Help guys! PLEASE


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
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Hiyaaaa girls am back AGAIN!

Altho since mc in december ive not tried BUT this is the story
i mc'd december 9th since then ive had 2 periods 30-33days

my last period was 20th feb lasted for 5-6 days on the 2/3rd of march i bd'd with the oh & exactly 7 days after i woke up to brownish blood then pinkish this has been on an off for 2 days now an today it seems too of stopped BUT i dont know how i can have a period then ov n implantation bleeding all in a matter of 2weeks is this even possible? am confused can i get implantation bleeding 2 weeks after my last period? am so confused! all i remember from concieving in december was i had the implantation bleeding atm if i am pregnant am 3weeks & 3days so they say but i wasnt tracking ovulation or anything i was going with the flow but ive worked out when my last period was an when i bd'd n the day i bd'd exactly a week after i started to spot ( IVE NEVER GOT OV BLEEDING AT ALL ) only time ive had this kinda of spottin/light bleed is when i got pregnant in december

am i in with a chance or should i just mark it off as something else? xx
i did one the other day when i saw the bleed due to the mc's am sooo paranoid! ive got one ultra sensitive left i was gunna do it in the morning! but i dont wanna get my hopes up :(

ive looked everywhere for answers n i get more bloody questions its annoying

my cervix was slightly open yesterday with the blood but ive checked today n its shot up n closed now! xx
Oooh sounds very confusing! good luck with the test in the morning though, let us know how you get on :)
i shall do am pretty good with not testing an i dont think personally ill even remember to do it lol! but thank you an ill update when i know more gosh female body! arghh! x
Hi.....ooooohhh maybe this is implantation bleeding but think its too early to test. Most get faint lines DPO10, 11 or 12 I personally would wait a few more days....Monday? Oh I really hope this is it for you chick xx
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yeah i was thinking its abit too early arghh am so lost! lol thank you tho well ive used the last one knowing that it wouldnt come up but then i have to go out of my way to order some more ;) so by the time the come its will be tuesday or wednesday! if iam THIS NEEDS TO STICK THIS TIME!!! X
Already talked to you on Facebook but want to wish you all the best of luck for this month and a very sticky little bean! xxx

thank you shauna :)

& erm ive got cm in with the pinkish/red bit of blood n like tiny tiny bits of old blood like speckles! hmmmm xx

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