To buy or not to buy (Newborn or 0-3m clothes) ?

ebony_preggy said:
budge said:
[quote="ebony_preggy":2063aibs]dont do second-hand

oh i wish i was rich enough to say that :roll: you must be rolling in it ebony! whats your secret!

i just dont do it...

its quite simple to digest..[/quote:2063aibs]

cheeky monkey! :moon:
ebony_preggy said:
hevwithbump said:
ebony hun tesco do 3 white vests for £2 and they do 3 sleepsuits for £4 :D

hope this helps

liar :shock:

That was a bit rude..
They do loads of baby clothes, including tesco value stuff!!
they have sales every few weeks too so you can get their stuff even cheaper!! i always wait till the sale some of the stuff will be a bit out of season, but their quality it still good!
wat was rude? :think:

im gonna get the newborn from asda..tesco..primark....etc
Hypnorm said:
ebony_preggy said:
hevwithbump said:
ebony hun tesco do 3 white vests for £2 and they do 3 sleepsuits for £4 :D

hope this helps

liar :shock:

That was a bit rude..
They do loads of baby clothes, including tesco value stuff!!
they have sales every few weeks too so you can get their stuff even cheaper!! i always wait till the sale some of the stuff will be a bit out of season, but their quality it still good!

I think Ebony was saying Liar in a sarcastic shocked way, not in a rude way!
we got some second hand stuff but they were those terry sleepsuits and were as scratchy as hell, they hurt to touch!!

but i hunted around primark, george and next and found some bargains for little one who wasnt so little at 8lb 14oz lol!! he was in his newborn stuff for about 3weeks tho?

i prefer my little monkey just havin his nappy on when hes in bed with mummy in the morning, his skin is sooooo soft!!
princess puddles
Hypnorm said:
ebony_preggy said:
dont do second-hand

dont trust ebay... so i think ill do primark/george for a few newborn...

Up to you really but, Ewan wore some of his suits about 3 times before he grew out of them, people got him snow suits costing over £20 and he worn them ooh twice... you can get the same £20 quid suit at car boots for £2 and a bit more on ebay.

Between then ages of newborn to 18 months they grow so quickly that is just so much of a waste of money to buy new when you can get great stuff out of charity shops etc, I just wash em and they are practically brand new!!

I am a bit of a car boot, charity shop junkie!! theres nothing wrong with second hand stuff, i love it and 90% of Ewans clothes are 2nd hand the others have been bough in sales, i've never bought anything full price, baby clothes are a rip off.

Good luck to you if you can afford all brand new clothes.

you sound like me hyponorm - i love a car boot sale or good charity shop!
I have got loads of stuff for all my kids from those places and once they are washed and ironed who gives a toss where they came from :cheer:

Bag a bargain is my fave saying! :cheer: :cheer:

I have gotten loads and loads of babygrows and vests from my sister 2nd hand but i dont think i would buy second hand vests/sleepsuits underwear things but id go to a carboot and buy second hand coats/snowsuits if needed, i havnt got any yet but my mom got me a brand new snow suit from a carboot with all the tags still on etc and its gorgeous.

I have got mostly 0-3 as i have been told i will have a big baby even though i, compared to others 9 months pregnant seem to have a tiny bump and my sister and mom think that i will have a small baby, my sister was told my neice would be 9lb7 - 10lbs and she was 7lbs!!

But today i went out to the debenham sales and got a few newborn sleepsuits and vests abit cuter than the plain ones i already have but that will be it...most of the outfits i have got are 3-6m and a few 0-3 but he will mostly be in babygros for the first 3 months...

I have also got some cheap ones from asda and they do really cute stuff too! But dont get loads, i have because i got them in the sales like winter jackets and snow suits i got in summer when i was like 6months gone because they were all on sale which was great cause the snowsuits i got half price in mothercare are now back out at full price for winter!!! and i am now going to get summer stuff in the jan sale as we are going on hol in may and as everyone has said no point in paying full price cause they grow out sooo quick!!!!

Cas x
i have ticked newborn but i bought a mixture of both, and im gald i did! Olivia was 7 lb 4 at birth so 0-3 was too big, but she soon grew out of her newborn things! so id get a few newborn bits (not too many like i did lol) and some 0-3!

Hope this helps
when you say a few.. what exactly do you mean? sorry .. im a first timer :oops:

how many sleepsuits


normal clothes etc? :think:
Depends how often you will be washing? Id say about 20 vests, babygrows as they will be in them most of the time, then a few coats and snowsuits and some outfits depending on how often you will have them in outfits as apose to gros?
I didnt buy any newborn but wished I had coz when I give birth I had to get my mum to go any buy some tiny baby clothes then I had to buy newborn aswell.
well i bought 10 babygro's and vests in newborn and 10 in 0-3 and i definatly had too many! It does depend on how much you wash! I wash everyday!

If i had another going on the fact that i wash everyday i would only buy 6 of each in a newborn and a 0-3
I went and bought a pack of new baby sleepsuits today from mothercare after reading this thread, cos like I said before everything I have is 0-3 apart from one pack of vests!!

I might get a few more bits later on, at least I got some now!
me too i went to asda got some really cute sleepsuits for like £6 for 3 with patterns its like £2 for the plain ones!!! and got 7 vests for £7 and another 3 plain vests for like £1.75!!!! bargain!

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