Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Carina said:
Hi girlies :wave:

Been neglecting this post lately :oops: :oops: :oops: Sorry :hug: Its just was loads going on with Daniel being ill and stuff... He is better now:-) The problem with me is, that I can stick to a diet when everyhting is good. As soon as life gets crappy-I need food. Like a hug from inside.

Gosh, i do need to stick to it :pray:

Hi sazzylou and welcome to the thread :hug: I wish I had your weight :cry: :D hehe
I need to loose about 5st :oops: :wall: Well, diet here we go! :dance:

thanks :wave: see thing is, my weight doesnt sound too bad when you read it, but ive got the sort of body shape where i look like a little dumpy fat thing when im over weight :( Little short legs and a big muffin op, lol :oops: Hopefully i'll be able to lose what i need to! Glad Daniel is ok
hey girls well tomo i start ww ive done it b4 but i feel uncomfterble again in my clothes im a 10/12 more 12 at mo and just want to feel comfy again got about 1 and half stone to lose i think but need surrport from u all is there many of u on ww any advise ??

thanks and good luck to u all xx
Welcome charli!

Mrs. Tommo is doing ww and seems to be pretty satisfied :D

Well girlies, I am back to a diet :D First day is sooo hard!!! :wall: But, I got my motivation back, so, hopefully ill be alright :D
Carina said:
Well girlies, I am back to a diet :D First day is sooo hard!!! :wall: But, I got my motivation back, so, hopefully ill be alright :D

Ugh, i know what you mean.....i totally went off the deit at the weekend :( Had a night out so drank loads...and was drinking pints, so thats a great way to expand my belly :x Then had a Mcdonalds while i was a little drunk (i dont even flippin' well LIKE mcdonalds :evil: ) then yesterday had a load of Dominos pizza cos i couldnt be arsed to cook.... Im gonna have to be really careful about what i eat this week. It only take 1 day of me pigging out to make me feel like crap :( I dont know why i do it, i know im gonna regret it :roll:

Anyway, back on the diet!!!!
Sazzy-thats the spirit! :clap:

Why dont you try keeping healhy meals in freezer (like boiled rice, frozen veggies and some salmon or chiken) and just unfreeze them when you need? I just unfreeze rice in the microwave, boil veggies and grill salmon when I dont want to cook anything else. Takes 15 mins and it saves loads of work.

Though having all that stuff in the fridge doesnt stop me from having indian takeaway! (have to keep away from indian, away, away, away!!!) :wall: :rotfl:
i think im gonna have to do more freezing. I always have plenty of chicken in, and loads of rice and stuff....i was just being really lazy yesterday :oops: :(

Im determind to get back to my healthy eating ways this week :D
Hey everyone!

Seems we deserted our Fat Fighters thread :oops:

Well, a quick update on me. I decided and now and forever I am going to loose all that weight. So, yesterday I started gym again! And I am very proud of myself! Food wise still going ok (after pigging out at my DH stepdad).

I want to loose a stone untill Daniels birthday, which is 13 of Sep.

Decided to take it slow :D
Hi Girls, I'm back to joining you, I don't really need to loose any weight but I need to cut eating the rubbish! Although maybe shifting a couple more pounds wouldn't hurt!
well, ive been pigging out (bad bad bad...) i even had a chinese...but this morning i was 1 pound likghter!! I know its not much, and its taken me 2 weeks to lose that bloody pound, but i feel re-motivated :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

and hello Babylicious!! :wave: Ive seen your post preg shots, and you look great!! :cheer: But its always good to eat healthier, eh ? :clap: :clap: :clap:
Well, after yesterdyas pasta relaps today I decided to give myself a skinny day. Basiclly I havent had anything at all (just was having water and herbal teas) Feeling great now :D

And, I know its not healhty not to eat, but is is healthy to get your body some rest. So, I think Ill do this once a month :D
Feeling so light :dance:

Little black dress here we go!
Pleeeeease can someone add me to the list?? I need some help! Ive been struggling the last week or so and dont wanna put any weight on after ive just lost 2 stone!! I need to loose looooooads more weight!! :( how depressing lol but i could do with some help :D
I've went back to my diet this week too. Have put on a stone since I last posted in this thread :oops:
OMG snuggle, you need to get it off hunni cos with thr next baby youl wack on another 2 stone!
Yeah I know :( But if I wait until I've lost all the weight before TTC again then I'll be waiting a very long time :?
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!

I am FINALLY lower then 15st!

And it is 14st 11 (or 10...dumb scales)!!

And, I can fit in my pre pregnancy pants, which were all this time short of 2 inches on my waist!!!

Absolutely exstatic!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

thats great news hun!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: Keep going babes, you can do it!! :cheer:

Ive not lost anything for about 2 weeks :oops: i lost that 1 sodding pound taking me down to 11st 7lb....and my scales have been flickering onto 11st 6lbs, but im not quite there yet. I think the lighter you get the slower it starts to come off maybe??

See if i wasnt so bloody short i wouldnt be so flipping fat :rotfl: My friends 5' 10' and weighs the same as me, and she looks amazing :x (im 5'4....i dont carry it well, lol)

Anyway, well done again! :hug:
Thank you hun!

And you are right, the less weight you have left to loose the slower it will come off... Be patient! :hug: :hug: :hug:
hello! Where is everybody!? :rotfl:

Well, autumn is coming, so hopefully girlies will be back on track! :D

(I am doing good. Want to loose another 9 pounds till Daniels birthday. Which will put me to the much desired 14st!)
hello, im still here! :wave:

Glad your diets going so well, im not doing too bad....its going, but verrrrrryyy slooooowely :bored: Ive lost another 2 pounds....FINALLY :cheer: Its taken me bloody long enough! Had a it of a treat today tho, went to McDonalds :oops: ....but only had a chicken salad deli thingy so i didnt slip too badly :lol: xxxxxxx
Well done for having just chicken deli :clap: I am trying to avoid Mc'Donalds! I just know-if i get there large full monty meal - here we come!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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