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My birth story- warning its a long one


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
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Tuesday 12/6/12
14:00 we went to see Sharon the midwife for routine check up and sweep. I was so fed up now and really wanted to meet my baby. I was really hoping that this sweep would start me off somehow. She managed to stretch me to 2cm which was brilliant. She said she could feel the head and waters. It was very painful and Phil said it wasn't pleasant for him to watch.
Right away I started to feel a few pains. Uncomfortable niggles I'd call them.
We had to do a tesco big shop as we had no food at home but I just didn't feel right so we went home.
Mum was due to arrive about 15;30 to come and stay so we then went back out to collect her from the station. Once home I still didn't feel great so decided to sit on the gym ball as it was much more comfortable than any other seat. (I actually did an online shop sat on the ball to arrive the following morning as we really needed food in the house) The pains had turned into a bit of tummy ache.
17:30 i went to the bathroom and had what looked like a show. Clear jelly like liquid. It looked like snot!! Oh this rely could be it!! my baby could be on the way!!
I had 2 paracetomol and decided to have a bath in the oils the hospital gave me to try and see if I could speed things up a bit. The oils had Clary sage, jasmin and lavender in them. But Getting in and out of the bath was quite difficult. Once in the water I had no pains of any kind. I lay on my left side and read a book (50 shades of grey) in the bath for quite a while.
20:00 decided to go to bed as i thought if anything did start I'd like some sleep first!
Midnight- pains woke me up. Started to monitor them on an app on my phone. I left phil to sleep as thought i'd rather him be awake for the important bit of pushing!! The pains were Lasting 40-50 seconds every 4-5mins and i really couldnt get comfortable. I tried rocking on my hands and knees, tried standing and rocking, tried to sleep with knees on floor head on the bed but nothing was working.
Wednesday 13/06/2012
In the end I woke Phil up at 3am and told him not to go into work as i thought this was it and obviously wanted him there. Pains continued. But no regular pattern. Some would come every 15 mins, some every 45 mins? Had about 2 hours sleep throughout the night.
By 8am I decided to get up and have some breakfast. Pains now starting to dye off. Had 1 every 20-40 mins. I was starting to think its all a false alarm and was gutted.
Didn't want to go out as couldn't really walk and just incase something was to happen i wanted to be at home. Went back to bed about 1030 as that was only place I was now comfortable and lay on my right side. I knew the midwife would say to get up and get gravity to help but I'm just so tired I want to lie down.
Phil had his hair cut and tieded up the house and the online shop arrived! Whoop we have food!
I Called the labour ward to ask for advice on pains etc to which they said stay at home and relax as much as possible?? Relax!?
By wed afternoon I had no pains. I'm just uncomfortable. Phil said he may go back into work on the Thursday if nothing else happened as he knew mum was with me and he didn't want to waste more time off.
17:00 pains started to come back so decided to lean over the ball and rock my bum from side to side. I also got out the TENS machine to see if that helped. It was a very odd feeling and did help. Gave me something to focus on during the peak of a pain.
Mum made tea of Hunters chicken, green beans and new potatoes.
By 18:30 pains quite regular again.
I was eating my tea on the ball but kept handing it to Phil during each pain as I needed to breathe through them and were getting quite intense now. Called hospital as lost control of my breathing and pains were hurting.
The car journey was difficult as all the bumps in the road hurt every time we went over them! Got to the hospital to be told I was only 2 cm still. Told to go home and have a bath and sleep as could be a long night.
Came home and bounced on the ball and watched tv and had another bath. Breathing through the contractions that were every 5-6 mins.
Thursday 14/06/2012
Decided to try and get some sleep but by 3am the pains were so intense I needed to go to hospital to see if I had got any further. Again the car journey was painful and walking to the labour suite was hard work as had to keep stopping every minute or so to breathe through the contraction. It didn't help that the labour ward was on the first floor of the hospital! (bet it was a man that designed that!)
Got to the assessment room to be told was only 3 cm??? Is that it??? I could stay in hospital but Phil or mum couldn't stay with me as wasn't in established labour. Didn't want that so decided to go home.
Got home and went to bed again. I thought its going to take ages as it'd taken nearly 6 hours to get to 3 cm and i had another 7 to go!
Pains are getting so intense they are really hurting. In bed I could feel them every 30-40 seconds with 10-15 second break between each one. I was lay on my side clenching my bum so hard at each pain. Moving my legs up and down the bed to ease it some how. The TENS machine was on full boost but just didn't do anything.
I just had this huge urge to push but thought I shouldn't so I woke Phil and said I had to go to hospital as really couldn't take it anymore. I wanted some sort of pain relief, anything!! I really wanted the epidural or even a section as this was hurting big time, I just wanted it to be over and meet my baby.
As I sat up I felt warm wet liquid run down my leg and on the bed. I just knew it was my waters. I looked at Phil and said my waters have gone. I then got the bowel as I was then sick and then I trumped!! I did not sign up for all this to happen in the space of 2 minutes!! I was mortified! I'd never trumped in front of Phil! (been together for 5 years)
I got up to go to the bathroom to check what had actually happened to find blood and water in my Knicks and pjs.
