Newborn or 0-3 months

Ive got mainly newborn/first size as they tend to say up to 11lb, and im hoping hes not going to be that big! Lol x
Def do a mixture. My boy is long and his birth weight (which he is back up to yay!) was 9lb 8 and he's swamped in 0-3. He has first size and newborn xxx
Definitely get a mixture! My LO was 10lb 4 and a half and even at over 11lbs as he is now he's still in his new born stuff with some 0-3 stuff being baggy on him! Xx
I may be wrong but i don't think its just weight its length as well - i was big 9'11 and my mum said i couldn't fit in the snow suit that was 0-3 month because i was too long... So even tho they say fit up to 10' if you have a tall baby they may be too short in the legs or whatever...
Im expecting a big baby so got 0-3 month with mum and dad both been 6ft tall im also expecting a tall baby... is that strange lol xx
Oh plus don't forget the supermarkets are 24 hours now so OH can always nip and buy a baby grow in a better size if yours are too big/ small when you get to the hospital xx
I didn't buy any newborn clothes for Jack because my MW said he would be average size so I didn't think newborn would be worth buying for him. He was average at 7lb 11oz but he was thin and short and his 0-3mth stuff drowned him! People bought him newborn bits thank goodness! He's now nearly 5 months and still wears 0-3mth trousers bless him! x
I've gone for 0-3 and 3-6 mainly as we've already been told he is long but have a few newborn bits just in case xxxxxxx
I did a mixture of both, mainly thinking that 0-3 wouldn't be that much too big for her but would last her longer. I ended up needing the MiL to go out and get more newborn clothes while I was still in hospital as she kept going through at least 3 vests and babygrows a day and would always look like a pretzel when she wriggled her legs out of the 0-3 babygrows.

As someone said, you could always get some newborn stuff and keep it in its packaging with the receipt and see if it's needed when the time comes.
I bought all newborn and 0-3 for my dd as was told to expect big baby she was 6lb 10oz and needed tiny baby things for a month as she was so short too. Her tiny baby things fit her dolls now lol
I was kinda thinking people would be less likely to buy newborn as gifts, so i figured id try to stock up that a bit more.

I always go for 0-3 if im buying for someone else.


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