45am. Probably wont happen again, but it was still nice!
Same here. No routine in the day, am demand feeding which as Seren has got older has reduced considerably. At about 6 weeks we started the bath, massage, pj's, book, boob and bed routine and that seems to be going ok. At five weeks I would say keep with the demand feeding as your body is still getting used to making milk and by demand feeding the baby is telling your body how much milk they need. Sounds like you are doing great xx
Thanks everyone, much appreciated with the replies.

Well Aleenas just gone to sleep now,
Im going to try the routine out, but will start in the next week or so, as shes still little and my milk is probably still ajusting to her demands, but once that is out the way, i will try with the feed - bath - feed - sleep.

I will keep you posted.

I have to admit she is a good girl, last night she went to sleep at 3am and woke up at about 7am then feed on and off but finally went to sleep at 10am and didn't wake up until 1.30pm. So i was a happy bunny, had my sleep which was really nice.

Ive noticed that Aleena doesnt demand that much milk during the day( feed and then sleeps), its mainly in the evening around 7pm and on wards, whereby she will feed on and off until she sleeps around 12am - 3am.

Does anyone else child feed mainly in the evening.

p.s i have to say one thing, does anyone hate the following

"is she hungry again" sorry i hate that question, everytime i just feed Aleena and i take her down to my MIL, and Aleena cries for another feed. I get that Qs thrown at me.

Im sorry to post that, put i had to get it off my chest, ahhhhh i feel better now
Jazz187 said:
Thanks everyone, much appreciated with the replies.

Well Aleenas just gone to sleep now,
Im going to try the routine out, but will start in the next week or so, as shes still little and my milk is probably still ajusting to her demands, but once that is out the way, i will try with the feed - bath - feed - sleep.

I will keep you posted.

I have to admit she is a good girl, last night she went to sleep at 3am and woke up at about 7am then feed on and off but finally went to sleep at 10am and didn't wake up until 1.30pm. So i was a happy bunny, had my sleep which was really nice.

Ive noticed that Aleena doesnt demand that much milk during the day( feed and then sleeps), its mainly in the evening around 7pm and on wards, whereby she will feed on and off until she sleeps around 12am - 3am.

Does anyone else child feed mainly in the evening.

p.s i have to say one thing, does anyone hate the following

"is she hungry again" sorry i hate that question, everytime i just feed Aleena and i take her down to my MIL, and Aleena cries for another feed. I get that Qs thrown at me.

Im sorry to post that, put i had to get it off my chest, ahhhhh i feel better now

I do get the "hungry again" thing all the time... I guess it's part and parcel of demand feeding!

If you read my posts in the "no-sleep-club" thread I am now trying to express in the day to give Brody and extra top up in the evening. After a bit of a false start it worked really well yesterday :)
Jazz187 said:
Does anyone else child feed mainly in the evening.

Seren used to do this and would go to bed between 12 and 2am. It was exhausting and I would be on the sofa for ages but she now is in bed by 8pm. I know that this is probably the most over used phrase with bfing but it honestly does get better, those first weeks are a nightmare but keep persevering. Once the rouitne had been in place for a couple of weeks I started moving it forward an hour each week and we have got there.

Jazz187 said:
p.s i have to say one thing, does anyone hate the following

"is she hungry again" sorry i hate that question, everytime i just feed Aleena and i take her down to my MIL, and Aleena cries for another feed. I get that Qs thrown at me.

Im sorry to post that, put i had to get it off my chest, ahhhhh i feel better now

