New to TTC


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Apr 10, 2005
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Newbie here,

I came off the pill (Cilest) at the end of February this year and haven't had AF yet, I understand it might take some time for my body to get back to my usual cycle but should i be concerned that it hasn't arrive yet?

I had PMT symptons a couple of weeks ago but nothing came of them.


Hi lucy i came off the pill 4th March and hadnt had anything, then took a test and now Im pregnant!!!! I didnt even get a real period! Not sure how that worked out.
Hi Rooander

Wow, congratulations! From hearing your circumstances, I guess I should test as well (!) although to be honest I very much doubt I'm pg because we've been really careful since I stopped taking the pill so I really don't think my no show AF is due to pgy. (only reason we were careful is because I've been on the pill for 10 years and so wanted to see how long my cycle was)

I'd heard before of people getting pg straight after coming off the pill - do you mind me asking how long you had been on the pill for?

your normal cycles should return within 6 months. If not then see your GP for a referral, but I am sure you will be fine. It can take some women 18months after a while on the pill.

Good luck,

Jo xxx

I'd agree about it taking a while for your periods to return to normal - I was on the pill (Microgynon 30) for 14 years (19-33) & my periods were all over the place for about a year!!

It was quite common for me to miss them completely (& disappointingly not be pregnant!) or have them less than 4 weeks apart - some were almost non-existent & some were very heavy & lasted for over a week!?!

VERY frustrating!!

Unfortunately, mine never settled down by themselves & I've ended up on the fertility drug clomid to regulate them & make my body ovulate properly & at the right point in my cycle etc so that we stand a fighting chance of conceiving - we're on month 2 at the moment & so far I'm having pregnancy symptoms but it's too early to test so I'm counting the days - argh!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm suspicious that it's wishful thinking or my body playing tricks on me though, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's very hard!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to you & everyone else trying to conceive right now!!

It is nice to hear a similar story to mine. I was on the pill for only 7/8 years (I am currently just 25) and my cycles never returned. Turned out that I had a huge cyst (15cm) that had completely destryoed one ovary and stuck to the side of the other. Needless to say I have had one removed (over xmas) and have been ttc ever since - not long, I know!

Could you please tell me what your PG symptons are? I am hoping for a BFP on April 22nd...

Jo xxx
Hi there!

I've had several blood & tests & a minor exploratory operation in Jan. of this year which showed that my system seems clear & healthy etc. but I don't seem to ovulate properly on my own & the level of hormone that I produce is below that which is deemed necessary to conceive - bit complicated - don't really understand it in detail!! Apparently, it all means that I don't produce good quality eggs & the amount that's there is slowly dwindling, due to my age (35 in Oct.) Hubby's sperm sample was good, so basically the problem is all with me - typical eh?!

Hence me being prescribed the fertility drugs!! Apparently, they're supposed to make my body ovulate, regulate my cycle, improve the quality of eggs produced & levels of hormone etc. so that technically & physically there's no reason why we shouldn't conceive. So far, after a bit of trial & error with doseage & waiting for my cycle to settle into a regular pattern, it seems as though they might be working - I've had blood tests which indicate that my hormone level is now acceptable. So, we basically have to give it a go for 6 months & then if it hasn't worked by then, it's off to IVF we go - oh great! (Difficult to stay positive some days!!)

I'm VERY confused at the moment though - been having what I'm led to belive are preg. symptoms but I'm sure I can't be - unless the symptoms have kicked in a week after conception which surely is way too early?! Either that, or the last period I had was an implantation bleed & not a proper period but I don't think it could have been as it arrived bang on time & although it was light on day 1 & only lasted a couple of days in total, it did develop into what I'd call 'normal' period flow at one point - definately more than just spotting??!!

Anyway, my weird symptoms have been sore boobs, general tiredness, woozy headaches, almost constant nausea, heartburn, acid indigestion, going off certain foods, thirsty all the time, pee'ing in the middle of the night & pretty much feeling like I've been hit by a bus!!!!!!!

I think it's either my body playing very cruel tricks on me or a virus/bug type thing!!!!!!!

Having said that, I'm counting the days till I can do a preg. test - can't help it!!!!!!!!!!! I'm due around Thurs. 21st April so we'll see eh?!

God, it's soooooooooooooo hard isn't it????!!!!

I'm new to this site but finding it REALLY helpful - if only so that I don't feel alone or that I'm going mad!!!!!!!!!!!

Fingers crossed for all of us!!!!!!


I agree, it is so nice to hear people are in the same boat - and that I am not the only totally neurotic one!!!

I hope the Clomid works for you - it sounds as though it is doing its job...

The symptons do seem to be screaming pregnancy!!!! I do hope it's a BFP for you.
Have you taken your BBT? Just a thought, if they are low you may have thyroid problem - but the Gynae should have checked that in the bloods...

I am hoping for a BFP on the 22nd so we will have to keep in touch. (if I carry on with irregular cycles the gynae says it may be clomid for me too)

jo xxx
Hi again!

I THINK my thyroid is ok - I seem to dimly recall being told that they'd checked that at some point?!

My BBT seems to be all over the place - I spent the majority of last year charting it every month & it never really settled into any sort of pattern at all! Having said that, it was before we were referred to the gynae & started tests & treatment etc so maybe I should start doing it again!

