newbie ttc....poss pcos

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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Hi , thought i just say ello for my first post

ben trying for 11 months (with a 2 month break in april/may ofr minor surgery) and now suspect i have pcos , had first blood tests back and am going for my scan on monday (13th) im sooooo scared , i burst into tears with just getting dodgy blood tests , dunno how ill cope if the scan shows ive got pcos altho would bring closure to me not getting pregnant but would also devestate me too , am only 24 and been married 7 months . last 2 months ive been 7 days late too , talk about getting ya hopes up :( prob just another sympton on pcos :wall:

sure many of u are going throught the same , wishing everyone luck
:wave: hi G3M,
Welcome to the forum Doll, sorry to hear you are having such a rough time :hug: the girls on here are all lovely and i am sure someone will be able to share a their experience with you, Most of us have an issue or problem and sharing ideas feelings or just wanting to let it all out is why we are here, I wish you good luck with all the tests, try to stay positive and wishing sticky baby dust to come your way soon, :hug: sorry i can help or advise, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Hi G3M, I'm in the same boat as you. I had my scan and it came back normal but my blood tests showed that I most likely have PCOS (which isn't a suprise as my sis has it) I've now not had AF since coming off the pill in May. I've had more blood tests taken to see if I've had chlamydia in which case my tubes maybe blocked, and for something else that I can't remember. Don't worry if you have got PCOS it's still possible to conceive and it's actually quite common (about 40 - 50% of women apparently :shock: ). Although there is no cure for PCOS it can be managed by being Healthy weight (between 20 and 25 BMI) and sugar intake as it is linked to insulin deficiency and diabetes. OH has to have his 'swimmers' checked out too as there's no point in giving me drugs if he has a problem. Have you got an appointment with a gynaecologist to get your scan results, cos I assumed I'd know there and then at my scan but I didn't get them til 2 weeks later when I had my gynae appointment.
Try not to worry, easier said than done I know. I'm more worried about OH semen sample analysis then my PCOS cos I know PCOS is easier to treat . Good luck TTC Hope your scan goes well. Check out for more PCOS info.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I have Polycysitic ovirys (shown via scan) and just had loads of blood test done to see if I have the syndrome.

It is VERY frustrating not knowing fully and waiting to OV since irregular.

Hope you have your scan soon so you know exactly what's going on.
There IS treatment for PCOS so don't give up hope.

Also I've been told by my Gyneo that they won't put me on Clomid as it's too dangoures for me to carry twins etc and Clomid give you a higher change of conceiving twins.

So if I go on any meds it'll be Metaformin.

Hope this helps.
got my scan monday morning

yeh the weight thing for me is an issue and prob the biggest sympton ive got , as ive put on 2 + stone since january and it doesnt seem to want to shift at all :wall:

i hate this waiting game , cos even tho u may need help to concieve every month i still o through the motions of praying im pregnant :cry:
just wanted to say welcome to the forum and good luck :hug:

As far as I know I don't have PCOS so I can't say I know what you're going through .. but I just wanted to say that if you do get diagnosed at least it will you give some answers as to why you're not pg yet .. and PCOS is completely treatable .. there are alot of success stories on here of women who have it and they have conceived! So keep your chin up and GOOD LUCK with the scan!!

I am begining to think that perhaps I might have it ... we've been trying for 9 months .... and recently my cycles seem to have got much longer than normal .. and it now seems irratic .. I'm going to wait until the new year and if things don't seem to have got back on track I will be going for tests .....

Welcome hope you figure out soon if you have it or not, good luck ttc maybe it will be your turn soon
Hiya, I just wanted to give you a little hope! I was diagnosed with PCOS in June. I'm only 21 and was absolutely devastated. Me & OH decided to start trying for a baby straight away and I conceived my little miracle the first month! My GP said it's not common to conceive that quickly, but it goes to show that it is possible and will happen eventually for most people with PCOS.

It's great that you're being tested, that's quite often the hardest step. It took months and a change of doctor to get them to take me seriously, it's upsetting when it's eventually diagnosed, but good that you know what's wrong and there are treatments available.

I don't know a huge amount about PCOS as I was only diagnosed this year, but if you want someone to talk to/ask questions feel free to pmail me.

Good luck! Becky.

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