Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

I'm sure boots would sell them, I used to get mine in Holland and Barrat - they were tiny little tablets I think it was 3 a day (breakfast/lunch/dinner type thing) a bottle of about 120 for around the £3 mark, although were talking around 2001 I had them so they might be more around the £5 mark now!! They are widely avaliable though :dance:
Hello girlies!!! Im back to normal now :dance: Yesterday was goooooddd :angel: :lol:

Will have an omlete now. So hungry!

Snuggle-dont worry about appetite. Maybe try to eat more, but healthy stuff. Like if you feel hungry-have some fruits, or banana.

I am really hungry lately too. It seems, that as soon as I get into sertain cycle of the month - I become a food monster! Its really hard!

I agree with Mrs_Tommo-diet coke is a lifesaver!

Btw, my mum is gone, so what about our meeting???!! :hug: I can do 12th, 13th or 14th. Then I am going away for a month.
Im going to check my diary for the next month and will see what i have going on, for some reason i think somethings coming up that i have forgotton about!
I can do 13th or 14th but not 12th. the 13th is my wedding anniversary :D
Snuggle said:
I can do 13th or 14th but not 12th. the 13th is my wedding anniversary :D
Did you mean 12th is the wedding anniversary?

Shall we do 14th?
Awww where's everyone meeting? I doubt I can come as I think you all live miles away but asking anyway to be nosey I suppose!!
Carina, I cant do 12th due to a medical appointment, 13th is my anniversary but hubby is working anyway so can do 13th or 14th :D

Nicola, we're planning on meeting up in Peterborough. Where are you? :hug:
Funny that, I was born in Peterborough!! :D
I'm living in West Sussex, about 15 miles from Brighton.
Peterborough is about a 4 hour drive, I've done it a few times before :cry:
Girls Im sorry I cant make the 14th :( ive just remembered that ive got to go to a school transiton meeting for Stephen - id love to come but this is far too important to miss!

Maybe another time for me!
:wave: Morning ladies....yesterday was another successful dieting day. I am almost looking forward to my weigh in on Monday, I've had a few sneeky mid-week weigh in's which I shouldn't have done and know I've lost at least a pound so hope Monday might be 2-3lbs. Still waiting on the arrival of the pink patch - maybe that will come today, it was dispatched to me on Tuesday evening.
For Sarah & Carina.....and any other diet coke while dieting fans:







Morning ladies, well first of all, sorry for not being about much this week, i have had a lot on at the min, anyway.....i had my third weigh in this morning and i am now down to 74 kilo, i am well chuffed with that, that means i weigh...11'7...omg it seems to just be coming off on its own! i have had a barby, (no bread though) been drinking too...just hope it stays like this, i havent had time to go on the wii to do some excercises ther so i must make more of an effort, i am going on a hen night tonight, a meal then drinks so i am going to go into town soon to go get something nice to wear, keep up the good work girls, catch you all later.xxxx
Rach enjoy the hen party'll look fab!! :dance:

Ok so pink patches arrived....just popped one on, see how they do over the next week - keep you posted.
i have been interested in those pink patches too, i am going to see how you get on.x
xrachx said:
i have been interested in those pink patches too, i am going to see how you get on.x

Ok total fluke or not?? I put it on about an hour or so before lunch (around 11.30am) and have to say I was feeling ready for lunch if you know what I mean. It's now 1.30pm and not in the slightest bit hungry - too soon to say whether it's that though or just that I've been busy and haven't stopped yet to sit down and think about lunch....we'll see. They are supposed to take around an hour to kick in though so maybe it is that? I've got the weeks free trial so updates in a day or two!!
I looked them up. Only problem with these is that they supress your appetite whilst on them and you will lose weight but when you stop using them you will go back to your old eating habits and most likely put the weight back on :( I have tried all sorts of appetite supressants and lost weight on them but have always put it back on when I stopped them. Good luck with them though hun :hug:

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