Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Morning girls.

Well i confess ive been terrible this week and eaten more then i should of done and had some real choc too :( really pissed off withmyself as ive now gained 2 pounds :wall: :wall:

Am vert stricly back on WW again now and had a proper brekkie too, am having crisp breads and ham for lunch with yoghurt and going to have salmon, new potatoes and veg for tea.

So annoyed with myself its unreal! must get some weight watchers choc, didnt help i didnt have a weigh in bank holiday. Im blaming that!
I know its easy to get annoyed with yourself but as long as you recognise that you went off track a bit and jump back on then you will be just fine :wink: I have realised that my main reason for not losing enough weight is my wine habit so I need to cut that right down. I'm going to try just having one small glass on Friday and Saturday nights instead of my usual couple of bottles :oops: Off to do some aerobics and jogging on Wii Fit :D :hug: is no one posting anymore? I've been kinda busy but thought I'd log into at least 1 or 2 new posts in here....anyway how are you all doing? I'm doing well, weighing in on Monday again so will post back then. Went to Bluewater yesterday, had a nados chicken wrap for lunch, that was so nice but I bet way over calorie allowances but hey 1 treat won't hut. Going again in October as should have lost heaps more weight by then. Hope you are all sticking with it (and with me!!) and loosing weight - I'm going upstairs now to pay a visit to the cross trainer. Certinally seems to be making a difference to my thighs/bottom! :-) Woohoo!!
Nicola said: is no one posting anymore? I've been kinda busy but thought I'd log into at least 1 or 2 new posts in here....anyway how are you all doing? I'm doing well, weighing in on Monday again so will post back then. Went to Bluewater yesterday, had a nados chicken wrap for lunch, that was so nice but I bet way over calorie allowances but hey 1 treat won't hut. Going again in October as should have lost heaps more weight by then. Hope you are all sticking with it (and with me!!) and loosing weight - I'm going upstairs now to pay a visit to the cross trainer. Certinally seems to be making a difference to my thighs/bottom! :-) Woohoo!!

Hi - im till a avid poster, just been busy recently with the little people. And strugglng woth food the last few days as im quite stressed at the moment and have had thid horrible headache the last few days too. So in all honesty ive been lazy and i did gain within the week but it said i was back at the stone i lost again today so im happier!

Will be great if i get a loss on monday, but have a month to lose another stone so quite realistic - please post more in here ladies as it keeps my spirits up no end!
Hi girls,
I've kind of neglected this thread too but have been quite busy the last few days. I havent done too well with my eating (have had friends here and have had lots of crisps, dips and booze) but I'm not too worried as I havent been putting on weight :wink:
My nemisis was letting my guard down last weekend and joining in that BBQ, forgot what white bread tasted like and then that went on and on! Thank god im down too my stone again!

Will be posting more again though as life has calmed down a little now Imogens tooth has broke the gum at last!
Had a great dinner! had salmon with lemon and herbs, mash and carrots - was quite tasty!
You are a fish fiend nowadays mrs tommo!

I am not doing too badly, I feel like I've lost some weight, but we will see on Tuesday! I had an ice cream today, but we were at a school fair and it was baking hot, so I really needed it!

Hope everyone else is doing okay.


Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
You are a fish fiend nowadays mrs tommo!

I am not doing too badly, I feel like I've lost some weight, but we will see on Tuesday! I had an ice cream today, but we were at a school fair and it was baking hot, so I really needed it!

Hope everyone else is doing okay.


Valentine Xxx

I know :oops:

But i gave up red meat - so fish and chicken are my main sources of meat though Need to try other fish thugh as i know eventually it will become boring.

Valentine you are quite a inventive cook, if you were too cook fish what sort of meals would you make for you and your family.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Valentine you are quite a inventive cook, if you were too cook fish what sort of meals would you make for you and your family.

Thanks :oops:, but I'm not really! I make lovely meals for DD then me and OH are stuck with beans on toast as that's all I can be bothered with or we can afford! :rotfl:

I do like browsing recipe sites though and tend to just substitute ingredients for low fat ones (if its not a low fat recipe). I like the sound of these family fishy meals:-

30 minute fish pie

Smoked haddock and leek risotto

Smoked haddock chowder (basically cullen skink)

Low Fat Fish and Chips

Herbed smoked cod fishcakes


Valentine Xxx
Hi girls sorry I've not been around much, feeling quite annoyed as I've been good all week and not lost anything. Really don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Going to drink more water this week and step up with the exercises as I didn't get out much with Paris being off last week. Already done 40 minutes walking today and 30 minutes on the Wii fit so not a bad start.
Hi girls,
Sorry havent posted, have been really bad and gained 3lbs :oops: Been so busy that have made hubby and I quick things for tea (chicken kievs and chips etc) so havent done any healthy eating. Hopefully Maddison will settle a bit soon (she is screaming a lot coz of teething at mo :( ) and I will have time to cook properly again :wink:
Had my first weigh in since joining weightwatchers today, and I lost 2lb! :dance: got a long long way to go though!

counting points has made me realise how much ive been over eating the past 9 months!
Well done MM thats a fab loss for your first week!

Well i went thinking that i had gained this week - ive lost half despite rubbish eating - bit going tonight and getting weighed has raised my old sense of optimism again - so im back on the wagon again and bought some lush food from sainsburys earlier for the week! :dance:
Afternoon laidies, I've done another 20 minutes on the wii fit today and starting to feel the effects :rotfl: my thighs are killing me. official weigh day is tomorrow but I know I haven't lost anything despite being very good!

Oh well here's to next week. I will loose this 8lb before my brothers wedding :evil:
Hi girls
Well i havent posted as i feel like i am really only starting properly i have my baseline weight and will be weighing again on Monday so i know that even a small loss will spur me on.

Snuggle i hope Maddison gets better with her teething this week! Charlotte has been grumpy last couple of days and i think is teething too

Keep up the good work ladies!

I just wanted to let you all know that I am giving the weight loss thing a miss for a couple of weeks. I have had a difficult time lately so I am not really in the best frame of mind for it.

I'll be back in a couple of weeks or so.

Keep up all the good work girls. x
Hi girls,

I only lost 1lb this week - so 2lbs in total so far - rubbish. I'm really annoyed. I know its good to lose weight slowly, but I'm really disappointed, I've been trying really hard.

Valentine Xxx
Im not going to weigh in till monday cos AF is with me at the moment - im just eating normally and drinking lots of water.

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