It's so hard to know what to do for the best! On the one hand you can't help but be obsessed by your cycle length, ovulation, your fertile period, every little twinge your body makes, etc etc etc but then on the other hand you drive yourself nuts with it all cos you know at the end of the day there's not a lot you can do about it all - if it's gonna happen, it will do - you just have to wait & let nature do it's thing - argh!!!! A lot of people reckon that if you stop stressing about it, it helps you to conceive, but who can do that??!!

Yeah - we should keep in touch - here's hoping we both get BFP at the end of April!!

Hang in there eh??!!


Hope you don't mind if I join you. I am also having PG symptoms but cannot test until Saturday really, but may do one Wed too...

I also had a 'strange' AF last month, really early, short and light. It happened around the time I would expect implantation bleeding, but it was heavier, and I have tested since and got BFN??

My last cycle was 25 days, I am now on day 26 and no AF symptoms, but I seem to have PG symptoms?

My symptoms are: Cramping in my lower left side, tiredness and crying for no reason at all, then being fine the minute after, left wondering what all the fuss was about!! I have had no nausea or going off food though (the opposite actually). I want to test but darent...

Kim x
Hiya! Course you can join us! The more the merrier!! It's so nice to know you're not the only one out there eh?!

Sounds like you could be in the same boat as me maybe - yours sounds more promising though as you're further past your ovulation than I am so maybe your symptoms are the real deal!! I can't help thinking that mine are way too early!!

How long are your cycles usually? I'd test the day that you're due if your period doesn't show! I keep reading on here that a lot of ladies get a negative first time then a positive shows up after a few more days so don't be too disappointed if it's not there to start with - fingers crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Sparkols

Thanks for the quick reply, I'm going crazy, posting all over the place just for some advice. It's hard to say how long my cycle will be as I have been on the pill so it's still irregular. Before I was on the pill I never really thought about cycles. It was 30 days Jan and Feb, then 25 March, so could be any time. REALLY want to test, it's getting ridiculous. What do I do, test or wait, test or wait, test or wait, aaarrrggg!!!

Kim xx
God, I know - you're not going mad - don't worry!! I guess the only thing impacting on whether or not you test is how many sticks you've got & are you prepared to buy some more??!! They're so ruddy expensive aren't they??!!

I know what you mean about irregular cycles - mine were all over the place when I came off the pill! We didn't know where we were & our baby-making efforts were very erratic cos we had no idea when or if I was ovulating etc. How long have you been off the pill & trying? If it's not too long, then don't worry - your system will eventually settle into a more regular pattern - the fact that your last 3 periods have been 30, 30 & 25 days isn't too bad at all really - in fact, I'd say it was a good sign that things are getting back to normal - some of mine were still 2 months apart after 8 months off the pill!!

Hang in there!!


(Sparkols is hubby's nickname for me - just realised how daft it looks when written down in something like this!!)
Hi Kath

We have been trying since the new year, just been reading some early symptoms on other sites and getting my hopes up. I have a couple of tests left, I am going to do one in the morning, I can't wait til Wed. Coming on here always make me want to test!!

Thanks for the advice

Kim xx
Hey girls! I went off the pill almost 3 months ago and just got my first real period on was actually kind of relieving because now I know that I am ovulating and can track when we should be bding! Best of luck to all of you!
Hi Kim - how did you get on?!

I was thinking last night about what we were saying about implantation bleeds & our last periods being lighter & shorter than normal etc. so I peed on a stick this morning (nice!) just to see, out of curiosity, but it was predictably negative, so at least that's cleared that up for me! I was pretty sure it would be, but hadn't checked before now - just assumed my last period was normal - didn't know about implanation bleeds till the other day!

It's still too early to test to see if we've 'caught' this month but I'm now even more convinced that what I thought may be early pregnancy symptoms may just have been a weird virus/bug type thing, as the nausea seems to have almost gone now - ?!

Ah well, will have to wait till around 21st April to know for sure!! Trying not to get my hopes up!!

Good luck to everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kim,

It is so hard isnt it when you dont have regular cycles!? My poor DH doesnt know whteher he is coming or going!!

I have resorted to Natural Fertility Awareness (BBT, cervical position and mucus, abdominal pain and any other symptoms combined) to figure out when I am ovulating and it has really helped - and much cheaper than those kits!!!

If I were you I would not be able to resist testing!!

Good luck

Jo xxx
Hi girls,

Know what you mean - my hubby is permanently confused about dates & ovulation & symptoms & when we're supposed to be 'at it' etc etc & also constantly knackered from all the 'action' - says he feels like a stud horse!!

My answer to that is that he gets off VERY lightly in the whole thing, so just shut up & come here!!!!! Bless them eh??!!

Lucy said:
Hi Rooander

Wow, congratulations! From hearing your circumstances, I guess I should test as well (!) although to be honest I very much doubt I'm pg because we've been really careful since I stopped taking the pill so I really don't think my no show AF is due to pgy. (only reason we were careful is because I've been on the pill for 10 years and so wanted to see how long my cycle was)

I'd heard before of people getting pg straight after coming off the pill - do you mind me asking how long you had been on the pill for?

Hi there Lucy, well I was on the pill solid for 8 years but I must have tried about 6 of them as none of them seemed to agree with me. The last one I was on was YASMIN and that was about a year with no problems.
Not really sure what happened with us concieving straight away as Ive read so much about it taking a while for your system to get back to normal, but having said all of that when I had my son 8years ago, he came along as a complete surprise being as I was on the pill when I concieved!

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