my head is goin to explode someone please help =[


Sep 3, 2010
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ok so here is what happened.

28th of july i started my period it ended on the 1st of august. so my next period was due on the 25th of august. I am never late i am always ether spot on or a day or 2 early. i think ive been late by about 2 days once and i was stressed so i think thats what delayed it. period hasnt come. its now the 3rd of september so i am now 8 or 9 days late but i took a test on the 1st and it came back negative :wall2: I am not at all stressed so that cant be the soloution this time. I feel really sick all the time and ive had a constant headache for around 5 days now.

So i wondered am i testing to early? am i poorly? or has my period just vanished? i need to no if im pregnant or not as i smoke and need to stop now if i am.

Has this happened to anyone or has anyone got any suggestions?

thanks =]
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I would take another test at the weekend and maybe cut down on the number of fags you have a day just in case, get yourself a pregnancy test that is quite sensative and test with your first wee of the day.

Good luck hun, let us know how you get on x
what test is the most sensative? coz the one i used was boots own brand.
Try the test again with your first wee of the morning, it's stronger. Also try with using clear blue digi or first response. You sound like you've got symptoms. If it's not that perhaps you've got a bug and should visit docs xx
i also forgot to mention that my discharge amount has increased drastically!!!
Sounds like youve got a lots of preg symptoms. Test again First Response early response (I think) are supposed to be good. Lots of the girls on here swear by clear blue digis too.
When should i do it ? me and my partner really want a baby and everytime i see only 1 line i get really upset and i just dont want to see it and then giv up when it is actually happeneing =[
See if you can hold off till Sunday morning the longer you can leave it the more chance of you getting an accurate result.

I know it sucks getting one line all the time but just try and stay hopeful day there will be two lines x
i will wait until sunday morning and keep you all updated. what if it comes back negative again ? what does that mean ? has my period just vanished? or is it a false negative or am i poorly or am i just a freak lol ? :D
I definitely agree test with first wee on Sunday and come back to us. If it doesn't produce your bfp then book an appointment at the docs on Monday morning so that they can check it out! I'm sure you are not a freak though LOL! x
Ok ladies I took a test yesterday afternoon at about 4 o'clock with a clear blue digital and yet another BFN :( but I was reading the little leaflet that comes with it and it says if it's negative and your still suspecting pregnancy then wait 3 days an try again if still no period but still a negative result see your doctor. So I'm going to take another on Wednesday using FMU an see if I get anything. I really need to no it's driving me crazy. I can't seem to stop feeling sick and yesterday I actually was sick. But I haven't had any spotting and I've read about when you are pregnant you have a little brown spotting called implantation bleeding and I haven't had it :( do you think I'm just poorly and that's why my period hasn't come yet. I'm just soooooo upset I wanted a BFP :( I will let you all know on Wednesday :)
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Oh no, sorry to hear that...

Try again with FMU, especially with the CBD, as you need to use FMU to get the no of weeks.
Good luck for wednesday and let us know how you get on - fx for you xxxx
Fingers crossed for wednesday :)x
Keeping my fingers crossed for wednesday

Lots of baby :dust: for you
Oh no hun, make an appointment to talk it through with your doctor!

But I don't want for them to do a blood yet and that come back negative :( it's heart breaking :'(
So I went to the doctors yesterday and they have done a test but I don't find out until Monday. It's not a blood test it's a normal test lol but he also said to me that it sometimes happens were u can miss your period all together and then do a test and it come back negative but it turns out u got pregnant later than u thought so the month after if you miss it again u might only be 2 weeks pregnant I'd that makes sense :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway but I no it's just going to come back a BFN! AGAIN :(
Fingers crossed for you hun x x

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