We called the hospital and they said to come in. The whole time I had this massive urge to push as I could feel her head in my bottom. I tried with all my mite by squeezing my bum with every contraction that were still coming thick and fast. In the car I was pushing down with my feet to stop myself from pushing. I was contracting now constantly. We got out of the car and walked again to the labour ward Stopping every few steps to breathe through them. I couldn't manage the stairs so got the lift to the labour ward.
In the assessment room I was rocking against the bed. Stood up clenching my bum, rocking forwards and backwards. Trying to breathe through it all knowing full well I've got to try and get on the bed to be assessed but not sure how I'll do it with these pains coming so fast. As the midwife was filling in details in my file I felt this, what can only be described as a bubble bursting and a huge gush of hot warm clear water run down my legs and flood the floor!
Phil almost got covers in it. My back waters had gone and was gushing out with each pain, I was still rocking and in even more pain that I didn't think was possible.
I somehow managed to climb onto the bed so the midwife could check how far I was. I was praying for over 6cm so I could stay in and have some sort of pain relief. When she said 10 cm I could of kissed her!!
This is it now! I've got the hardest bit done I now need to get her out!
I was so excited but so scared. I asked if the pool was free and if I could use it.
It was free but would take half hour to fill it. Phil helped me into a wheelchair, still dripping with water at every contraction then wheeled me to the pool room.
The midwife gave me some gas and air as I was really loosing control of my breathing.
Oh my that stuff was amazing!! I still wanted to push but as I hadnt been told to I held on with everything I had. The gas and air made me feel drunk instantly. I felt as high as a kite. I couldn't focus as my eyes wouldn't open. I kept missing my mouth with the tube as I had no co ordination at all. I loved it!! The pains had somehow got less painful but I think that's because of the gas and air.
Finally after what felt like a life time the pool was ready. Phil wheeled me to the pool and helped me in. It was so hot and felt amazing. Instantly relaxed me and took the pain and pressure away. I was trying to find a way of sitting down but the babies head was so low nothing I did made it comfortable so I knelt on my knees in the end. After more gas and air I said to the midwives I wanted to push. They told me to go ahead and do what I felt was right. I knew this was going to hurt and was kind of scared to push. I moved the g&a away and held onto the side of the pool. I pushed down into my bum but the pushes were not big ones. I could feel her there. I could feel the burning of her head being pushed out. I knew that I just had to push down hard to get her out. I knew It was going to hurt but with the next contraction I thought do it! Push hard, push down and I did! 3 huge big pushes and I could feel her fly out of me.
She came out in one huge go and went behind me. The midwife then grabbed her out of the water and lifted her up. I turned around, lifted my leg over her and help my baby for the first time. She was perfect. This purple pink princess was finally here and she didn't even cry. She looked up at me and was perfect. Phil was leaning over my left shoulder and put his hand out to hold her,she grabbed his finger and held onto it the whole time we sat in the water.
All that pain was worth this very moment. The most perfect angel had arrived.
Phil cut her cord and we was separated. I was no longer her lifeline. WE was her lifeline. She depended on us both and I couldnt wait!
I had to get out of the water to deliver the placenta so Phil then held the baby whilst I got out.
I got onto the bed and delivered the placenta after a few tugs and pushes.
I was then handed the baby again. We had decided on two names. Phil said he wanted to call her Summer as it suited her better than the other name. So she was named! 2 hours after she had arrived she was now named!
Then came the time that I needed stitching up! As Summer had come out of me so fast and all in one I had torn and needed alot of stiches. After being examined i was told I had a 2nd degree tear and took 35 minutes of very painful stitching. I was back on the gas and air but It really wasn't helping. The midwife had numbed the area but I could still feel it. I was crying and holding onto phils hand harder than I was when giving birth to her. I was saying hurry up to the midwife as it was stinging and I just wanted to hold my baby that was crying as she could hear me crying. Mum was trying to sooth her during all of this but Summer just wanted me.
Eventually I was done and I could finally try and feed Summer.
But as I had had so much of the g&a my arms had gone numb so I couldn't hold her. Mum held her next to me so I could at least see her and talk to her to calm her down.
After a few minutes she was calm and so was I.
This was the start of out life as a family of 3! Phil Summer and I! X
Aw a lovely story, congratulations to u both!! You did so well with your few days of labouring at home, well done :)
Aw wow babybo, I'm crying reading ur story! Makes me feel so impatient to meet my lil man. U did amazingly on just gas and air after already reaching 10cm! Xxx
He'll be here in no time sweetie. I can't believe Summer is two weeks already!! X
Lovely story, most shocking part,,,,,,,,,,, you've never trumped in front of your fella hahaha
I got all emotional reading this, brilliant labour congratulations and a massive we done!!! Xx
Ps I hope summer is all settled in x
Oh wow I just read your story and burst into tears! Congratulations on your little girl, and hope you're settling into family life perfectly :) x

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