My induction story


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Just thought I'd share my induction story as I was really really nervous before and it wasn't half as bad as I expected it to be. It'll also help me remember it all as it happened so fast.

I was booked in at 2 pm on 30th September and a pill was inserted inside me to help start contractions. Within a few hours I was experiencing mild period pains and was 2cm dilated. At 10 pm a second pill was inserted, within a couple of hour the contractions got quicker and more intense. I went for a bath which took the edge off but my the time I got out the contractions were really painful. I was giving a diamorphine injection which made me feel a bit dizzy but didn't really do much. I was then examined again and was now 5cm dilated. This is where it gets a bit hazy... I remember walking down to the labour ward with a midwife and having to stop everytime a contraction came, which was about every minute. They were really strong at this point so I phoned my oh to come in. I had a really strong need to pee then my waters broke just outside the door to the delivery room. I was then given gas and air and had the strongest urge to push. Midwife checked me and said she could see the head, 2 or 3 pushes later and she was out! My oh arrived 5 mins later which I was secretly glad about as I was all cleaned up by that point and he didn't see me puffing and panting! He was completly gobsmacked when he walked in to the room and seen me holding a baby! It was quite emotional! She weighed 8.9lbs and we called her Amber. I only had a small graze and didn't need any stitches. Amber is just perfect, we love her so much already!

Obviously I can't compare it to any other birth as she was my first but I really didn't find it too traumatic and was so happy it happened quickly Xx
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Congratulations! Good to hear a positive induction birth story! Bet you and OH were well shocked at how quick the last bit was!
Great birth story hun, glad it went well for you and congrats again!! x
So glad you had such a great birth experience!! congrats again on your baby girl :)

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