My 9 month old won't breastfeed - UPDATE!

Hi mum2b410, I know 9 months already - that has just flown by! I remember very well us being overdue and willing things to happen. Hope Ethans doing well? Its very worrying Jacks not getting any fluids in this warm weather, its really starting to stress me out.

Will update you all if I find anything helps, thanks for all your suggestions x
Are you on Facebook? Search for dispelling breastfeeding myths they have been invaluable to me they post members questions and real bfing mums answer they generally have a wealth of advice

I was just gonna suggest there. lol
Well as expected the dr was useless! But she said hes not showing any signs of dehydration so I guess thats good!

Going to try the fb group! If this is the end of breastfeeding I will be very upset :-(
Hang on in there and get down to the group of Friday if you can. Will he drink EBM out of a cup?

He refused the breastmilk out of the cup but took a bit of the water from another cup....strange!!
Owen went on a nursing strike for 3 days around this age after a couple of biting incidents when my involuntary shriek scared him. I was at my wits end but after a couple of days he would latch in again, give me a little nip then pull off and look at me to see my reaction. I made sure I smiled and reassured him and then the next night i fed him while he was really sleepy and he was fine from then on.
Hang in there, hopefully he will be a boob monster again in no time x
Owen went on a nursing strike for 3 days around this age after a couple of biting incidents when my involuntary shriek scared him. I was at my wits end but after a couple of days he would latch in again, give me a little nip then pull off and look at me to see my reaction. I made sure I smiled and reassured him and then the next night i fed him while he was really sleepy and he was fine from then on.
Hang in there, hopefully he will be a boob monster again in no time x

Thanks this is reassuring although after so many attempts now and several days I'm really worried he will never breastfeed again :-(
Stressing out wont help. Apparently looking at pics of him should help!

Tylers had the EBM Lollys and sucked it. At least that way you'd know he's getting some milk

I barely got an oz in about half an hour and it started to hurt so I will try again in the morning...Hoping a miracle happens and Jack just decides to breastfeed again first thing. Its really funny that babies notice a change in the breast milk when your periods start cycles are completely back to normal and I finished my period a few days ago..I wonder whether that has made any difference.

When I can actually express more milk I shall try making lollys - thats a great idea and might help with the teething :)
Sorry things r still no better and gp was crap! At least u know he isn't dehydrated!..... Mayb try giving him lots of juicy fruit to keep water content up if he won't drink- Ethan loves refrigerated tinned fruit. helps when gums r sore too! Fx he's back guzzling tomorrow. Xxx
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Still having no luck today - I don't think hes ever going to breastfeed again...I've been trying everything :-(
I wonder maybe taking it back to skin to skin cuddles without actually offering it to him iykwim? He might decide after a while that he'll pop for a drink between cuddles?
I know how you feel - I had to stop because cam couldn't tolerate my milk and I was devastated. cried for days :(
If its teething anbesol worked wonders for T. Is there a contact person for you local bf group? La leche league might be a good resource too x

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I have been offering all day with still no luck. Its strange because he opens his mouth sometimes as if hes going to latch on comes towards me then shuts his mouth and turns away. Ive had a good look in his mouth - the top left tooth is through and looks fine but the right one next to it looks incredibly sore - red broken skin with tooth just coming...maybe it could be this? I've got anbesol but that didn't seem to work along with calprofen...its just really weird he goes to latch and then almost remembers that he doesn't want to or something???

Theres a local breastfeeding group tomorrow morning which I am definitely going to and I have just bought a medela swing pump to try to keep my supply up in the mean time.

I've posted on the fb group, overwhelmed by the response - lovely to have such a lovely amount of ladies support. Thanks ever so much for suggesting that - I am trying everything :)

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