Hate that so much, I am always getting it, that amnd "perhaps you should give her a bottle, it'll fill her up more" or "you know what they are taking with a bottle". Just remember that your baby is getting all she needs and will soon settle down into having a couple of hours between feeds. It is bliss, I get the odd day where she has a growth spurt and feeds constantly.
i feed Abi on demand through the day then bath her about 7 give her a big bottle of formula and bed she sleeps about 10 hours wakes for a feed then goes back to sleep for another 4 hours :), also through the day if i need to get my milk up i will put her on boob even if she isn't crying it works a treat :) and she feeds everytime.
Hi Jazz, Charlie is 6 weeks, and i was just logging on to ask a simlar type of question!!!
She too feeds constantly, but usually from 8 til about 12, then we can finally get her down for about 12.30-1am.
I want her to have a bed time but it is impossible, Charlotte 'revs' up at about 8pm, then feeds, crys, change nappy, crys, feeds, sleeps for 10 mins, crys, feeds, nappy change, crys, feeds, 10 mins sleep and so on.
Theres no way i can put her down as she gets hysterical, she seems to get tummy ache and gets a lot of bottom wind (!!) ive tried infacol, massage etc.... How do i try to establish a routine???
How are you getting on Jazz? sorry to barge in on your post!! LOL :oops:
hels said:
Hi Jazz, Charlie is 6 weeks, and i was just logging on to ask a simlar type of question!!!
She too feeds constantly, but usually from 8 til about 12, then we can finally get her down for about 12.30-1am.
I want her to have a bed time but it is impossible, Charlotte 'revs' up at about 8pm, then feeds, crys, change nappy, crys, feeds, sleeps for 10 mins, crys, feeds, nappy change, crys, feeds, 10 mins sleep and so on.
Theres no way i can put her down as she gets hysterical, she seems to get tummy ache and gets a lot of bottom wind (!!) ive tried infacol, massage etc.... How do i try to establish a routine???
How are you getting on Jazz? sorry to barge in on your post!! LOL :oops:

Have you tried gripe water? They can try it at one month and it worked wonders for us cos Brody had a few weeks where he really struggled with his wind and it really seemed to calm him down :)
Awww thanks hun, ill give it a go, ill try anything (well other than a shot of whiskey!!) nice one on ya 'moderater' role!
We have a morning routine and a bedtime routine, but the daytime is a bit of a muddle.

In the morning I feed samuel for an hour and then leave him in his bouncer whilst I have a quick bath, he then sleeps for a bit while I get a bit of housework done or go out somewhere with him

Evening routine starts at about 7pm, with a bath, both breasts and then bed. He normally does go off to sleep straight away and sleeps until somewhere between 1am and 3am for his night feed.

Samuel and I normally get somewhere between 5 hours and 9 hours every night, which is very respectable. Hoping it lasts!
I've posted this in the other thread but it's relevant to here too:

I have found 2 probs with my routine so far...

1- I express when I can, but cos Brody feeds little and often, I feel like when I express, the next feed there is hardly any milk for him. This was a problem tonight cos I only had time to express this evening, so it meant for 2 feeds I had to use the same breast, and there was just nothing left.

2- I wanted him to have the bottle of expressed last thing at night, after a bath etc. He's just too tired though, he cries and fusses around the bottle, by the time he eventually finished it tonight, I wanted him to finish his feed on the breast as there was only 3 1/2 oz in the bottle, but he was too tired by then and just fell asleep

Update: he's since woken up and had another 3 oz and a bit more breast so he should be full....we'll see :)
Urchin why dont you try formula as the last feed, it's more filling and it means you're not having to express, i've found it works great and been doing it since Abi was 10 weeks old

Hels i have the ame prob as you for one Kiara doenst sleep till about 3-5am each nihgt and when she is up she ownt sleep or nap cuz she has so much gas but i think for her its cuz of the thrush but Gripe water dont work. :?
Hi Urchin, I have no tips on the expressing thing sorry - I only ever get dribbles out so am not the best person for that. I have been expressing and freezing about 3oz each day (me and OH are planning a trip to Alton Towers so stocking up :dance: ) and I am able to do that becasue as Seren now goes to bed at 8, I don't seem to be feeding her at 12 and my boobs are full so I just express that - is there any way you could express at night after Brody has gone to sleep? Also how about giving him the bottle before bath. I do this with Seren, when I wasn't freezing the milk I would save it from the night before (from midnight) and give her the bottle before bath. I then found that after bath she was sleepy then when I gave her a top up from the boob she wuld take a little before sleeping. Hope this is of some help x
beanie said:
how about giving him the bottle before bath.

Am going to try this tonight! I was lying in bed last night think I should have done that!

As far as giving formula, I'm not going to go there just yet, there is no guarantee it will make him sleep longer, as he was definitly full last night and still woke up. Also he's no bother when he wakes in the night usually, just a 5 min top up and straight back off again.

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