my mix-raced baby


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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So im white and OH is black. Why does so many seem to have a problem with us having a baby, i dont understand.
No one really said anything while we where just togheter but since ppl found out im pregnant i get "does your parents know hes black?""you shouldnt mix" "the child wont belong to anything" . Im like WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THAT GOT TO DO WITH YOU? Ive never ever even thought about that it would matter!
My child will be just as gorgous as any other baby (well more gorgeous as hi is mine :whistle:) and will grow up to be a god hearted boy just like me and oh EVEN THO he will have a mixed skincolour!
sorry but it really is starting to go on my nervs.

Why would it mean so much to my parents what colour skin FOB has? As long as he makes me happy thats all that matters to them.

sorry for the rant but im just sick of it. its disguasting. how dare they :mad:

anyone else been in the situation where ppl are soooo unfair?
Aw take no notice Hun!! He will be a gorgous baby no matter what colour his skin is! Chin up babe x x
i'm jealous - i have always wanted a little mixed race baby, way i look at it, if you have different genes you have a healthier start

plus they are SOOOO cute

unfortunatly i fell in love with Liam and hes not of a different race (i have told him how crap i think that is though ;) )

your very lucky and your baby will be beautiful and strong :) :)
Im not in that position, as both me and OH are the same race. I was born and bred in London and moved to Chelmsford a few years ago. I don't think essex is as ethically mixed and so people can be a bit ignorant. (Not everyone though, just some idiots!)

I wouldn't take it personally hun, they probably dont even realise how ignorant they are being!

Your baby is going to be gorgeous no matter what colour his skin is, take no notice of those who say otherwise!!!

Awe don't take it hard hun - some people are stuck in thier ways!! I don't think it matters what colour babys parents or babys skin is as long as everyone is happy and well looked after sometimes you just have to take what some people say with a pinch of salt it's prob just how they are raised my nan and mam would prob be the same - wait till baby is here he will be loved and I bet they will fall in love with his cute smile and melt their hearts x x x
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I can't imagine why people would care. Surely a mixed origin means a wider cultural appreciation,in other words, the best of both worlds!!

Plus he's gonna be gorgeous & that much is guaranteed!! x
hey hun....honestly dont let people with narrow minds get to you, just rise above it...ur baby is guna me gorgeous....:) xx
Ah dont listen to them hon - skin colour, is just a colour, not a personality or anything like that. Atleast your not having your cousins baby like a women who i was talking to in the doctors waiting room was, VOLOUNTARILY aswell. christ 8-|

OMG I am totally shocked by that!!! The only people I would expect to have an opinion like that would be my 90 year old grandmother but purely for the fact that she was brought up to think races should not mix and now she is too set in her ways!! LOL. That truly is shocking and I did not think that anyone in this day is age would have that opinion!! You need to ignore them and carry on with it- your baby will be loved by all I am sure xxx
My sister is white and her husband is half Italian half Pakistani though you can't tell the Italian part so my neice is mixed and had no problems until she went to start high school. Because of her last name-Ahmad-they made her take an English test to establish if she could speak it. Boone had bothered to speak to her or my sister or her husband about this and my sister, quite rightly, was ripping!! x x ignore people honey x x though I have to disagree-MY baby'll be the most gorgeous! Lmao x x hugs x x
My sister is white and her husband is half Italian half Pakistani though you can't tell the Italian part so my neice is mixed and had no problems until she went to start high school. Because of her last name-Ahmad-they made her take an English test to establish if she could speak it. Boone had bothered to speak to her or my sister or her husband about this and my sister, quite rightly, was ripping!! x x ignore people honey x x though I have to disagree-MY baby'll be the most gorgeous! Lmao x x hugs x x

OMG all because of her last name!!
My sister is white and her husband is half Italian half Pakistani though you can't tell the Italian part so my neice is mixed and had no problems until she went to start high school. Because of her last name-Ahmad-they made her take an English test to establish if she could speak it. Boone had bothered to speak to her or my sister or her husband about this and my sister, quite rightly, was ripping!! x x ignore people honey x x though I have to disagree-MY baby'll be the most gorgeous! Lmao x x hugs x x

thats stupid, well im not taking no shit when it comes to my child. im shy normally but i know that when it comes to my Noa, i will fight and there will be regrets at the other part! :whistle:

and about your baby being more gorgeous!?
BRING IT ON! haha xxx :love:
My sister is white and her husband is half Italian half Pakistani though you can't tell the Italian part so my neice is mixed and had no problems until she went to start high school. Because of her last name-Ahmad-they made her take an English test to establish if she could speak it. Boone had bothered to speak to her or my sister or her husband about this and my sister, quite rightly, was ripping!! x x ignore people honey x x though I have to disagree-MY baby'll be the most gorgeous! Lmao x x hugs x x

I cant believe this! I would have refused and put her in a different school - how dare they! x
So im white and OH is black. Why does so many seem to have a problem with us having a baby, i dont understand.
No one really said anything while we where just togheter but since ppl found out im pregnant i get "does your parents know hes black?""you shouldnt mix" "the child wont belong to anything" . Im like WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THAT GOT TO DO WITH YOU? Ive never ever even thought about that it would matter!
My child will be just as gorgous as any other baby (well more gorgeous as hi is mine :whistle:) and will grow up to be a god hearted boy just like me and oh EVEN THO he will have a mixed skincolour!
sorry but it really is starting to go on my nervs.

Why would it mean so much to my parents what colour skin FOB has? As long as he makes me happy thats all that matters to them.

sorry for the rant but im just sick of it. its disguasting. how dare they :mad:

anyone else been in the situation where ppl are soooo unfair?

I am actually quite shocked that people can act like this in modern times - just ignore them, they are not worth it! I am sure as well that once they meet ur little man, they will change their minds.

I am mixed race and my OH is white, luckily we haven't experienced anything like this. I hope you tell them where to go when they say things like that. It makes me sooo mad!

Take care hun xxx
People are so behind the times, Noa Will have a mum and a Dad , both who love him, and two backgrounds to bring him up which will make him the better person, rest assured because of this, he will never be as insensitive as those that comment to you, and grow up a lovely boy

Oh and by the way - Isobel and Helen - my baby will be the cutest !:cheer::smug:
Some people are of the opinion that races shouldn't mix, my dad is one of them :blush: He is so stuck in the 50's its unreal! He says that although we are all human, we are different breeds (like dogs) and that 'cross breeding' is wrong because the outcome will not be a pure bred or pedegree person. WTF!!

I wouldn't DARE even look at a dude of a different race coz my dad would dissown me, but he is old and stuck in his ways. Younger generations should be more understanding and accept that a person is a person no matter what there race, status, or skin colour. Ignore them chick, their minds are small (and that includes my dads on this matter) I bet your ickle bubs will be beautiful xx
thats really out of order, i cant beleive that people would be so bloody rude to even say it, i mean your little boy has a mummy a daddy who are together and are bringing him up in a well loved house and why should something so petty as the colour of his skin matter to anyone at all??!!!

chin up babe and as u sed, tell em all where to b*gger off too!!!

Total pillocks! Just leave them to it - i've learnt to take everything with a pinch of salt during this pregnancy. People are WAY to quick to offer you their unwanted opinions! x

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