New and Confused


Active Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Hi everyone!
I'm new, and not 100% sure I'm pregnant yet. By my count I'm now on day 34 of a standard 29/30 day cycle, so I did a home-test a few days ago. It came up positive, so I waiting til the next morning and did another just to check, and that came out positive too. So I guess I'm pregnant! My husband and I are both thrilled, but very nervous of getting this excited to find out we're wrong after all.

I know I need to see a Dr to have the test confirmed, but I don't know when I should go? I don't want to go too soon, and just have them tell me to come back in a few weeks if I've still not had my period, but I'm also really desperate to have it confirmed! So, my first question really is, when should I go?

I'm also really confused by the week counting, can anyone help? I've used dozen's of on-line due date calculators and week counters, and they all say I'm 4 weeks pregnant, but I know for a fact I can't have conceived more than 2 weeks ago? If I've understood correctly, the week counting starts on your last period, even though you're not pregnant yet? Is that right? And am I the only one confused by this?

I'm also concerned that people will misunderstand. My husband an I have only been married for 3 weeks, and we were both very definate that we were not going to try for a child until after we married. And we didn't. In the month before the wedding stress was far too high for baby-making to even be a possibility. But now if I tell my friends I'm 4 weeks pregnant, won't they all think we conceived the week before the wedding?

Thanks for listening to me ramble on, and I look forward to getting to know you all over the coming months.
I'm not sure about the doctor question because mine never really confirmed i was pregnant and just sent me to a midwife a fair few weeks later and i didn't know for sure till my 12 week scan :|. they weeks go from your last period i'm not too sure why and the internet always says you were 2 weeks pregnant before you concived. Again i have no idea why. I really don't think i'm helping lol just didn't want to read and run. And welcome :)
Welcome hon! Like meeah my doc hasn't confirmed that I'm pregnant with their own test but I'm sure if you go and talk to them they'll help. Docs etc all count your pregnancy from date of last period which means by the time you concieve you're counted as being 2 weeks preg, very confusing. This is how they calculate your due date at first so, for example, my due date is 8th oct but could be two weeks before or two weeks after! You'll find that at your dating scan (around 12 weeks) your due date and week count will change. I was so so confused at first but my mw explained it all to me, a little better than I'm doing right now. Hope I've helped!
MY docs is the opposite. They will not refer you to your midwife until they've recieved a urine sample that tests positive. Best bet would be to make an appointment with your doctor and they'll explain from there :)
Your due date is calculated from two weeks before conception as that's (roughly) when you will have released the egg :)
HTH xx
my dr never tested me either id suggest getting another cheap tester if that is positive too then your def preg although id say you are anyways i saw my gp quiet quickly because i had fertilty treatments and was just to excited not to lol congratulations xx
Finding out you are pregnant brings out lots of emotions like excitment and worry. Its so unbelievable when you see the positive result. I still cant believe it and done 3 more tests just to put my mind at ease!!! My doctors do not do anything other than make an appointment with the midwife at 8 weeks pregnant. My husband does not get the dating thing!! he insits I am three and a half weeks pregnant not five and a half!!!!
Try not to worry and enjoy being pregnant, it is an amazing experience that every one is not lucky enough to have so make the most of it and if you have any concerns, come on here or ring the doctors/midwife x x Congratulations!!!!!
Congratulations!!! I went to the doctors as soon as I found out (the day after my period was due) and although he made a smarmy remark about me only just having missed a period, he didn't dispute the fact and advised me to take folic acid (which I already was) and sent my details to the midwife. I didn't hear from the midwife for a good few weeks though, so don't worry about that if that happens to you.

As to the weeks thing, I am in EXACTLY the same boat as you. I got married 22nd December last year (9 weeks ago on Tuesday) and when we had our early scan at 6 and a half weeks the sonographer dated the conception as our wedding night!!! imagine my joy!! And like you, I had made a big fuss of not wanting to conceive a child until I had the wedding ring on my finger but as you are already 2 weeks pregnant when you conceive I am now 11 weeks pregnant having only been married for 9 weeks!! And none of my friends have children and don't know about the ridiculous already being two weeks pregant thing and so when I have told them that I am 11 weeks pregnant they all roll their eyes (only as a joke) and say, "Sooo, you were pregnant when you walked down the aisle! Tut tut!" But I wasn't!!!! Just explain to people, sure they'll all believe you!!

Also, how special do you feel to have conceived straight after getting married? I love telling people that! Even my miserable doctor had a chuckle when I told him that at a recent appointment!! Enjoy it xx
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Congratulations! :) and welcome to the forum.
My doctor didn't confirm my pregnancy, I've received letters with appointments with the midwife and scan but I still don't think I'll quite believe it until I see the little bubba in the scan - despite all my pregnancy symptoms!
My doctor didn't confirm my pregnancy either, he just asked me about my dates, and told me to make an appointment with the midwife - I didn't actually get any 'official' confirmation I was pregnant until I had my first scan at 14 weeks! I was a little disbelieving at first, my very first post on this board was about how I wasn't really sure how to take the news and how I had my head in the sand and couldn't possibly be pregnant :p

I'm sure if you ask your doctor to confirm it (I didn't, didn't even think to!) then hopefully they would oblige, but generally I think false positives are very rare, so congratulations!
Thanks everyone, I feel much better knowing its not just me! Thought I might have been being a bit dim.

As to the weeks thing, I am in EXACTLY the same boat as you. I got married 22nd December last year (9 weeks ago on Tuesday) and when we had our early scan at 6 and a half weeks the sonographer dated the conception as our wedding night!!! imagine my joy!! And like you, I had made a big fuss of not wanting to conceive a child until I had the wedding ring on my finger but as you are already 2 weeks pregnant when you conceive I am now 11 weeks pregnant having only been married for 9 weeks!! And none of my friends have children and don't know about the ridiculous already being two weeks pregant thing and so when I have told them that I am 11 weeks pregnant they all roll their eyes (only as a joke) and say, "Sooo, you were pregnant when you walked down the aisle! Tut tut!" But I wasn't!!!! Just explain to people, sure they'll all believe you!!

Also, how special do you feel to have conceived straight after getting married? I love telling people that! Even my miserable doctor had a chuckle when I told him that at a recent appointment!! Enjoy it xx

You know, my husband and I do both feel extremely blessed. We hadn't planned it to be like that, I had no idea when I would be fertile, we'd planned the wedding 18 months in advance! We'd just decided that we were both ready, so after the wedding we'd 'through caution to the wind' as it were! It's amazing though really, as my sister-in-law gets married next year, and we'd jokingly said to her when she announced the dates that she'd need to say an extra seat for us, as there'd be three of us by then! And we were right!

I rang for my appointment, earliest they could see me was this saturday. So at least I'll be late enough by then to be more sure.
Merv's Mum can give a crystal clear explanation about why it is always two weeks extra :)
that's funny tho, Mr's W , when you tell them youv'e been married for 9 weeks and 11 weeks pregnant, ha, ha

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