~*NEW*~ 37weeks + Labour signs, advise and hugs thread

looks like i miss all the excitement staying in bed! :lol:

anything happening mel? :hug:

how are you feeling ROM? hope you've stopped being sick. I felt a bit :puke: this morning.... lol

liza-marie - hope your midwife appointment goes well!

tallulah - :cheer: on losing your plug! can I be rank and ask was it just snotty? or blood stained too??

not much here..... feel like i've stalled! :lol: off for a walk in a bit, see if i can get anything going! lol!
oh I meant to say, I had a wee bit leakage from the boobs on sunday night...lol OH was horrified! :lol: just heard him mumble,.....ooooo they're gonna be functional now :rotfl: :rotfl:
had no leakage so far so maybe a sign that things are moving in the right direction. See baby, we're all ready out here!

quick question....anyone know the old wives tale about holding a newborn when your near term? I thought it could help set you off? does a 1month old still count as newborn?!?!? :lol: MIL and SIL visiting today with 2yr old and baby!

although they'd better not ask me to change a nappy and do the old "practice makes perfect routine" :oops: I'll save that hash bash for my own child! :lol:
well i've lost some more of my plug and am having pains.

got midwife this afternoon for a sweep.

fingers crossed
Morning everyone :wave:

Well looks like things may finally be starting. :dance:

Because of the panic I had yesterday with the babys heartbeat I forgot to say that when I had my sweep yesterday midwife said I was 1cm dilated. All through the night I have had really crampy pains and tightenings coming every 5 mins or so and lasting about 20 seconds so I phoned the hospital and they said sounds like my cervix is begining to thin out but could take a while and to keep timing them and if they get to a minute long or my waters go then I have to phone them again.

The cramps and tightenings are still very regular and but only lasting about 20 seconds or so. :pray: it wont be too long now.

:hug: :hug: to everyone.

Morning all :wave: :wave:

Sounds like things are starting to happen for some of you. Glad to hear it, it must be so frustrating being overdue. I have a feeling I'll know what its like soon.

Amy & zedandbee - :hug: :hug: so glad to hear everything is ok with your LOs.

Jane - hoping your sickness & pains is the start of things for you. We're down to single figures today, only 9 days to go! :dance: :dance:

Lisa - hope you have a nice day with your in-laws. Never heard that one about holding a newborn, but def worth a try. I understand what you mean about feeling like you've stalled, I feel a bit like that too. Although I'm at the back of the queue so think I'm just impatient :lol: :lol:

Its all went quiet for me, been having my usual crampy pains but nothing else. Went to Glasgow yesterday & was walking about for a whopping 5 hours, poor bubs must have went into shock. I haven't done that much exercise in months. I don't feel any different today. I've decided to spend every day doing things so that the time passes quickly. Today is my cleaning day, tomorrow is cooking..

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey still getting some pains, nothing big though lol, dont think kit was waters this morning prob just peed a bit :lol: Lost loads more plug, i think baby might be coming this week some time, or i hope so :pray:
lisaspoon - it was just snotty, clear with a yellow tinge to it! :puke: ..i think there's still more to come out.

Well it looks like theres a lot more happening today for everyone. At this rate we're all gonna have our babies at the same time! :hug:
ha ha that'd be pretty amazing if we all had our LO on the same day one mass labour.
feel really ill now, got lots of pressure down below and tummy pains
Dont know what to think, theese pains are coming and going, not timing them but not contracting either i dont think, just not sure what to do, its painful though, gotta take hope to nursery in a min :(
hopefully its the start of things to come mel!!!

tallulah - thats what mine has been like past few days.... everytime i'm out for a walk I lose more... hopefully this is the start of things for us! :hug: :hug: :hug:
good luck at your appointment,.....hope she has some good news for you! :hug: :hug:
I lost a lot of plug this morning and jst had a bit more now. Kept getting wakened in the night with tightnings altho havent had any since gettin up jst generally really sore and uncomfortable, feeling a lot more pressure 2day and I am in a mood from HELL :( Dunno if its jst cos OH is making me sit bout and do nothing cos of high BP (Im nae used 2 sitting on ma arse!!) Iv got midwife at 4 2c how BP is doin 2day. Hope every1 is in pain :rotfl: :rotfl: and there will some babies soon :dance:
Good luck Amy, hope this is your labour starting. Its sounding promising, hope we have a few PF babies in the next few days.

dtaylor, good luck with the MW, hopefully something is happening for you too.

:hug: :hug:
just got back.

well apparently my cervix is starting to dilate but is still long and its meant to be short. she managed to do a sweep so fingers crossed.

i'm booked in to be induced on tuesday 3rd february when i'm 40 +13 they don't normally let people go past + 12 but its full booked so just to be on the safe side she's also booked me in on friday to be monitored just to make sure we're still ok which at least shows they care.

feel a bit sore now lets hope it works.
ha ha at this rate i'll be having a february baby not a january one ha ha.

blood pressure was a bit higher than normal so she's gonna pop round tomorrow to make sure its ok. not really surprised it was higher than normal i'm nearly a week over and anxious to get this baby out plus i was really nervous about the sweep and then she did my BP again after the sweep so of course it was higher i'd just had some women messing with me doesn't usually calm me down ha ha :rotfl:
hmmm that was a bit daft them doing your BP after your sweep! lol! mine would be higher as well!! :lol:

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