Could I have your opinion please?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Hi :wave:

First of all, I've not been on here for ages because I'm trying to calm things down on the whole ttc front (though I'm still charting cos I need to have blood tests 7 days after I ovulate) so I just want to say a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all those who got their bfp's, and loads of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and :pray: :pray: :pray: for those of us who are still trying.

I would like your opinion on whether you think my problems ttc are down to the pill, even though it's been nearly a year since I came off it, or if there could be something else causing me fertility problems. Over the past 3 months I have ovulated on day 18, so it feels like I am getting some kind of a regular cycle. BUT...7 days after I ovulate I start spotting, and then AF comes on about day 10 :wall: My first lot of blood tests didn't conclusively prove that I had ovulated because my progesterone level was really low, though my doctor suspected that I did as it would more than likely be around zero if I hadn't ovulated at all. So, I think my problem may be that I have low progesterone - is this something that being on the pill can cause and will it go back to normal in time? The other reason I worry about my progesterone is because I have really light periods, they only last 2 or 3 days and never really get that heavy. I was worried that maybe I had PCOS, but I do seem to ovulate regularly, so maybe that's not the case?

Has anyone had any similar problems and gone on to conceive naturally without needing fertility treatment?

Sounds like you have a short luteal phase. You need to have a minimum of 10 days to become pregnant. Your Dr could prescribe you with clomid which increases your luteal phase. I am sure some of the more experienced ladies will be along soon to give you some more advice. Good luck :hug:
When I looked into it, I found that what Clomid does is trick your body into thinking there's less estrogen there than there really is, so that allows LH and FSH to increase - nothing to do with progesterone. I could be wrong, tho. I know a doc can prescribe progestin (synthetic progesterone) to help with luteal phase levels and length. If you don't want to use synthetic hormones (which can sometimes throw other, natural body hormones off balance), you can try agnus castus, which is a long-acting herb that can help women with irregular cycles and luteal phase defects.

Also, just generally being healthy (diet, water, exercise) can do wonders for your body's ability to create the proper amounts of hormones and get rid of the bad stuff that might be getting in the way. :hug:
Thanks guys, I appreciate your replies. I thought clomid was used if you weren't ovulating and so I think I may actually just need the progesterone supplement. I am really hoping it doesn't come to that though cos I'd much rather it happen naturally - I've spent 16 years on the pill and so the last thing I want is more synthetic hormones being pumped into my body! I am already on agnus castus and I think it's helping, as it has seemed to make my cycle more regular.
I drink tonnes of water but could defo do more exercise :oops: - I went running today and yesterday though so I am trying! I figure if I can get fitter and slimmer, then just maybe my levels will even out and I will one day get my own baba! Well that's my plan anyway...! :pray:

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