new to opk 's


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hi ladies , I'm new to opk s but we thought we would give them a try this month , I have ordered some due to come tomoz , my af is comin to an end and my cycle is 28 days usually although the last 2 months one was 21 and this was 26 , when should I start testin , and do you test more than once a day or just the once , also does the line only appear when ovulating or is it faint and gets darker , sorry for all the questions I'm justa bit baffled by it all lol , thanks in advance ladies xx
Hi hon - which opks are using? I use the IC (internet cheapies - called 'one step' - you can buy them from amazon about £5 for 30) and because they're so cheap you can use them as often as you like....! If your cycles are irregular and you're using ICs then I would start testing on cd6 and do them 2 -3 times a day, once in the morning, once early afternoon and once in the evening... I get faint lines a day or two before ov, but some women get them for a few days before - I'm not sure if everyone does tho' . Hope this helps a bit, but feel free to ask any more questions - good luck :) xx
Hi thanks for the help , I have got ic's from ebay just got 15 to try I think I will go onto amazon today and order the other ones aswell as they seem quite popular on here , is cd6 , 6 days from the first day of your af ? If so would I start testin fri as my af came sat and ended yesteday sorry for all the questions I'm new to all this lol xx
That's fine hon :) some of the girls use ICs to start with and then if they start seeing faint pink lines, move on to the more expensive ones.. . I'm using CBFM (Clear Blue Fertility Monitor) too as I like to have double confirmation! Yes, cd 6 would be 6 days from the start of your af - it's probably best to start sooner rather than later if your cycles are a bit irregular... Actually if your af started Sat, then cd6 would be tomorrow hon - 6 days inc the day you started af - hope you get on ok with it :) xxx
Thanks hun will start testing tomoz xx
Hi Jodie I am new to the OPK testing as well. I have purchased the digital clearblue month supply. I just started it today, it was easy and no guessing. How long have you been ttc?
Hi baby fever we have been activly ttc for 7 months and for a year before that it was a case of if it happens it happens , it was four longyears for my son had test but we were both fine , I'm gettin ready to give up as I don't think I can face the upset everymonth like the last time so we thought we would give opk a try for a couple of months and see how we get on , how long have u been ttc xx
We haven't been trying very long just a couple of months. I have been on bc for over 5 years and I was really hoping to conceive right away. This is the first time I use opk's, I am hoping it will give us the added help in ttc. Don't give up just yet, hang in there and r-e-l-a-x it will happen :)
Woooohoooo finally by opk has arrived tested straight away , I didn't realise it would be so easy to do , going to test again this afternoon and this evening , my af ended on tues I don't think I will of missed ov well I hope not xx

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