Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)


I bought a pair of size 14 jeans for my holiday and to spur me on with my weight loss. I tried them on at home aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand...

THEY FIT!! :o :cheer: Im so happy, I havnt been a size 14 for about 8 years :oops:

Anyway, saying all that, Ive been bad last night. AF arrived yesterday so Ive been scoffing chocolate... I feel bad now :wall:

Tonight Im having grilled trout fillet with veggies and new potatoes yumm

Carina- that recipe sounds LUSH, i looked for the korma spices ar Asda but they dindnt have any :shakehead: Im deff gonna try it out soon though
Hi girls :wave:

I spent an hour on Wii Fit today doing aerobics, hula hooping, jogging and yoga, it was fab :cheer: Had a sneaky weigh in this morn and am 12st 3oz so have lost 7lbs so far in total :cheer:
Natalie.........WOO-BLOODY-HOOOOO you go girl, that's my goal just now a 14 (then from there maybe back into 12's but I'd be happy a small-ish 14 now I think), gone are the days of a 10!! LOL. Wow, that's SOOOO fantastic, well done sweetie!!! :dance: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Oh and AF is due here too....likewise scoffing junk, terrible! :wall: :wall:

Snuggle you and that hoola-hooping, your doing great with that. I'm going on my cross trainer tomorrow, going to burn off the junk I've ate today. 7lbs is fab, just keep going!! Your doing so well! :hug: :hug:

Babylicious yeah korma has heaps of cals as it's creamy, try a tikka or other tomato based sauce's got about the same amount of calories as the potato salad I had at lunchtime. Ooops!
Natalie - well done!!!! :dance:

Snuggle - I am glad you had fun on wii fit! :cheer: You go girl!!! :hug:

Babylicious: korma is my fav!! But it is just TOO fatty. Try my own made korma:recipe is somewhere above. I think it is spices, what gives it a great taste and just with tomatoes it is lush as well.

Nicola: It is LA fitness :wall: I really wish id know hot to get out of it now, so if you ave any ideas can you please PM me :hug: If not, well, then Ill just have to hang for a few more months :?

Ive been good today too. Had a leftover homemade "korma" while DH and in-laws were tucking in pasta bolognese (my own cooked :cry: )

And I didnt have an ice cream as everybody else.

I also noticed, that as soon as you drink 2liters+ ow water, it is sort of easier to loose weight...Or is it just me?

Anyways, girlies, good luck to all of you. I wont be around much, since the inlaws arrived and then we have our holiday. But Ill still will update the first page with total weightloss and will try to come here as often as I can :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well done Natalie :D :hug:

Carina, can you add me to first post, 7lbs lost in total, thanks hun :hug:
Carina I'll PM you later hun, LO is destroying my book case, he's already pulled the fire off the wall this morning..... :roll: It's only 7.55am!!!!!!!!

Snuggle - We PM carina on a Monday to be added/changed on the front page hun, makes it easier for her that chopping/changing all week long!! Well done on your loss so far, it's great! :hug:
Hey girls.

Have done 4 miles on the excercise bike over the weekend - not far but its 200cals burned off!

Been goodish -ate far too many WW choc cakes yesterday :oops: but got on scales this morning and have lost 2lb so pleased considering ive been a right pig!

Have decided to get the weight watchers scales tomorrow as well as they will really help me get my points accurate as its sometimes difficult getting the exact points right!

Guna have to justify msekf spending 40 quid though!

Hope everyones doing ok
Nicola said:
Snuggle - We PM carina on a Monday to be added/changed on the front page hun, makes it easier for her that chopping/changing all week long!! Well done on your loss so far, it's great! :hug:

Thanks hun, will PM Carina tomorrow then :wink:
Hello everyone

You guys have been busy working out! Im put to shame :lo: Jake keeps me busy though, Im always running round trying to keep him from getting into trouble and entertain him, I think that helps. Im jealous of you though Snuggle, I really want a Wii fit. I play on Wii sport but end up knackering my arm up :x Well done with the 7lb loss, and to sarah with your 2lb loss. I'll let you know how badly Ive done tomorrow :?

Anyway HRH is getting bored again so I must go :wave: xx
mrs_tommo22 said:
Hey girls.

Have decided to get the weight watchers scales tomorrow as well as they will really help me get my points accurate as its sometimes difficult getting the exact points right!

Guna have to justify msekf spending 40 quid though!

Hope everyones doing ok

Hi hun! Which weight watchers scales are you ghonna get? I had these and they were absolute crap!!! For the whole family, within 5 minutes it showed 5 different results to each of us. And the next day it said I put 5 pounds on. After 5 minutes those 5 punds were off and like that all the time!!!
Betetr get just the normal ordinary scales. At least you will know for sure how much you weigh. :hug:
Sorry Carina!

I meant kitchen scales - they have over 500 food productas on so i can weight them and get accurate points for food so can be better with food and meals etc.

My 10 quid argos baqthroom scales are fab though :rotfl:

Bless you! though i wasnt very clear!
Today I feel like this:


Tomorrow I promise to post that I've been on my cross trainer!!!!!!! :D
Nicola said:
Today I feel like this:


Tomorrow I promise to post that I've been on my cross trainer!!!!!!! :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I cant be assed to get on mine either - balls to it im watching tv tonight!

On one hand i had a very tasty chicken korma earlier!
Sarah you MUST go on yours tomorrow, I PROMISE I'll be going on mine, I'll feel better for it, you'll feel better for going on yours andboth of us can justify the prices we had to pay for them too!! :-) Your korma sounds delish....I just had an omlette!
hello girls :D

had a much better day today :) I have had a cooked breakfast (for lunch lol) eggs (fried in frylight) bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes and weightwatchers bread yum. Had a lasting satisfaction yougurt which Im absolutely addicted to at the moment. For tea I made a roast chicken dinner with steamed veg, healthy roast potatoes and only 1 yorkie :angel: Ive made an apple crumble for pudding, made with sweetner so the topping is the only unhealthy bit :angel: :angel: Im having that in a bit- cant wait :cheer:

Hopefully my goodness today will counteract my badness from friday :wink:
Nicola said:
Today I feel like this:


Tomorrow I promise to post that I've been on my cross trainer!!!!!!! :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ive done this today and I am VERYYYYYYYYYYYYY proud! :dance:
Aww well done on the race for life Carina, that's fantastic and certinally qualifies as your exercise for the day!! :-) Where did you do it? I'd be up for it next year as I most cetinally won't be pregnant if the location isn't a zillion miles away from me.....oh and were there people pushing LO's in the pram while they ran? That would kinda be another condition of me being able to come!! :D

Oh and just think next year we'd all be skinny beans running it!! :D

Ok well it's nearing 7am, time to sort LO then I'm going on my cross trainer....will post back when I've ACTUALLY been on it..... :dance:
= me, 7.10am - 7.26am, then LO decided to crawl underneath it and clonk his head....I was knackered anyway. Will have another 10 minutes or so later when he's napping.

Mrs T, I want to see this posted from you later:

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