Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Well done girls, I didn't do much yesterday with Sean having man flu - he also kept me awake all night sodding coughing :wall: :wall:

Anyway been on a 40 minute walk and just cracking on with the housework so hope to burn lots of calories today. Need to get on wii fit too lol.

Had a sneaky weigh in earlier, and I've lost another pound :shhh: official weigh day is wednesday though :D I'm hoping to burn off another pound by then!
Carina well done thats fantastic, id love to be able to do it next year!!! its going to be a future aim for me!

Nicola i am going to go on my bike later but for some reason the fooking thing is making a grinding noise now! but will try and fix it and get on and do a mile - hey its better then nothing i guess.

Am also going to include ironing in my regime for the day as omg i have loads of it too do. Not even had time for breakfast yet!
Give the bike a spray with WD40, that stuff stops all kinds of squeeks, grinds, stiffess etc - plus it's kinda got a nice smell too!! :-) I'll do a mile later to encourage you to do it too!!
I actually did a weight loss ticker as well earlier and only have 16 pounds to lose to get to my weight watchers 10% weight off. and its going to be my holiday target too as im off the 18th july fingers crossed!

Did the wd40 bit yesterday but i think somethings up with the wheel as its making a seriously loud grinding noise and i cant drown it out lol. Think it needs a repair - bloody ebay for you.
Well I have an unwell household yet again :( Chris had to go to York with Maddison on his own yesterday as I had been up with her all night and couldnt face going anywhere. While they were away I went walking with the dog for an hour and did 40 mins on Wii Fit. Not weighing myself for a few days as its that time of the month and I always get bloated :roll:
I'm trying to motivate myself to get sorted and do some exercise but was up with Maddison all night again last night so I'm exhausted :( Hubby was up all night too coughing his guts up resulting in him throwing up all the time :roll:
Well done to all of you using your bikes and cross trainers :cheer:
Humm just realised "Health & Beauty chat" has changed to "PND, Health & Beauty Chat".....dunno why they would wanna stick PND as the first I'd have thought PND could have been put in the description line of what to talk about in this area....dunno, not my call just thought it looked odd when I signed in just now.

Ohhh snuggle sorry to hear everyone is unwell, we had all that about 2 months ago, yeah March time we all had it, god it's dreadful, hope you're all feeling better and brighter soon.

Babylicious, housework is a real good calorie burner, I used to know a great website (should really try to find it again) that use to take your job, i.e. hoovering then how long you were hoovering for, i.e. 10 minutes and then say it was like burning XX amount of calories type thing, god it had ironing, cleaning floors, polishing etc....must try to find it again.

Sarah, my excersise bud, I can't do my afternoon go on the cross trainer today (thank god I had a go this morning) because I'm off to get a new car.....saw it yesterday and DH has just said if I can be ready to go at 3.30pm we'll go get I'll be ready!!! :cheer:
Yeah I was like wtf as well with the new title - why on earth did they change it? :think: fine the way it was!

Nicola - have fun getting your car, I did a mile earlier on the bike with it screeching away at me! will do another mile this afternoon when i recover :rotfl: just goes to show how unfit i am!
God I'm monsterously unfit....and to think I was in tip-top shape in 2002 doing the Playtex Marathon, my god I'd struggle and collapse before the end of mile 1 now...LOL amazing how fitness can slip away without realising it. Once I get it back I'll not let it slip again this is dreadful!!
hi girls

Just a quick post. Im not feeling well so havnt gone to class. I weighed myself at home (my scales quite consistent with theirs) and Ive maintained, serves me right I guess lol

Im going now- early night (not that kind of early night!)- when Jake finally decides to sleep :wall:

well i went and it said 1.5 their end but mine were 3 - but i weighed early morning though.

Still pleased though.
Nat hope your feeling better today, I've kinda woke up with wierd sickness kinda feelings but can't pinpoint where they are, strange!! Anyway maintaining is better than gaining so let's crack on this week girls, get loosing those pounds!!

Sarah your doing well, 12.5 is great nearly at the stone marker!! Amazing!! I bet next week you might get your 10% award too!

Well back to complete adherance to my diet again today, AF arrived yesterday so the munchies seem to have left again (thank god!!) and despite being up at 4.55am this morning (teething baby and noisy leaving for work husband!) I'm going to try and muster the energy for my cross trainer at some point today!!

ETA: Just an idea....
...but what about text buddies? You know like we had in trimester 3 etc, just someone to text if you can't get on the forum but your reaching for the biscuit tin or can't be bothered to get out and exercise etc - might be a silly idea but I know I can't always hop on with LO demanding so much time so thought it might be a nice alternative? Just a thought, I'll leave it with you all.
Morning girls, really poorly me n harrison have the flu so I'm off to crawl back into my pit :(
No im afraid im a 16lb off my 10% -i really do have a huge amount of weight to lose, but almost one stone down, and around 5 to go.

And when i hit that mark I have more to go if i want to!
Sarah I think we must have about the same overall weight loss goal, I'd love to loose about the same as you then see where I'm at then type thing.

Babylicious: Hope you and little Harrison are feeling better soon, I had it back in March.... :puke: that said I feel sick today (very upset tummy) I can't face eating incase it makes it worse.....what a diet huh!

What did everyone think about the text buddy idea?
Im up for it! quite happy to give my number to those that want it.

Girls i now have a huge incentive to lose weight - my husband got on bended knee this morning and proposed again!

We are thinking about doing it on our 4th wedding anniversary - so i have till october to shift some serious pounds! wow what a incentive though lol so i can fit into a nice dress or suit!
Awww congrats honey....that's lovely!! Will it be a vow renewal type thing? Awww how exciting, loose those pounds, buy a stunning outfit, get the kiddies dressed up'll have such a wonderful time. What a fantastic insentive, I'm kinda using my February holiday (3rd wedding anniversary) as the same kinda inspiration as I want to stock up to start getting some gorgeous evening dresses etc in a smaller size!! :-)
Congrats Sarah, hope we all get an invite :lol: Just kidding, well chuffed for you tho!

I'm up for the text buddy thingy :dance:
My husband wants a church blessing, totally unlike him as well as he hates the whole church thing, im guessing hes doing it for me bless him.

Got a new as well that he propsed with, my sapphire that he old me he was sending back lol, he told me it was the wrong one! Now i know why i didnt get to see it - sneaky git :)

Fuck that puts the pressure on though, have loads to lose!!!

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