******My induction/labour thread******

Ha now his plugs gone I wonder if he'll turn anti-clockwise cos he's in the upper hemisphere lol
yay, good news there carly, hope it all gets a move on for you!

maybe henry likes racing lol
good luck larly :) come on henry show them how it s done and that boys aint lazy you can do it!! xxx
I'm putting my money on early hours tomorrow morning!!
Yay for plug loss.

Come on Henry!! Don't keep mummy waiting too much longer! Xx
7pm - lost more of my bloody show. Was on monitor at 4pm for an hour, Henry played up for a bit, so the consultant drew a line on his tracing then he played ball. He obviously wanted to start the race again! Lol! Getting cramping and contractions again, been regularly irregular all afternoon. Gonna make sure I have an early night tonight and get plenty of sleep. DH had a camp bed to sleep on cos he doesn't wanna go home and leave me! Henry is in this for the long haul, even though mummy and daddy wanted a short haul journey. Little pickle <3
typical stubborn boy!! Come on Henry theres a girl gonna bet ya. xxxxxx
Boys are little pickles. I was in full labour for 3 days with my son. He was such a stubborn wee rascal!! Hope it speeds up for you soon!!! Xxxxx
Get a wriggle on Henry. Hope when labour actually kicks off its a nice quick + easy one considering Henry has given you a long wait. Hope you and hubby are well and make sure you get your rest later. Xxx
Thinking of you Hun. Hope things develop soon for you. Come on Henry, your mum wants to meet you!xx
Sorry it is taking so long! Hoping things move quicker soon and that everything will go relatively smoothly for you!
Come on Henry, we're getting impatient here!! Xxx

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