Breastfeeding after a C-section


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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I have to have a c-section , have no choice, but Im now worried whether I will be able to breastfeed. My MW said to me milk can be delayed coming in after a c-section as your body hasn't had the kickstart to hormones that bring the milk in from natural labour, she said it can be delayed by a few days.

I dunno if I even have any milk yet as have no leaky boobs or anything, so now im worried I won't be able to breastfeed after birth. If it takes 3 days for milk to come in Im going to have to give forumla (or hospital will make me) baby can't starve for a few days waiting for me. But will she then breastfeed if i have given formula for a few days?

Anyone have any advice please?
I bf after my section-the only problem I had was that he wanted to feed continuosly-this helps stimulate ur supply but was a bit of a pain-just make sure u ask for help and assistance-the mw's/nurses should help u in the early days xxx
After my c section with my first my milk tool a few days to fully come in but that's pretty usual. I used an electric breast pump in hospital to see if I had any milk and I did. Not very much but they don't need much at the beginning. I did end up topping her up a little in hospital as she was very hungry - the hospital were ok about it but didn't really want me to confuse her. I fed her a little formula in a little cup with a lip. Once we got home my milk supply was much better and she didn't need topping up then. I decided to stop after 3/4 weeks though. It took about 4-6 weeks for my milk to dry up, I seemed to keep my supply for a while.

When I had my second child also another section I had a great milk supply straight away and he was born at 30 weeks. I had to use a pump this time as he was in NICU.

Both pregnancies I had no leakage beforehand either. You may be surprised once you start feeding!
I had a section, and breastfed successfully an hour after birth. If I remember correctly I was injected with something immediately after Isla was born, It was some sort of hormone that would be naturally released if I'd delivered normally. I believe that helps your body realise you've had a baby.

Get some help sitting correctly. I got my latch all wrong as I was too far laid back on the bed. My milk came in on the Saturday, I had Isla on the Wednesday.

Try not to worry
Emma x
A lot of women worry that baby will 'starve' until the milk comes in and wrongly give baby formula (usually too much) c-section or not. It happens a lot because people don't realise just how small a baby's tummy is in those first few days and weeks. The colostrum in the first few days is plenty for baby, they don't need to be supplemented.

Hope this will put your mind at rest:


These are tummy marbles and show just how small the baby's tummy is.

In the case of a c section and no colostrum or milk coming in, i can see the worry. Have you got an electric breastpump? If so, which one? In my breastfeeding course last week we learnt that some women who have never had children can still stimulate a milk supply. One of the mums there said she used an electric pump to stimulate supply in the weeks leading up to the c-section. I'll see if I can get some research on this for you tomorrow. X
Try not to worry about it. I had section and have never had any real problems with bf. Still doing it at 7 1/2 months! Baby was sleepy on first day but mw's kept encouraging me to put him to the breast even if ge didn't appear to feed. I was also shown how to hand express the colostrum. First time I did this I only managed to get 0.1ml and the mw told me that was fine!

Oh and I never had any leaking or anything beforehand. Good luck x
Thanks :D

I have only bought a Tommee Tippee manual pump, didn't get the electric (didn't have that extra money with what else I had to buy) So thought Id get the manual incase. If you think it worth getting an electric one I will.
From experience the electric ones are the best, I had a bad experience with one when I had my daughter and it put me off but I was inexperienced then and just went with what I was told/given. When I tried again with my son I found the electric pump I used at the hospital absolutely brilliant. I soon realised that the speed that the pump was set at was very important for comfort. I didn't really rate the manual hand pumps. Sorry I don't know what make it was but I would ask your midwife.

You could wait and try one in hospital and if you take too it then you could invest in one. You can actually get some cheap second hand one on eBay xx
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Honestly do not buy anything other than Medela. It's the only one that mimics the baby's natural sucking rhythms and is brilliant. The mini electric is ok but only intended to use a couple of times a week. A Medela swing is a brilliant investment. Think mothercare has £20 off at the moment (a friend has just bought one).

Also worth asking your local breastfeeding team if they hire them out. Xxx
Really dont worry hun i had full boobs less than 24 hours after my section and have bf exclusivly the whole time. I have the Medela Harmony breast pump and will probably invest in the medela swing soon as i need to start building up a supply as i dont want lo to ever have the need for formula. I fed on my side for a few days after birth lying down ask for help in positioning etc as its slightly harder lying down i now feed at night doing this and am able to doze whilst she's feeding :) xx
I def recommend getting a breastfeeding pillow esp for the first few weeks whilst your healing. I made do without an just used ordinary pillows but it was sometimes difficult to get it quite right. I am def gonna invest in one when the time comes. I think you can even get inflatable ones now that don't take up much room when not using it. X
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i had a c-section in Italy, and i was worried about starving my lo as i didnt have my milk for about 2 days. he actually lost weight during the 5days i was in hospital but the nurses were great and assured me that babies arent even properly "hungry" when theyre born and still have some fat reserves that they use up or something ( was a bit confusing) i put my lo to my breast everytime he was brought to me and he just sucked (even tho i didnt have the proper milk lol) and then one day i woke up and couldnt even put my arms to the side as my boobs were soooo huge!! heheh
Ty you all, you have nade ne feel so much better, bought a breast feeding pillow today, so hopefully this time next week I will be breastfeeding!

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