Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Hi everyone,

Great news on the weight losses! I weigh in with OH on a Tuesday evening after tea and DD's in bed - I'll let you know how I get on later in the week.

I have had a bad weekend - but I have been good for me being bad if that makes sense. I have eaten bad things or made silly choices and been greedy, but it could have been a lot worse - and I've seen myself eat 10 x as much. I have balanced out what I've done wrong with a couple of miles on the exercise bike and some walking with more healthy eating and walking/biking planned for this week. I am seeing this as a healthy eating plan for life so I am dealing well with the odd bad thing that passes my lips as its unrealistic to say I'm never going to eat x and x again!

I haven't had anything to eat today yet :oops: but I think we'll have ham sandwiches and share a banana and a yoghurt (me and DD) for lunch and its healthy home cooked chilli and rice for tea.

You're all doing really well - keep up the good work!

Valentine Xxx
sorry I've not posted, I've been feeling a bit down with myself the last couple of days and confess to not eating hardly at all. I feel as if I shouldn't be posting here as I don't have that much to loose :( and I guess I'm not even classed as overweight.

Sorry I'll bugger off and shut up now.
Babylicious don't be so blooming silly, of course we want you here whether your trying to loose 8lbs or 8 stone.....your welcome of course you are!!! Now stop eating junk and get back to it girl we can do this so when you do leave us it's because you have reached your target and not because you have just had a bad week!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks hun, the problem is i've felt so low that i've hardly ate anything :( today has been a better day tho, so i hope i'm back on track xx
Emma dont be daft! as nicolasaid it doesnt matter if your only trying to lose a few pound, its still hard trying to lose weight.

Not had a terrible day today, but know af is going to be here within the week and its making me hungry like last time, so have gone over my points today and havent even had tea yet :( need a kick up the ass.

Going to eat some filling foods tomorrow so im not stuffing my face.
I'm feeling a little more positive today :) got weighed and I've lost 4 pounds, should have been more like 2 but I've been silly and not eaten properly :roll: I promise to be good today!
Well done on the weight losses everyone!

Weigh in for me today - eeek! OH has hidden the scales too so I've no idea if I've lost or gained. I think I might have stayed the same which is a bit cr*p for my first week, but we'll see.

I've been kind of good today, but probably had too much bread. We've totally got nothing to eat in the house (end of month) and I'm having to make do with what is here and its really miserable. Well, at least I've no money to buy any rubbish!

Off for a mini afternoon sleep with DD just now, I'm so tired!

V enjoy your nap, I used to love going for an afternoon sleep with DS, all snuggled up and cosy....but now I have too much to do and really with him sleeping 8pm till 7am I can't complain that it's due to getting up in the night so I've no excuse anymore!! :)

Hope the weigh-in goes well tonight, keep us posted xx
Nicola said:
V enjoy your nap, I used to love going for an afternoon sleep with DS, all snuggled up and cosy....but now I have too much to do and really with him sleeping 8pm till 7am I can't complain that it's due to getting up in the night so I've no excuse anymore!! :)

I've far too much to do too and DD sleeps 6.30pm-7am but we just fancied a nap! I haven't done this for months and she clambered all over me for about half an hour but then we both got about an hours sleep together - it was so snuggly and lovely!

Will update later!

Valentine Xxx
Sounds like heaven to snuggling with DS it's the best thing ever!! Oh I do love being a mummy!! :hug:
Hi girls, hope your all ok and you all sound like your doing well!

Ive been eating a lot of fish this week - salmon mainly, but i want to try other stuff though.

Any nice meal ideas based on fish?
Nope, soz I don't eat fish at all (naughty I know but I'm kinda scared of fish, mini phobia or something) so I have no fish imput for you at all, poor DS and DH only get pieces of breaded cod or fish fingers etc - wish I did eat it but just can't. It's so healthy and slimming too.
Im seriously thinking of ditching red meat for chicken and fish - is that healthy? i wouldnt be depriving myself would i - im sure id get enough protein from fish wouldnt i?
Red meat isn't that good for you anyway, it's ever so hard to digest, white meats (chicken, turkey, pork etc) is far better. Fish is even better than that though. It's packed with protein (good quality fish that is not cheap mashed together fillets etc) and essential oils etc, vegetarians eat fish (and no meat) and are perfectly healthy. I don't actually eat much meat at all, red meat only very occassionally (a nice steak or the occassional lasagna or spag bol etc). I don't think you'd miss anything by not eating red/white meats.
Its given me some food for though - literally!

I like steak but its not healthy and a bit boring, and ive much prefeered eating fish the last few days. I think il go and get a load of fish and pre pare it, flavour it, wrap it in foil and freeze it and just chuck it in the oven when im hungry! have some rice in the freezer so can have fish and rice.
Hey girls,

Lost 1lb this week - a loss is a loss! Its really not bad considering I have not been an angel.

mrst - I don't eat a lot of red meat, just the odd chilli - we have things like salmon and salad, chickpea curry (great for protein from the chickpeas), pasta and h/m sauce etc etc.

Hope everyone's doing okay?

Valentine Xxx
Morning all, feel shattered today so need a boot up the bum to exercise :lol: :lol:

Well done valentine

I don't eat fish either :lol:
Hi girls. :wave:

Just back from the health centre and it's not good news. I am still the same weight. I could have tried much harder so I am feeling a little annoyed with myself.

Valentine......Well done. :cheer: I've just emailed you before I read this so just wanted to say well done, it must have been all that hard work on the bike. x
I'm quite surprised that I have lost weight this week as I have eaten a lot of rubbish and had quite a bit of wine :oops: but have still managed to lose a pound :lol:

I hate any seafood, really wish I liked it. I cook it for Maddison though coz I dont want her to have my bad fussy eating habits :wink:
A loss is a loss!

Just bear in mind though that a average glass of wine consists of 8 spoons of sugar :wink:

Im defintely ditching red meat as well - i dont eat steak all that often so I doubt l miss it, going to Tescos in a bit to buy a load of fish so i can prep it all and pop it in the freezer.

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