Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Babylicious said:
Afternoon laidies, I've done another 20 minutes on the wii fit today and starting to feel the effects :rotfl:

is the wii fit really good? Ive got one coming soon as it was free with my new mobile contract :dance:
might be a while before i can use it though as im still struggling to put logan down! if im lucky he'll sit in his vibrating chair for 10 mins while I have a shower!
Hello ladies, sorry I havent been on for ages - well I am the same one pound on half a pound off blah blah blah - and I am totally fed up with it - so I am going to start the cambridge diet next week - I know it is ridiculously hard but I want to do it to lose about a stone just and then Ill continue to lose weight slowly after that - I just feel I need a decent kick start or ill never get anywhere. Hugs to everyone who is struggling a bit - I know how it feels but we will get there come hell or high water :hug: :hug:
muppetmummy said:
Babylicious said:
Afternoon laidies, I've done another 20 minutes on the wii fit today and starting to feel the effects :rotfl:

is the wii fit really good? Ive got one coming soon as it was free with my new mobile contract :dance:
might be a while before i can use it though as im still struggling to put logan down! if im lucky he'll sit in his vibrating chair for 10 mins while I have a shower!

Yeah it's fab, really helping me to tone up and loose weight. Good thing is most of the exercises last 3 minutes so you've time to see to the LO :D
Hi girlies and welcome all newcomers!!!

As you probably know i am seeing my mum and that is why i havent been posting. :( Internet problems here :? I am missing you all :hug:
Daniel is doing great. He started to crawl, has, what it seems all bottom teeth coming out :) (and he is quite grumpy cos of that)

Another thing: I am eating like a pig :oops: :wall: :oops: :angel: Everything goes in-white bread, cakes and stuff.....And I have no idea how much I weigh..... :oops: Hope I didnt put much back on :( :pray: But I am thinking-well, its holiday, so..... :D

I will be back on 26th of June! Will update our weight loss then. Probably wont be on much till then. But, you girls are doing great :hug: :clap: :clap: :clap: So proud of you all!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

(maybe pm me on 25th of June your alltogether weight loss, after that update we will do like normal, every monday :) )

Kisssesssssssssssssssssssssss :hug:
Yay hi carina! nice too see you babes!!!!

Im sure you will not have put on alot!
Hey ladies please can I join you all????
I am doing SW at the moment I had lost nearly 3 stone but have put some on since M/C in March.
I have loads to loose but am in positive frame of mind since hospital said last thurs that they wont help us (even after 3yrs of TTC) until my BMI is normal :cry:
To date I have lost 18lbs. :dance:
need to loose another 3 stone exactly in 6 months for me (and hospital)
My weigh in night is Monday!!!!
Welcome Pinky :wave:
Thats a fab amount of weight to have lost :clap: Did you lose that all doing SW? I started SW but kind of went off track a bit...a lot actually :oops: I'm trying to find a diet that suits me at the moment but not sure what yet :hug:
Yes Snuggle all with SW it was hard at first but then I found it easy back into it now I love the HiFi's as well!!!! :)
Its very important to find the diet that suits you WW really is no good for me. !3 years ago however RC was best for me and lost 4 stones!!!!
Good luck. :hug:
Aww well done for making it too the thread pinky and with going to sw and lotso of support you can reach your target weight. Its much easier when you have support from those that have the same goals.

Ive had a good day as well girls, stayed very within my points as well and had choccie in there too!

So all in all im very pleased and had a great day!
Hi girls, i am back, sorry i havent been around for a while i just been so busy its unreal!
well i now weigh 71 kilos, i have lost 9 kilo and i am well proud of myself, i am down to my size 12's my oh has booked us a family holiday to Turkey in september so i have something to work towards to get rid of the last half stone, hows everyone else doing? good i hope!
i am gonna skip through the thread see whos been upto what.....back soon.x
Well done rach, i bet your so pleased x size 12s, i was thrilled to get into a 22 this week!!! :rotfl:

P-lease can everyone come back to this thread soon, im missing it and its a lifeline foir me.
Morning all, I'm struggling with the diet at the moment and seemed to have gained 2 pounds this week. Back on the wagon as from today :D having veggie salad pittas for tea tonight yum!
Have some grilled chicken in them too hunni to give them flavour - you need meat too as it stops cravings!
Hi Girls - well I have started the cambridge diet - I met a girl at a mum and baby group who lose 106lbs on it :shock: . I am now on day three - to be honest so far I find it easy - the only problem is other people trying to encourage me to eat food. Im only going to do it strictly for two or three weeks, and I am doing the version where I can have a dinner in the evening, and then maybe go back to slimming world or maybe weight watchers for a change _ I just feel I need a boost, I am going on holiday in four weeks so mini goal of another stone off by then!!

Hope everyone is doing ok!!
Got weighed this evening and I lost 2lbs. Think A/F is due :x this week so was pleased with 2!!!!! :dance:

Sooooooo tired off to bed with a wafer thin dairy milk and a cuppa decaf tea :shhh:
aww well done!

I braved it tonigt and i have gained 2.5 pounds so im gutted but has pushed me into doing something about it.
Its really crap isn't it!!!! :cry:
But keep focused and write everything down you eat, thats whwt I do???

Wish they could just give me something to dissolve the fat overnight so I can wake up 6 to 7 stone lighter :rotfl:
Wou;d be great wouldnt it, i have 6/7 stone to lose in toita together but i guess a stone at a time is my target at the monent.

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