opk help please


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
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My cycles have been between 28 days and 25 days the last two were 26 days. So i have gone with that for this first cycle, using opk. I started testing on monday, nothing, tuesday very faint line, wednesday bit stronger, yesterday line darker than the control line, so we bd. Today ( my bday :lol:) very faint line. Is it normal to only get the dark line for one day? It says on the instructions that you ovulate just after, so does that mean i'm ovulating today? Should we be bding or was it just yesterday? I'm so confused xx
Hi Sunshine

Well done on BDing at the key time :D Nice one!! In 2 cycles I've had a +ve OPK for about 24 hours-ish and I think it's completely normal to get the dark line for one day. Some people get it for 2 days but it's probably handier to pinpoint stuff when it's 1 day.

You may well be ovulating today... I'd definitely recommend another BD if you can, the egg lives for about 12-24 hours after being released so it may be hanging around at the moment :D

I've read that 95% of women (who track these things via a particular website) get their BFP when BDing from between 2 days before Ov to day of Ov (so a 3-day window).

Good luck!! :clover:
Thanks. That makes sense, we did manage to bd last night also. So fingers crossed. At least i'm ov, didn't think i was. Thanks for your support xx
2 times in the super-fertile period is good going!! Best of luck now with the 2ww and let us know how you're getting on!!! :)

Hi hun, I only got one super strong line during my last cycle (along with ovulation pains). We bd'd the day before I had the pos OPK and the day after it too, and it worked so I hope it does for you too, sounds like you've done it at exactly the right time :yay: xx

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