Birth story of Rhea Grace


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Well as many of you know I went in for induction on fri 28th. Was thought to b 3-4 cm dilated on internal exam so mw felt that pessary wasn't nessary and i could be started by breaking my waters. Had to wait till 7am on 29th to go down to labour ward for this.

when i was examined down there they found that although it did feel like I was 3-4 cm dilated if they pushed in bit further i was only 1cm !!!! (apartently common in women who have had other babies !!) Mw was lovely though and worked hard at stretching me so she could break my waters which she did.
Was then left for 3 hrs to see if things got going on there own which they didnt really so went on the drip at 10.30.
Drip seemed to kick things off quite quickly was coping with tighenings well without anything mw kept going in and out as all hell had boke loose on ward !!
Needed to use gas and air to cope with pains from bout 2pm at this point had a support worker in with my constantly mw said she would examine me at 2.30. was really sure that I was about 6cm dilated.

Was examined and needed gas while she did it knew for me that wasnt a good sign and was told I was 2cm dilated !!!:cry:burst into tears !! normal I labour quick was expecting to b in established labour and wasnt!!
Pains were getting intense and oh had gone to update people leaving me with my mum. bout 3pm asked for pethadine (this is normally my signed that im close to delivery as have asked for it with other 2 and delivered within 15mins of being given it!!)
Had pethadine bout 3.15. starting to think to myself that I might need to think bout an epiduarl as im tired contractions are close together and very intense. Kept thinking just given the pethadine 10 more mins. At 3.40 feel pressure mw has popped out the room and so has support worker. say to my mum that i think i can feel pressure but how can that b !! another contraction yes definatly pressure. oh went to tell mw who came straight in had a quick look and didnt seem convinced. Next contraction i said i want to push mw said ok give it a little push then right lets give it a good push !! Delivered Rhea's head then one more push and she was out !! pushed for 3 mins !! cord was round her neck and and her heartrate had been dropping a bit while i was having the pressure which i didnt know but mum and oh did !!
Rhea was delivered up onto me and soon pinked up oh and mum in tears as we had got our little princess and I was just in shock and pethadine stupor i think !!! this was 3.53 !:cloud9:
Decided it would b easier to stay in over night as labour ward had had every emergency going that day so paperwork was late being done plus with 6 hr time wouldnt get home till near enough midnight.

Sorry its a bit long winded but know alot of u ladies have posted bout what to expect with a induction so want to give u as much info as possible.

Thanks again for all your messages and support and cant wait to catch up on all your stories. And thanks again to Jayceemumma for being my bump buddy and keeping u all updated xxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Thanks for sharing your story, good to hear u knew your bodies signs and listened to them. Amazing how quick it went from hardly dilated to baby coming out. Congrats again xxx
Congratulations! That was quick, once your body decided baby was comming there was no hanging about!
Thanks girls I have laboured quick with all of them once its started properly !! It was my first induction by drip so wasnt hundred percent on what to expect !!! she is more than worth it !!! xxx

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